英语人>词典>汉英 : 喝完 的英文翻译,例句
喝完 的英文翻译、例句


drink sth. off
更多网络例句与喝完相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Write an opera about and opera is the only art form that is really worth a damn and I was wishing I had an opera in me not to write but to live.It was a cold and snowy night so I had the Dark Horse almost to myself except for one woman at the bar who had the barkeep bring me a drink only it was a shot of JD and not the stuff I was drinking and I took it and raised it to her and drank it down and she came and sat across from me and she said,"Pain—has an Element of Blank—" just like that with the capital letters and the dashes and she was wearing a black velvet dress that wasn't even remotely sexy with its white lace collar around her throat and the brooch fastened at her collarbone just like a padlock so I told her,"And blank — has an element of pain," but I couldn't manage the capital letters.


My house is one year old baby, and in more than a month ago, but also do not drink milk, but then I gave him the formula for the Wandashan particularly drink, you can change, but also cheap, In addition, my baby must be on the outside only willing to drink, you can get him to go outside to play, while playing side Hey, do not expect, you can feed him a biscuit, I再喝milk, so he felt thirsty to drink, but in fact do not milk it does not matter, I have more to feed his other, so much, and should be into staple food supplement, and do not have too much of the psychological burden, and sometimes changed over their own children, and would also like to note that breast-feeding, the mother can not close


If you are too nauseated to get it all down, take as much as you possibly can.


My son is now 10 more than a month, just ten months when weaning, weaning the former has so far refused to drink milk do not want to eat, that is, after weaning so that he managed to adapt cattle to drink milk, Abbott has just started to drink 2 Xikang the edge, just a can of ready to finish when a friend heard that Mead Johnson's good, I give him change, but he refused to drink, I think he started is not used to, but more than half a month later is still the same, every time the voice hoarse cry do not want to drink, people are distressed read, but I have tried many ways, such as: let him osmium, for pacifiers, dilute the point, so drink before going to bed..


My house is now a child from birth to 3 years old are generally meal or after drinking the soup in particular polyuria Rafah, but she has quite a healthy and lively, but only their intimate circle faster than it.


Another interesting thing happened when I was playing in South China. After acting, the actors, workers and I drank wine together. I remembered that Tang Zhenzong, Tang Zhenye and I drank up five bottles of wine within 20 minutes. And then, most of people were all disgorged after drinking on that occasion.


I have already described my habitation, which was a tent under theside of a rock, surrounded with a strong pale of posts and cables:but I might now rather call it a wall, for I raised a kind of wallup against it of turfs, about two feet thick on the outside; andafter some time (I think it was a year and a half) I raised raftersfrom it, leaning to the rock, and thatched or covered it withboughs of trees, and such things as I could get, to keep out therain; which I found at some times of the year very violent.


I would stand drinking the sweet and sour yoghurt from the tiny glass milk jug, because I knew that when I was finished, I could return the bottle to the crate so that it could later be taken and boiled and then refilled for the next day.


Iwould stand drinking the sweet and sour yoghurt from the tiny glassmilk jug, because I knew that when I was finished, I could returnthe bottle to the crate so that it could later be taken and boiledand then refilled for the next day.


I do not care or I did not finish drinking, I threw the cans of milk in the first leg the dog, and he seemed to feel the pain of it!


更多网络解释与喝完相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

celebratory drinks after school:课上完后去喝杯庆祝下吧

aw,cool. congratulations.|- 酷 - 恭喜 | celebratory drinks after school?|课上完后去喝杯庆祝下吧 | yeah,sure. blair,can i talk to you?|好的 Blair 我能和你谈谈吗?

Drink it down at one draught:一口喝完. (喝酒的时候,最喜欢这样逼人了,会用英语说了吗

3 Who says I don't dare? 谁说我不敢? (别担心,不是中式... | 4 Drink it down at one draught. 一口喝完. (喝酒的时候,最喜欢这样逼人了,会用英语说了吗?) | 5 If you are afraid, there is still time to pull out....

Drink it down at one draught:一口喝完

13 He morosely considered his dilemma. 他满面愁容地考虑他的两难境地. | 4 Drink it down at one draught. 一口喝完. | 9 He is no misnomer. 他果然名不虚传.

drink up:喝干净,喝完

drink to 为...干杯,为...祝福 | drink up 喝干净,喝完 | drive at 意指

Here, drink up:把这些酒喝完

He takes one semiotics class, and I'm supposed to...|他选修一堂符号语言学... | Here, drink up.|把这些酒喝完 | You need to bed down the next lonely, plain - looking, insecure depressive|你需要和下一个寂寞...

finish off:吃完,喝完

158)find out 发现,查出(真相等) | 159)finish off 吃完,喝完 | 160)stop doing sth. 停止做某事

toss off:一口喝干(酒); 敏捷地做好; 毫不费力地做出, 一口气做完; [俚]手淫

toss for sth. 掷钱币以决定某事 | toss off 一口喝干(酒); 敏捷地做好; 毫不费力地做出, 一口气做完; [俚]手淫 | toss out 丢弃, 扔掉,拒绝接受, 淘汰,驱除, 开除,匆匆打扮,(捧球赛用语)封杀出局

toss off:一口喝干(酒); 敏捷地做好; 毫不费力地做出, 一口气做完; [俚]

toss for sth. 掷钱币以决定某事 | toss off 一口喝干(酒); 敏捷地做好; 毫不费力地做出, 一口气做完; [俚]**** | toss out 丢弃, 扔掉 拒绝接受, 淘汰 驱除, 开除 匆匆打扮 (捧球赛用语)封杀出局

We sat on skyline drive and drank a bottle of apple wine:我们驱车沿着海边喝了一瓶苹果香槟

For god's sake 看在上帝的份上.... | We sat on skyline drive and drank a bottle of apple wine, 我们驱车沿着海边喝了一瓶苹果香槟 | and when we finished it, you turned to me, and you said, 当我们喝完的时候...

Cheers! Bottoms up:干杯,要一口喝完

He's all thumbs.他笨手笨脚. | Cheers!Bottoms up.干杯,要一口喝完. | Let'S go Dutch.AA制.