英语人>词典>汉英 : 国内生产总值 的英文翻译,例句
国内生产总值 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

gross domestic product
更多网络例句与国内生产总值相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

However, Beijing's total GDP and GDP per capita are lower than Shanghai, Guangdong, Zhejiang and other provinces and cities along the southeast coast, forming a strong contrast.


Although the deficit will increase significantly this year, the constant drop in government deficits in previous years provides room to issue more bonds this year, and the ratio of the cumulative balance of outstanding government bonds to GDP, which is around 20%, is within the acceptable range of what our overall national strength can bear and is therefore safe.


Budgets. These will add up to a 950 billion yuan deficit, accounting for lessthan 3% of the GDP. Although the deficit will increase significantly this year,issue more bonds this year, and the ratio of the cumulative balance ofoutstanding government bonds to GDP, which is around 20%, is within thesafe.


The GDP deflator shows how much of the change in the GDP from a base year is reliant on changes in the price level.


A deflator calculated by dividing, for each year of the period, the value of GDP in current market prices by the value of GDP in constant market prices, both in national currency.


Unlike gross domestic product which is a concept of production, gross national product is a concept of income.


In 1993, we carried through the GDP accounting according to the basic principles and methods of SNA.

国内生产总值核算 GDP Accounting 1993年,按照SNA的基本原则和方法进行国内生产总值核算。

Standard granger noncausality tests are used to further study the relationship of freight volume, ton-kilometers and GDP. Furthermore, a vector ARMA model is built to analyse the dynamic relationships among them. The results show that there is...


The cost of incarcerating two million Americans – one of the highest per capita rates in the world – should be viewed as a subtraction from GDP, yet it is added on.


The purchasing managers index in the manufacturing sector in China stood at 55.2 percent in November, indicating China's economy continues to recover from the global recession, according to China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing Tuesday.


更多网络解释与国内生产总值相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

GDP Deflator:国内生产总值缩减指数

经合组织表示,按照所谓的"国内生产总值缩减指数"(GDP deflator)衡量,2004年,美国的通货膨胀率可能为2%,2005年降至1.8%,2006年为1.7%. 但是,经合组织也对美国的财政赤字表示了担忧. 2004年9月7日,美国国会预算局(CBO)在一份报告中预测指出,

GDP Deflator:国内生产总值平减指数

据世界,以国内生产总值平减指数(GDP deflator)计算,世界通货膨胀率在20世纪70年代为,9.0%,80年代和90年代持续降低到5.8%和3.7%,而2001年和2002年进一步降至2.3%和1.7%.





nominal GDP:名义国内生产总值

日本去年第三季名义国内生产总值(Nominal GDP)萎缩至471万亿日圆(即5万亿美元,约39万亿港元),是自1991年以来最低,按季萎缩0.9%,加上政府刚推出的预算案未有对症下药,令人担心日本似乎要踏入下一个失落十年.

gross domestic product:国内生产总值

国内生产总值(gross domestic product)国内生产总值是按市场价格计算的国内生产总值的简称. 国内生产总值是指一个国家或地区范围内反映所有常住单位生产活动成果的指标. 所谓常住单位,是指在一国经济领土内具有经济利益中心的经济单位.

GDP gross domestic product:国内生产总值

国内生产总值 (gdp gross domestic product)是一个领土面积内的经济情况的度量. 它被定义为所有在一个国家内一段特定时间(一般为一年)里所有生产产品和货物的总值. 它与国民生产总值(gnp)不同之处在于 gdp不将国与国之间的收入转移计算在内.

growth in gross domestic product:国内生产总值的增长

macroeconomic activity 宏观经济活动 | growth in gross domestic product 国内生产总值的增长 | inflation rate 通货膨胀率

GDP per capita:国内人均产值/(按人口平均计算的国内生产总值)

GDP Deflator 国内生产总值缩减指数 | GDP Per Capita 国内人均产值/(按人口平均计算的国内生产总值) | gearing ratio 资本与负债比率

GDP per head:人均国内生产总值

GDP 国内生产总值 | GDP per head 人均国内生产总值 | developing economy 发展中国家