英语人>词典>汉英 : 喋喋不休 的英文翻译,例句
喋喋不休 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
babble  ·  blat  ·  cackle  ·  chipper  ·  rattle  ·  twitter  ·  twittering  ·  wag  ·  wagging  ·  yak  ·  yakking  ·  chackle  ·  rattles  ·  babbled  ·  babbles  ·  blats  ·  blatted  ·  blatting  ·  cackled  ·  cackles  ·  cackling  ·  twittered  ·  twitters  ·  wagged  ·  wags  ·  yakked  ·  nineteens  ·  yaks

go on about sth · talkee-talkee · wag one's jaw · wag one's tongue · chatter without stop · a ceaseless chattering -- muttering and grumbling · an endless stream of words · chatter away
更多网络例句与喋喋不休相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I am not accustomed to be too serious to make self-speech gestures, but be more accustomed to leisure and casual words, which let me find the happiness of abreaction. A soaring flunky, let me experiences the change of roles of supervising and being supervised. Experiencing the different visions, driven by this, I continue the work called Bird Man Series .


He was speaking happily and articulately in the "mix zone" about his experience when an official - a Chinese woman for whom the adjective "overzealous" might have been invented - barked repeatedly in his ear in Chinese and tried to manhandle him away.


It's impossible to stop my Auntie from rabbiting on and on.


When I get nervous, I kind of babble a little.


Sometimes it makes me just babble on and on.


Forgive people who babble baby talk in your face.


With my experience, people is sending the ability when be born to meet without the thing only babble.


Yet we do nothing but keep up a perpetual ballyhoo about Bolshevism, fascism, communism, liberty, dictators, democracy, and all the rest of it.


Yet we do nothing but keep up a perpetual ballyhoo about Bolshevism,fascism ,communism ,liberty,dictators,democracy,and all the rest of it.


And forget about typing: sophisticated voice recognition will let you tell your PC what to do(though all that yakking(注:yak 喋喋不休地讲)could just as easily make you hoarse).


更多网络解释与喋喋不休相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


我们在儿童身上也发现类似的演变:他们总是带是以带有节奏的喋喋不休(babble)开始,随后才填入恰当的词儿. 这一过程同样反映在一些儿歌、大学啦啦队的叫喊声、劳动号子等等之中,其中的节奏乃是近乎舞蹈的身体颤动,而填入的词往往是毫无意义的.

babble v.n.1:哑哑学语;胡说 2.喋喋不休;潺潺声

babble v.n.1.哑哑学语;胡说 2.喋喋不休;潺潺声 | bubble n.泡沫;空想的计划 | dabble v.1.戏水 2.涉猎,涉足 --> dabbler n.业余爱好者


bizarre image 怪诞意象 | blabber 喋喋不休的人 | black 黑


13.You're sitting on life without paroles.Parole.假释. 你关在这里没有假释. | 14.Blabber.多嘴的人;喋喋不休的人;泄露秘密的人. | 15.Fraternize.兄弟之交.

Don't be a blabber mouth:没必要说的话别喋喋不休地说

Don't be a blabber mouth! *"没必要说的话别喋喋不休地说". | Don't blab this to anyone! (别对什么人都唠叨这事. ) | Mum's the word! (别声张!) *要求别说出去.


Goth哥特人,野蛮人,粗野的人 | mouth代言人 | blabbermouth喋喋不休的人

blat:(小牛或小羊)叫, 喋喋不休 不加思索说出

blastulation | 囊胚形成 | blat | . (小牛或小羊)叫, 喋喋不休 不加思索说出 | blatancy | 喧哗


blastulation /囊胚形成/胚泡形成/ | blat /叫/喋喋不休/ | blatancy /喧骚/

blat cackle chackle harp harp on jaw-jaw rattle twitter:喋喋不休

掉以轻心treat sth. Lightly | 喋喋不休blat cackle chackle harp harp on jaw-jaw rattle twitter | 顶天立地of indomitable spirit

chatterer:喋喋不休的人 (名)

chatterbox 喋喋不休者 (名) | chatterer 喋喋不休的人 (名) | chattily 饶舌地; 聊天般地 (副)