英语人>词典>汉英 : 回忆往事的 的英文翻译,例句
回忆往事的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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When remenber my old golden time,I don\\\'t regret And abashment because of ordinary man ;when in my dead time,I can say :I will go lightly ,just like me come lightly,I wave my arm And don\\\'t carry a piece of cloudscape.


At the same time a breath of real sorrow for the days that had gone swept over him.


He shook his head slightly to brush away the memories.


Remembers stuff in a disordered fashion and has found a book with names and address of soldiers he worked with.


He heard that the Rostovs were in Kostroma, and the thought of Natasha rarely came to his mind, and when it did occur to him it was as a pleasant memory of time long past.


This book is she is recollected to the segment of the past.


No longer by reminiscence, as I do with others, but alive.


Then, on March 13 " Sichuan daily " front page published the report about this colloquium, reflected the radical point of view that I make a speech, still be in " study " only edition the article that published the view such as I and Zhou Zhenhua to make socialist market economy. On July 4, 2008," daily of the first finance and economics " senior correspondent Tian Yi will interview me, this newspaper was published for this on July 16 " Yuan Wenping recollects the academia " socialist market economy " notional bud -- let law of value change " cotton stands sentry, red Chinese trumpet creeper sleeps " soil " and " the thought start of a race that economic system reforms is nodded " two articles, bring up again this one past, evoke my memory to these 30 years of pasts, deep feeling fine is much, jot when, the souvenir that serves as pair of reforming and opening 30 years.


She was in the mood for brooding over memories.


As long as you work diligently all life long, you will be satisfied while recalling the past.


更多网络解释与回忆往事的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Beijing Capital International Airport:北京首都国际机场

从北京首都国际机场 (Beijing Capital International Airport)开车前往约25分钟,高碑店座落在京杭运河 (Jing Hang Canal) 的起点,受到通惠河 (Tonghui River) 的孕育,令人联想起过去元、明、清三朝的回忆往事,在北京东部让您见识到经典的家具和民俗文化.

Ace in the hole:<倒扣的王牌>

>(Ace in the Hole)令我印象深刻,我是与一位朋友一起看的,他现在是名警察. 我们二十年未见,几个星期前恰好遇到. 回忆往事时,我问他:"随便问一下,你还记得一部当时对我们特有影响的电影吗?"他说:"当然,>,

Jealous Guy:(妒忌的家伙)

06. Mind Games (心灵游戏) | 07. Jealous Guy (妒忌的家伙) | I was dreaming of the past 我回忆着往事


看过韩剧>的人一定也会像我一样被这个蛋糕所诱惑,这个蛋糕就是三顺在济州岛时给亨利讲的,>(也被译作>)一书中提到过的,需要边回忆往事边沾着红茶吃的拥有丰满外形、紧凑曲线的SEXY COOKIE--玛德琳(Madeleine)蛋糕.


第一次认识"玛德琳"是在韩剧"我叫金三顺"里面,----- 贝壳状的" 玛德琳蛋糕"(Madeleine)模样丰满肥腴,不但香味十足,美味可口,吃后据说还能勾起强烈的往事回忆与乡愁.

pattern recognition:模式识别

正如坎贝尔所解释的,这里存在的危险在于,我们可能被这种"模式识别"(pattern recognition)过程误导. 我们对往事的回忆会受到我们对其情感反应的影响--"情感标签"(emotional tagging). 他表示:"当我们的经验起误导作用时,做出糟糕决策的风险就特别大.


adolescent青少年 | preadolescent 青春期前的孩子 | reminiscent回忆者,回忆录作者,往事的叙述者


genre 类型, 流派 | reminiscent 回忆往事的 | sorely 非常,极端地



the photos rekindled memories:这些照片重新勾起对往事的回忆

47. he tried to rekindle their friendship.他试图恢复他们的友谊. | 48. the photos rekindled memories这些照片重新勾起对往事的回忆. | 49. They tried to rekindle the flames of romance.他们试图重燃爱火...