英语人>词典>汉英 : 国学 的英文翻译,例句
国学 的英文翻译、例句


studies of Chinese ancient civilization
更多网络例句与国学相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It was not in America that I studied English, it was in England .


Qian Wenzhong thinks, promote a country to learn not to have state of mind of great leap forward, it do not think estrade of a hunderd schools tells a few classes is OK to do not think estrade of a hunderd schools tells a few classes, hair of a book is heated up 10 thousand times how many, restore a country to learn, not be generation the problem of two acting people, figure the advance gradually process of hundred years however.


Hushi's atheism and humanism are deeply affected by traditional Chinese learning while his concept of the development of society ,the concept of multiply impetus and of truth are rooted in the theory of evolution and Duwei's experimentalism philosophy.


But, I personally believe that the foresaid so-called Great Guoxue cannot reflect the real situation of contemporary Chinese thinking, culture and faith. In fact, no matter what tradition a certain element belongs to, as far as it works and influence powerfully and deeply in China, it should be studied as a part of Chinese Guoxue.


Therefore, in the the disseeminatism of Confucianism, we should well handle the relationship between social effects and economic returns, philistinism and earthliness , and beware to only cater for the audience. Only in this way is it possible to promote the development of Confucianism disseminatism in a healthy and favorable direction.


The term "Guoxue" was born in contrast with "Western Study", but recently Confucianism seems to have been trying to occupy the sole representativity of Guoxue, which has raised many disagreements from different sides.


How to realize the vale conversion of the Chinese culture from traditional to modern is a key task to the reviviscence of traditional culture.


It was in America that I studied English and it was also in America that I studied Spanish.


His seven-year-old into the school, the 11-year-old also admitted to the private Tianshui Wei Primary School (now known as a primary solution), 15-year-old father requested that the Ching dynasty undertake any examination, John Linha was sharp speech writing workshop. In 1921, Feng Guorui admitted to the Southeast University in Nanjing, after graduating from Peking complex also admitted to the Postgraduate Institute of National Studies of Qinghua University, in the industry by Liang Chi-chao, the Chinese culture, such as Wang Guowei subglottic Masters, which accumulated a deep knowledge of Chinese culture.


For it breaks out a tendency that there is no theory in Chinese studies and thus becomes one of the representatives of "Chinese center orientation". Moreover, it guides the development of American Chinese studies.


更多网络解释与国学相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

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consequential damages:间接损失

"在我国学说和司法实践中,直接损失(Direct Damages)与间接损失(Consequential Damages)是最为常见的一种分类,其具体含义多被等同于实际损失与期待利益损失,然而这种划分也正受到挑战.

fiscal decentralization:财政分权

"财政分权(fiscal decentralization)"与"治理governance)"同为当代影响深远的改革运动,两者之间的内在联系已逐渐引起国际学术界的重视. 治理的概念最早于80年代末提出,自1992年世界银行发布>的年度报告后,治理问题逐渐成为各国学、社会学、制度学等学科的研究热点.

Ezra Vogel:傅高义

在会场老远看到与曾与已故美国中国学泰斗费正清(John King Fairbank)在哈佛大学同事、70年代就出名的美国"东亚通"傅高义(Ezra Vogel)教授的高大身影,但因为人多拥挤,无法前去说声"哈啰".


至于中国经典的直接传入,16世纪利玛窦用拉丁文翻译朱熹注的>以后,"中国热"随之兴起,"中国学"(Sinology)也正式登堂入室成为欧洲的显学. 到17世纪末叶已有数十种中国经典译本在欧洲流行,欧洲学者研究中国文化和哲学的著作也不断涌现,


020 图书馆学总论 Library Science | 030 国学总论 Sinology | 040 类书;百科全书 Encyclopedias

Sinology training:国学智慧系列特训营

古典文化 classical culture | 国学智慧系列特训营 Sinology training | 佛学经典与修炼 Buddhism theory and practicing

American Studies:美国学

1987年9月至1989年10月于美国访问进修"教育语言学"(Educational Linguistics)和"美国学"(American Studies). 1995年8月参加北京外国语大学外国文学研究所举办的"跨文化交际研讨班"的学习. 1989年10月至今一直任教于福建师范大学外国语学院.

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么遥远啊. 番薯最近从事玩具设计,HH准备 a far way from me ... | 出国学设计策划,FF上原画课. 我会想,就 dreams and my life in an ivory tower.Falsh got | 算自己不能走进那个世界,那么认识在那个 a job about toy...