英语人>词典>汉英 : 四平八稳 的英文翻译,例句
四平八稳 的英文翻译、例句


stand stable · in a methodical and well-balanced way · very firm · completely stable and safe
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What could be more civilized , more eminently sane?


He looked down on her from a towering height, and smiled in a way that rearranged his features engagingly over the bones.

特别是刚看完非常按部就班又四平八稳的Heart's Blood后看这本,根直是完全相反的存在啊。。。

Because, on either side of this stream, cold and respectable persons have taken up their abodes, and, forsooth, their summer-houses and tulip-beds would suffer from the torrent; wherefore they dig trenches, and raise embankments betimes, in order to avert the impending danger.


Not quite furioso. Moderato cantabile, perhaps.


Third, it is because no clear distinction was made between right and wrong or between merit and demerit, and because rewards and penalties were not meted out as deserved.


Wise, balanced, leaning to the liberal side, he was used when the President wanted to convey lofty, somewhat philosophical nonpartisanship .


I don't want to play it safe,' he states.


This is why you are so keen to make a decision and move everything along to a more stable point.


Oh, don't speak in that practical way. I never knew anyone so unsentimental.


More regulation of the international financial system, Mr Wen unadventurously proposed.
