英语人>词典>汉英 : 因特网 的英文翻译,例句
因特网 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
Internet  ·  internet

更多网络例句与因特网相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

All of this comes against the backdrop of a troubling Congressional antiterrorism bill that also focuses on the Internet.


That idea is the subject of The Future of the Internet and How to Stop It, a new book by Jonathan Zittrain, co-founder of Harvard University's Berkman Center for Internet and Society.


Zittrain is professor of Internet Governance and Regulation at Oxford University, and co-founder of the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard Law School.


Mobile communications and the integration of e-commerce -- Mobile E-commerce This paper describes the benefits of mobile e-commerce, with the rapid development of the Internet, Internet-based online shopping or as electronic commerce is gradually becoming a major commercial operation.


Although journalists and pundits talk glibly about "Internet" time—suggesting a fastpaced, nearly instant, worldwide global change mechanism, in fact, it has taken forty years of hard work to arrive at today's Internet.


With directly connection , your computer will be a full fledged Internet host , with its own electronic address .


The early Internet speed is slow, also has many people to think that the Internet is only one kind of froth, is only the ghost which "the busybody" flatters, but because after afterward a series of technical breakthrough, when truly the Internet changed the real world, these skeptics and the pussyfooter only then regretted, but these walked in the predestined affinity person already got rich by foul means using the Internet, a some even night of sudden wealth.


The Internet switching service method for providing an Internet switching service to a subscriber connected to the Internet (214) to make an Internet telephone call by using an ID of a receiver are achieved by inputting the ID of a receiver who the subscriber wishes to communicate with, searching a data base (202) where a plurality of IDs and communications address data of the IDs are previously stored, for communications address data corresponding to the IDs, sending the searched communications address data to the subscriber, and the subscriber performing a telephone call, a fascimile transmission or sending a post by using the searched communications address data.


"The notion that the world's knowledge is literally at your fingertips is very compelling and is very beguiling," said Vint Cerf, who co-created the underlying architecture of the Internet and who is widely consider one of its "fathers."

"世界的知识唾手可得的概念太,"Vint Cerf,参于了建造因特网底层,被公认是因特网之父之一的Vint Cerf说,激动人心的是因特网吸引大量的信息使别人可以分享,即使他们不知道它存在或者不知道你是谁。

To some degree, the explosion of creativity that followed the debut of the Web in 1993 was made possible by deliberate design decisions on the part of the Internet's architects―the end-to-end principle, built into the TCP/IP protocols that make the Internet possible, which deliberately decentralizes the power to innovate, to build something new and even more powerful on what already exists.


更多网络解释与因特网相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

IDS InternetDirectoryServer:因特网名录服务器

IDSL InternetDigitalSubscriberLine 因特网数字用户线路 | IDS InternetDirectoryServer 因特网名录服务器 | InternetDraft 因特网(协议)草案

Internet Address:因特网地址, 互联网地址

国际航运协会 International Chamber of Shipping | 因特网地址, 互联网地址 Internet address | 因特网设备, 因特网工具 Internet appliance

Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF):因特网工程任务编组

因特网工程指导组 Internet engineering steering group | 因特网工程任务编组 internet engineering task force,IETF | 因特网交换架构 Internet exchange architecture

Internet server API:因特网服务器应用程序接口

因特网保全系统 Internet security system | 因特网服务器应用程序接口 Internet server API | 因特网服务器应用程序接口 Internet server application program interface

Internet Society ISOC:因特网协会

因特网协会 Internet society,ISOC | 因特网标准 Internet standard | 因特网标准文件 Internet standards document

ISP Internetserviceprovider:因特网服务机构,因特网服务商,因特网服务提供商,网路服务提供商(台湾用语)

16 ISPA InformationSystemProcessArchitecture 信息系统进程... | 17 ISP InternetServiceProvider 因特网服务机构,因特网服务商,因特网服务提供商,网路服务提供商(台湾用语) | 18 ISP InterimSystemProcedures 临时系...

news feed:新闻接收, (因特网用语) 新闻的流动, 新闻组在因特网上不停更新的提供

news conference 记者招待会 | news feed 新闻接收, (因特网用语) 新闻的流动, 新闻组在因特网上不停更新的提供 | news flash 简讯

PICS PlatformforInternetContentStandard:因特网内容规范平台

PICT PlatformforInternetContentSelection 用于因特网内容选择的平台 | PICS PlatformforInternetContentStandard 因特网内容规范平台 | PICS PlatformforInternetContextSelection 因特网上下文选择平台

internet telephony:因特网电话

IP电话(IP Telephony)、因特网电话(Internet telephony)和VoIP(Voice over IP)都是量(QoS)的协议有望改善这种状况. 在因特网上的IP电话又叫做因特网电话(Internet t在样本块中插入样本块头信息,然后封装到用户数据包协议(UDP)套接接口(socket int. IP信号传输协议(IP signalling protocol)用来创建网络上客户的软件和硬件之

ISAR InternetServerApplicationProgrammingInterface:因特网服务器应用编程接口(微软开发)

ISS InternetSecuritySystems 因特网安全系统公司(美国,出品网络安全设备) | ISAR InternetServerApplicationProgrammingInterface 因特网服务器应用编程接口(微软开发) | ISG InternetServiceGroup 因特网业务组