英语人>词典>汉英 : 喇嘛 的英文翻译,例句
喇嘛 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
lama  ·  lamas  ·  Lama

更多网络例句与喇嘛相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Marajuana And now all eyes and ears are waiting to know what I think about, it and what am I gonna do with this bla bla bla, etc.


The dagoba is a pagoda of Tibetan style and is sometimes called 喇嘛塔 after the Llamanist school of Buddhism.


"To The foot of the two-fold Judge "MOST RESPECTFULLY PRAYETH,"There being no Hereditary Maharaja over this State of Bhutan, and the Deb Rajas being elected from amongst the Lamas, Lopens, Councillors, and the Chiolahs of the different districts, we the undersigned Abbots, Lopons, and the whole body of Lamas, the State Councillors, the Chiolahs of the different districts, with all the subjects, having discussed and unanimously agreed to elect Sir Ugyen Wang-chuk, Trongsa Penlop, the Prime Minister of Bhutan, as Hereditary Maharaja of this State, have installed him, in open Durbar, on the golden throne on this the 13th day of the 11th month of Sa-tel year, corresponding to the 17 December 1907, at Poonakha-phodrang."


Soon after the Karmapa's enthronement, however, relations worsened again, foiling hoped-for cooperation in the selection of another important reincarnation -- that of the Panchen Lama, the No. 2 lama in the Dalai Lama's Gelug school.


"It examines what happened and why, and it balances the traditional focus on international relations with an emphasis on the intricate web of internal affairs and events, for although external forces precipitated the demise of the Lamaist State, internal forces created the conditions under which these external forces could prevail."


Tibetan rulers "invented degrading legends and stimulated a spirit of superstition" among the common people. In 1937, another visitor, Spencer Chapman, wrote, The Lamaist monk does not spend his time in ministering to the people or educating them.... The beggar beside the road is nothing to the monk.

西藏的统治者"宣扬着恐怖的传说,在大众心中建立迷信的地位"。1937年另一位访者Spencer Chapman写道,喇嘛们并没有为帮助和教育人们作任何工作……路边的乞丐跟喇嘛们没有任何关系。

It was a crime to "step out of your place"- like hunting fish or wild sheep that the lamaist declared were "sacred." It was even a crime for a serf to appeal his master's decisions to some other authority. When serfs ran away, the masters' gangs went to hunt them down. Each estate had its own dungeons and torture chambers .


There will probably be another one after the opening of the pyre.


Lamadian Oilfield static state map plan system includes data pretreatment subsystem and development geology charting subsystem and geological map sheet access subsystem, realizes the function of drawing for the Lamadian Oilfield development well location map and skeleton structure section map and connected section graph and Sedimentary facies chart and tectonic maps, and realizes various types of geological map data storage and query functions.


The lama tutor, on the mountain, is not only imparting sutra, Buddhistic doctrine, Tibetan, and English, but also eaching the younger lama what is the love and compassionateness.


更多网络解释与喇嘛相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Living Buddha:喇嘛 lama 活佛

和尚 Buddhist monk | 喇嘛 lama 活佛 Living Buddha | 尼姑 buddhist nun


choroplethic map | 等值区域图 | chorten | (喇嘛教的)神龛,(喇嘛的)圣骨冢纪念碑 | chortle about | 对表示高兴


Dipamkara 宝光佛;燃灯佛 | Disciplinarian 铁棒喇嘛 | Dorje 多杰(藏文:金刚)


在藏文中,这部论注的通俗名称是"局喇嘛"(Gyu Lama)梵文"乌塔晟"(uttara)及藏文"喇嘛"(lama)的意思都是至高或无上. 由于这个法教是佛陀三转法轮时所传的,所以有如此的叙述.

Panchen Lama:班禅喇嘛

不过,利顺德员工很乐意带客人参观上世纪50年代西藏最高宗教领袖之一班禅喇嘛(Panchen Lama)住过的房间,目前这些房间作为佛教圣地被保护起来. 也许是由于圣地的影响,那个晚上我梦见自己在古怪但却可爱的花园博物馆用餐,身旁是三位佛教高僧.

Dalai Lama:喇嘛

这是个有点歇斯底里的老兵,他声称曾与**喇嘛(Dalai Lama)打过一年半的交道. 片中,他一直试图用塑料炸药来消灭讨厌的田鼠. 当卡尔为了消灭几只小老鼠而亲手毁掉了自己的花园时,那种浑然不觉、沾沾自喜的表情更是令人忍俊不禁.

Lama Chopa:喇嘛曲巴

Kshanti 羼提 * | Lama Chopa 喇嘛曲巴 | A Lamp for the Bodhi-Way (Bodhipathapradipa) >


Lamaism 喇嘛教 | Lamaist 喇嘛教徒 | Lamaite 喇嘛教徒

lamaist pagoda:喇嘛塔

舍利子 sarira remains from cremation of Buddha's or saints' body | 喇嘛塔 Lamaist pagoda | 楼 storied buildings


庙宇、寺(佛、道教) temple | 喇嘛庙 lamasery | 清真寺(伊斯兰教) mosque