英语人>词典>汉英 : 回春的 的英文翻译,例句
回春的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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He made his best films in his seventies; it was for him a real Indian summer.


This Rejuvenator is developed on the basis of physics, electro chemistry, dialysis, iontophoresis and relevant theories.


When using Swiftmend it is important to note that if one of the tanks is spiked while the Druid is reapplying Lifeblooms, the Druid should then Swiftmend as the third spell, and reapply Rejuvenation with the fourth spell. Likewise if a raid member falls near death during Lifebloom reapplication, the third and fourth spell can be used to place a Rejuvenation on them followed immediately by a Swiftmend.


Paperwork, but reincarnate, man that will get you life.


Sheenzi is a leading professional manufacturing factory of 2nd Generation Intelligent Skin Rejuvenator, we have the latest models in the world, and they have the ISO9001:2000 Certificate.


That night I started thinking about my retro relationship.


Bulbs,corms and tubers Once established, bulbs give a succession of colour from bright spring to gloomy winter for most gardeners, the joy of returning spring is heralded by the appearance of early flowering bulbs in all their amazing variety, Gentle nodding snowdrop,sun-catching crocuses, golden daffodils and stately tulips take us from January to May in a seasonal succession of extraordinary beauty.

Bulbs,corms and tubers 鳞茎,球茎和块茎鳞茎类植物一旦扎根,其色彩将呈现出从明媚的春天到阴暗的冬季的演替变幻。对于大多数园艺师来说,回春的乐趣在于被先开花卉的鳞茎其令人惊异的品种的出现所预示。从一月到五月,在这一轮季节的演替中,缓缓低垂的雪花莲,追逐着太阳的番红花,金色的黄水仙和高贵的郁金香给我们带来了非比寻常的美。

In addition, the combat log tooltip for this Rejuvenation effect no longer spuriously claims it requires Tree of Life Form.


The sun reveals ponderation for the snow land, drop by drop the melt-ing water joins the rhythm of the return of spring, flows into prolonged af-fection and plays exciting symphonic music with the earth.


When using Swiftmend it is important to note that if one of thetanks is spiked while the Druid is reapplying Lifeblooms, the Druidshould then Swiftmend as the third spell, and reapply Rejuvenationwith the fourth spell. Likewise if a raid member falls near deathduring Lifebloom reapplication, the third and fourth spell can beused to place a Rejuvenation on them followed immediately by aSwiftmend.


更多网络解释与回春的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Furry Vengeance:动物复仇记

>(Furry Vengeance)惨淡开局,位列票房榜第五位. 作为暑期档开幕前最后的黑暗,两部新片的加盟还是让大盘出现了回春的迹象,自上周创下年度票房最低谷后,本周TOP12总额达到9119万美元,在连续数周下跌后小幅上扬. 相比之下,

Indian giver:送东西给他人又希望还礼的人

**Indian file 一路纵队 | **Indian giver 送东西给他人又希望还礼的人 | Indian summer 小阳春;(老年的)回春期


ouch),回春术(Rejuvenation),愈合(Regrowth)和宁静(Tranquility )的效果增加5%强化回春术:回春术(Rejuvenation)的效果增加15%强化圣光:圣光(Holy Light)的效果增加12%强化闪光:闪光(Flash of Light)的法力消耗减少12%强化治疗波:治疗波(Healing Wave)的施放时间减少0.5秒黄昏:增加治疗之泉图腾(Healing Stream Totem)持续时


想要重建头发,传统上有三大类的方式: 重新分配(redistributi on);回春 (rejuvenation) 以及再生(regeneration). 重新分配 也就是就是植发手术,医师藉由巧妙的手段把可用的毛囊散布在秃发的区域 回春 藉用局部(如minoxidil(Regaine))或口服的药物(如Prop...


rejuvenesce 恢复精神 | rejuvenescence 回春 | rejuvenescent 返老还童的

economic resurgence:经济回春

follow one after another 接踵而至 | economic resurgence 经济回春 | substantial progress 显著的进步


rejuvenescent 使返老还童的 | rejuvenescent 返老还童的 | rejuvenescent 回春的


rejuvenescent 返老还童的 | rejuvenescent 回春的 | rejuvenize 使恢复活力


rejuvenescence 返老还童/回春/更新 | rejuvenescent 返老还童的/使返老还童的/回春的 | rubescence 变红


rejuvenate回春 复初 | rejuvenated更生的 | rejuvenatedfaultscarp更生断层崖 复活断层崖 回春断层崖