英语人>词典>汉英 : 喘不过气来的 的英文翻译,例句
喘不过气来的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Before long I would be laughing and breathless, having fun in spite of myself.


The mistress visited her often, in the interval, and commenced her plan of reform by trying to raise her self-respect with fine clothes and flattery, which she took readily: so that, instead of a wild, hatless little savage jumping into the house, and rushing to squeeze us all breathless, there lighted from a handsome black pony a very dignified person, with brown ringlets falling from the cover of a feathered beaver, and a long cloth habit which she was obliged to hold up with both hands that she might sail in.


I am twenty-two blocks from where Rudolph Valentino lay in state,eight blocks from where Nathan Hale was executed,five blocks from the publisher's office where Ernest Hemingway hit Max Eastman on the nose,four miles from where Walt Whitman sat sweating out editorials for the Brooklyn Eagle,thirty-four blocks from the street Willa Cather lived in when she came to New York to write books about Nebraska,ne block from where Marceline used to clown on the boards of the Hippodrome,thirty-six blocks from the spot where the historian Joe Gould kicked a radio to pieces in full view of the public,thirteen blocks from where Harry Thaw shot Stanford White,five blocks from where I used to usher at the Metropolitan Opera and only 112 blocks from the spot where Clarence Day the elder was washed of his sins in the Church of the Epiphany(I could continue this list indefinitely);and for that matter I am probably occupying the very room that any number of exalted and somewise memorable characters sat in,some of them on hot,breathless afternoons,lonely and private and full of their own sense of emanations from without.

我是二十二个区段从哪里 Rudolph Valentino 以隆重的仪礼放置,八个区段从哪里内森猛拉被运行,来自欧内斯特海明威打击在鼻子上的最大依斯曼,四里的出版者的办公室的五个区段从哪里沃尔特惠特曼为布鲁克林鹰坐着出汗出社论,当她来了纽约有关内布拉斯加写书的时候,来自街道 Willa Cather 的三十四个区段住在,旧姓的区段从哪里用到在竞技场的董事会上的小丑的 Marceline,来自地点的三十六个区段哪里历史学家乔 Gould 踢了对民众的充足视野的块一个收音机,十三个区段从哪里哈利融解射击史丹福白色的,来自我过去一直在来自克拉伦马车日子年长者在主显节的教堂中被他的罪洗的地点的大都市的歌剧和只有 112个区段引导的地方的五个区段;(我可以不确定继续这一本目录)而且就那件事而论我正在或许占领最房间一些尊贵的和 somewise 值得纪念的个性坐在,他们其中的一些在热又喘不过气来的午后,孤单而私人而充满的他们自己散发感从没有。

I am twenty-two blocks from where Rudolph Valentino lay in state, eight blocks from where Nathan Hale was executed, five blocks from the publisher's office where Ernest Hemingway hit Max Eastman on the nose, four miles from where Walt Whitman sat sweating out editorials for the Brooklyn Eagle, thirty-four blocks from the street Willa Cather lived in when she came to New York to write books about Nebraska, one block from where Marceline used to clown on the boards of the Hippodrome, thirty-six blocks from the spot where the historian Joe Gould kicked a radio to pieces in full view of the public, thirteen blocks from where Harry Thaw shot Stanford White, five blocks from where I used to usher at the Metropolitan Opera and only 112 blocks from the spot where Clarence Day the elder was washed of his sins in the Church of the Epiphany (I could continue this list indefinitely); and for that matter I am probably occupying the very room that any number of exalted and somewise memorable characters sat in, some of them on hot, breathless afternoons, lonely and private and full of their own sense of emanations from without..


Bit of asthma rises nevertheless is not incommensurate the setting inside, I look to still go, it doesn't matter is alarming.


But coming near him she stopped, breathing hard, and letting her hands hang lifelessly, exactly in the same pose in which she used to stand in the middle of the room to sing, but with an utterly different expression.


Wind is more urgent and more rain and dense fog may be gasping for air raids back and forth over and over again ...... is really worried for her - that the Chimonanthus little flowers, I do not know whether to put up with the devastation!


Bit of asthma rises nevertheless is not incommensurate the setting inside,I look to still go,it doesn't matter is alarming.What Isay is suffocative come,because,be Ithe first eat rarely to go out again in the evening activity the activity arrived so before dawn will be very hungry.The 2nd,boiled yesterday do not have come to an agreement or understanding very late to have aheadache abit so again by day.It is clearer that actually the United States sends the choice that makes between gender and love,the hero in film people it is to go after the stimulation between young and went one case,the sort of junior is born and is the power of kind of scramble for sth between old boy of course,it is for blindly traditional and the pr actical joke that has sexual side.Its ultimate goal is continuance merely those so called traditions.


At times, the breathless rush of development can be disorienting, not to say destructive.


Working with Teacher Fucius can be a real challange to one's self-capacity. In the beginning one would feel puzzled and pressured by her disciplines, diligence, efficiency, and self-lessness.


更多网络解释与喘不过气来的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

St Andrews:圣安德鲁大学

圣安德鲁大学(St Andrews)每年的水电煤气费用高达540万英镑,该校环境与能源主管罗迪" ...圣安德鲁大学(St Andrews)每年的水电煤气费用高达540万英镑,该校环境与能源主管罗迪"亚尔(Roddy Yarr)说,这笔费用压得学校喘不过气来.

as with most generalities:和大多数笼统说法一样

choking on their own statistics 被自己的统计数字弄的喘不过气来 | 8. as with most generalities 和大多数笼统说法一样 | 9. grim 冷酷的

break one' s back:把某人压得喘不过气来,把某人压垮,折断筋骨,辛勤工作

You'd better break off the habit of drinking. 你最好戒酒. | break one's back把某人压得喘不过气来,把某人压垮,折断筋骨,辛勤工作: | The hard work broke his back. 这项很难的工作把他压得喘不过气来.

be on the ropes:处于困境,接近失败(毁灭)

be on the point of即将...的时候 | be on the ropes处于困境,接近失败(毁灭) | be out of breath喘不过气来,上气不接下气

And give me your cell phone. Mine has run out of power:给我你的手机. 我的手机没电了

And give me your cell phone. Mine has run out of power. 给我你的手机. 我的手机没电了. | I run out of breath. 我跑得喘不过气来. | 九、run out

scant of breath:呼吸困难

put sb. out of breath 使某人喘不过气来, 使(某人)上气不接下气 | scant of breath 呼吸困难 | second breath [体]二度呼吸 一股新的精力

So what:又怎么样

但回过头来看看,那些事我都没轮上又怎么样(so what)呢?人生还得继续,听说陆刚博士辞去了巨鹿路845弄1号的工作,信上最关键的就写了You stay,I go.我不禁笑而且咳嗽得喘不过气来,非人生的大智慧不能如此啊.

short of breath:呼吸困难, 呼吸短促, 喘不过气来

second breath [体]二度呼吸 一股新的精力 | short of breath 呼吸困难, 呼吸短促, 喘不过气来 | slip one's breath [口]断气, 死

I am short of breath:我喘不过气来

I am spent. 我的力气耗尽了. | I am short of breath. 我喘不过气来. | I am beat. 我累死了.

I have choking coughs:我喘不过气地咳嗽

I choke when I cough.当我咳嗽时我就喘不过气来... | I have choking coughs.我喘不过气地咳嗽. | It especially hurts when I breathe in deeply,and I have a deep barking cough.当我深呼吸时特别痛而且有很重的吠...