英语人>词典>汉英 : 嗜血成性 的英文翻译,例句
嗜血成性 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

kill without batting an eyelid · be fond of killing · love to kill · be bloodthirsty by nature
更多网络例句与嗜血成性相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

At the last second become this total bloodhound!


They had come to hate Sonny for his bloodthirstiness, which they considered barbaric. Also not good business sense. Nobody wanted the old days back again with all its turmoil and trouble.


You call me a bloodthirsty robber , although I am not such in reality


He was quoted as being a bloodthirsty rascal.


In the fray his sons attend him,-- Terror, Trembling, Panic, and Fear,-- also his sister Eris, or Discord, his daughter Enyo, ruiner of cities, and a retinue of bloodthirsty demon s


In the fray his sons attend him,- Terror, Trembling, Panic, and Fear,- also his sister Eris, or Discord, his daughter Enyo, ruiner of cities, and a retinue of bloodthirsty demons.


He was murdered by the praetorian prefect. He is regarded as one of Rome's most bloodthirsty tyrants, and his reign contributed to the empire's decay.


But where First Blood was a no-nonsense thriller that pitted Stallone against a worthy Brian Dennehy, this one is a sadistic chest-thumper in which Rambo gets to go back to Vietnam: ostensibly, he's there to rescue missing POWs, but in fact the movie was a lame excuse for him to refight the Vietnam War--and win.


Brutally, bloodily, blindly, the rulers of old China moved toward the abyss.


SuperCroc's skull, then, is like a cross between the elongate skull of a fish-eating gharial and the robust skull of a bloodthirsty Nile crocodile.


更多网络解释与嗜血成性相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

at the last second become this total bloodhound:但最后却会嗜血成性

I bet you'II, like, resist drinking blood and resist drinking and resist drinking it,|我打... | at the last second become this total bloodhound!|但最后却会嗜血成性 | All right, man, here's the deal.|好啦...

Quentin Tarantino:昆汀.塔伦蒂诺

alloween)在票房上皆獲得的成功的刺激.隨後從加拿大突然冒出一部有爭議的恐怖片--[血腥情人節](My Bloody Valentine).堪稱黑馬.由它引起的邪典風潮.連同樣"嗜血成性"的電影人昆汀塔倫蒂諾(Quentin Tarantino)都給予了這部影片極高的評價,

The Third Reich Is not your enemy:第三帝国不是你们的敌人

who are only sending you to your death.|他只是让你... | The Third Reich Is not your enemy.|第三帝国不是你们的敌人 | The enemy is blood thirsty Stalin And his Bolshevik camp,|敌人是嗜血成性的斯大林和他的...

Attila the Hun:匈奴王阿提拉

"嗜血成性的匈奴王阿提拉(Attila the Hun)终于在香槟地区的一场最血腥的战役中得到了他应有的报应. 公元455年匈奴王在马思河畔的沙隆地区附近(Chalons-sur-Marne)被击溃,遗憾的是,在此之前,20万不同种族的人已丢掉了他们的性命.