英语人>词典>汉英 : 喜玛拉雅的 的英文翻译,例句
喜玛拉雅的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Himalayan is the highest mountain in the world.


And I'm a woman. I have not climbed many Himalayan peaks, but I know Everest well.


About 10 species: SE Asia and E Himalayas; three species in China.


Three to five species: E Himalayas and SW China: three species in China.

到5 种:喜玛拉雅山东部和中国西南部:在中国的3种。

In the Himalayan bassinet and the arms of Ganges, Hindustan become a cryptic country.


Not even Messner could beat them: Polish climbers have all the first winter ascents on Himalayan 8000ers, achieved in the eighties.


Numbers near the branches were bootstrap probability values coming from 1000 replications. Some bootstrap probability values were 92%(Coturnix chinensis/ Coturnix japonica), 100%(Tetraogallus altaicus/ Tetraogallus himalayensis), and 100%(Tetraogallus altaicus/ Tetraogallus himalayensis/ Tetraogallus tibetanus. The overall average distance was 0.112, and average genetic distance among Tetralgallus was 0.042. The genera Alectoris, Coturnix, Tetrao-gallus and Pucrasia formed a monophyletic group.


There is some circumstantial evidence that the waitress was infected from contact with Himalayan palm civets.


"The Himalaya are really the roof of the world, so much of the culture of India, China in the Silk Road can also be found in the Himalaya region to come a museum that is totally dedicated to this one place and to be able to be inspired by the art and so many different religions that all merged along the Silk Road is very exciting for us."


Swami Rama , the founder of the Sadhana Mandir Ashram was born in the Himalayas and raised by his spiritual Master in the legendary caves of the yogis where countless generations of yogis have been trained and initiated into the deepest mysteries of the sacred science of yoga.


更多网络解释与喜玛拉雅的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Lost Cities:失落的城市

>(Lost Cities)在Xbox LIVE Arcade上复活了!这次将带领玩家远赴异地,展开期待已久的冒险活动. 在真正踏上旅途前,玩家必须选择要在远征队上投资多少钱,期待投资能够带来丰厚的收益. 接下来玩家开始玩牌,目标是收集最多的点数,探索游戏中位于喜玛拉雅高地、巴西雨林


克莱德的主人为19岁的沙利文(ASHLEIGH SULLIVAN ),她说她已经放弃任何希望,会再次看到她所喜爱的克莱德,一头雄性的长发喜玛拉雅猫(HIMALAYAN),它3年前在位於侯巴特(HOBART)以北40公里的家失踪.


天梭表自 1853 年起不断致力于精确完美的钟表制造,在瑞士(Le Locle) 的厂房所出品的...在一般表迷既定的观念裡,Explorer (I) 是劳力士特别为了喜玛拉雅山 (Himalayan) 圣母峰 (Everest) 的攀登探险行动所设计的手表.

The Himalayas:喜玛拉雅山

科学家指出喜玛拉雅山 (The Himalayas) 冰川的冰核心 (ice cores) ,蕴藏著有关地球过去一千年的气候纪录,分析这些资料后,发现过去五十年,尤其是最近十年,是地球有史以来最暖的时候.

Marco Polo:马可波罗

而在本作故事方面,将会以历史上突然消失踪影的"马可波罗"(Marco Polo)船队跟神秘的王国"香格里拉"(Shangri-La)所隐藏的秘宝为主题,带领玩家们一起身入喜玛拉雅的舞台中展开一场比前作更加刺激的冒险传奇.

collect moisture and sweep northwards towards the Himalayas:一边收集水气, 一边扑向北方的喜玛拉雅山脉

Winds blowing across the Indian Ocean|风掠过... | collect moisture and sweep northwards towards the Himalayas.|一边收集水气, 一边扑向北方的喜玛拉雅山脉 | As the air rises, so it cools.|随着气流的上升,温...

Himalayan Palmist - by Sorma:喜玛拉雅的占卜师

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深入丛林寻找传说中的狮王Vitchoua,将它杀死并取下鬃毛以祭奠雨神. 带着勇气和长矛,为了证明自己是勇者和真正的男人,一批少年上路了,去寻找传说中的Vitchoua,拯救部落于危难之中. 影片由<<喜玛拉雅>>(Himalaya)的班底制作.

floor cleaner:地板洗净剂

Himalayan 喜玛拉雅的 | floor cleaner 地板洗净剂 | explosive valve 爆发活门

Fine wool from the undercoat of Himalayan mountain goat, raised by semi-nomadic herders:细毛羊从undercoat的喜玛拉雅山山羊,所提出的半游牧牧民

A great accessory f... | Fine wool from the undercoat of Himalayan mountain goat, raised by semi-nomadic herders细毛羊从undercoat的喜玛拉雅山山羊,所提出的半游牧牧民 | Luxurious rarity; incomparable sof...