英语人>词典>汉英 : 喧哗 的英文翻译,例句
喧哗 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
blatancy  ·  hullabaloo  ·  shindy  ·  whoopla  ·  shindies  ·  clamoured  ·  clamouring  ·  clamours  ·  tumults

confused noise · a hue and cry
更多网络例句与喧哗相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Through all this movement and bustle there was enchanting beauty, and a strange, all-pervading peace.


Holidays approaching, Jane ambitiously ready to warm hubbub of New York to realize their dreams.


These archetypal images in Jungian psychology also play important roles in the interaction between human beings and environment.


As Simon walked slowly past the open door, looking cautiously all around, men's loud voices rolled out from the beery darkness, frightening him.


She's not into underwear but used to get high, dangles earrings from her belly-button and sports a tatoo on her thigh.


And then what a happiness would it have been, could Hester have heard her clear, birdlike voice mingling with the uproar of other childish voice, and have distinguished and unraveled her own darling's tones, amid all the entangled outcry of a group of sportive children!


Look,more and more person to congratulations for you.and blatancy for you!


The marvels in normal people's eyes have not only brilliant and romantic island scenery, but also god-given peaceful environment out of city's blatancy.


I wish my life can be like the autumn—one that does not have too many florid spring flowers and floating summer clouds; one that does not have blatancy and different kinds of whirly colors!


I have ever seen the love truly flourishing, so I am waiting, with a belief in my heart that I hold silly and tenaciously, so that neither loneliness nor blatancy could scare me, and I firmly believe that one day you will fall beside me, give me a feeling of satisfaction and security, then side by side with you in the warm sunshine, witness all the tears I ever shedding for you evaporating and becoming beautiful snowflakes, melting quietly in love.


更多网络解释与喧哗相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Babel Tower:语言混杂,喧哗嘈杂

Armageddon - 最后的决定性的战争 | Babel Tower - 语言混杂,喧哗嘈杂 | behemoth - 巨兽,工商巨擎


blat 叫 | blatancy 喧哗 | blatant 喧嚣的


bawdy 好色的 | blatant喧哗的,明显的 | blatter滔滔不绝得说

blatant: a.1:吵嚷的,喧哗的 2.炫耀的,显眼的

insatiably: adv.不能满足地,贪得无厌地 | blatant: a.1.吵嚷的,喧哗的 2.炫耀的,显眼的 | specific: a.1.明确的,确切的,具体的 2.特有的,特定的,特种的,独特的

Branded Brawlers:纹身喧哗兵

81 Whipstitched Zombie 缝补灵俑 0 | 84 Branded Brawlers 纹身喧哗兵 0 | 87 Devastate 蹂躏 0


吵闹/喧哗(Brawl):战车派机器人之一,和其它战车派机器人可组合成巨型机器人"混天豹/布斯达"(Bruticus). 眩晕(Blackout):霸天虎中体形最大的机器人,变形后是一架直升飞机,负责运送霸天虎成员. 他拥有通过电磁脉冲干扰机器设备的能力.

Embalmed Brawler:防腐喧哗兵

67 Dripping Dead 滴洒亡者 1 | 69 Embalmed Brawler 防腐喧哗兵 1 | 70 Gempalm Polluter 晶掌污者 1


喧哗hullabalooshindywhoopla | 喧哗的社交聚会shindig | 喧闹hooplajazzinessrandyruckuswhoopeeyawp


shinbone /胫骨/ | shindig /喧哗的社交聚会/舞会/大宴会/ | shindy /喧哗/舞会/大宴会/


shindig /喧哗的社交聚会/舞会/大宴会/ | shindy /喧哗/舞会/大宴会/ | shineless /无光泽/