英语人>词典>汉英 : 喋喋不休地说 的英文翻译,例句
喋喋不休地说 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
gabble  ·  patter  ·  rattle  ·  rattles  ·  gabbled  ·  gabbles  ·  gabbling  ·  pattered  ·  pattering  ·  patters

rattle on
更多网络例句与喋喋不休地说相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

They could hear him bumping about and gabbling, Oh, where is it??


Producers and actors of Existentialist plays are completely flummoxed if asked to cut the cackle and say exactly what they mean.


He goes on endlessly about his health problems.


When I was young, she continued loquaciously,I used to do all sorts of naughty things.


When I was young,' she continued loquaciously, 'I used to do all sorts of naughty things'.


I was listening to him rattle on about some information that he got at a conference last week.


He rattled on about his job, not noticing how bored she was.


He rattled on about his job, not noticed how bored she was.


I've never had one practically gibbering in terror before," s/he grinned and then looked thoughtful,"At least..

& / 我从未以前实际地有一在恐怖中喋喋不休地说废话,&s/他露齿而笑然后看起来深思,至少。。

A television set chattered in the corner, the radio chattered back from the kitchen, and assorted dogs and cats were shooed out of the door as one guest arrived, only to sidle back in with the next.


更多网络解释与喋喋不休地说相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

arrant:彻头彻尾的, 声名狼藉的, 极恶的

124. patter 使发嗒嗒声, 喋喋不休地说 | 125. arrant 彻头彻尾的, 声名狼藉的, 极恶的 | 126. pestiferous 传播疾病的, 邪恶的

Don't blab this to anyone:(别对什么人都唠叨这事. )

Don't be a blabber mouth! *"没必要说的话别喋喋不休地说". | Don't blab this to anyone! (别对什么人都唠叨这事. ) | Mum's the word! (别声张!) *要求别说出去.

Don't be a blabber mouth:没必要说的话别喋喋不休地说

Don't be a blabber mouth! *"没必要说的话别喋喋不休地说". | Don't blab this to anyone! (别对什么人都唠叨这事. ) | Mum's the word! (别声张!) *要求别说出去.


blatantly | 喧闹地, 看穿了地 | blate | 羞答答的 | blather | 喋喋不休地说, 说废话 废话, 胡说

blatherskite:听无聊话的人, 爱说废话的人

blather | 喋喋不休地说, 说废话 废话, 胡说 | blatherskite | 听无聊话的人, 爱说废话的人 | blatter | 滔滔不绝地说

Exultation:狂喜, 欢欣

(4) Chatter 喋喋不休地说 | (5) Exultation 狂喜, 欢欣 | (6) Merriment 欢喜, 嬉戏

gabber:唠叨的人 (名)

gabardine 轧别丁, 华达呢; 宽松的长袍 (名) | gabber 唠叨的人 (名) | gabble 七嘴八嘴地说, 喋喋不休地说; 急促地说 (动)

gabbro:辉长岩; 任何类似的岩石 (名)

gabble 七嘴八嘴地说, 喋喋不休地说; 急促地说 (动) | gabbro 辉长岩; 任何类似的岩石 (名) | gabby 饶舌的 (形)

rattle on:喋喋不休地讲话

766rattle off飞快地说出 | 767rattle on喋喋不休地讲话 | 768raven. 狂吼,狂暴; v. 愤怒地说,叫嚷,咆哮

rattled on:喋喋不休地说

rattlebrained 头脑空虚的; 愚蠢多嘴的 (形) | rattled on 喋喋不休地说 | rattlesnake 响尾蛇 (名)