英语人>词典>汉英 : 啤酒店 的英文翻译,例句
啤酒店 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
beerhouse  ·  mughouse  ·  brasserie  ·  bieerhaus

更多网络例句与啤酒店相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Just as now, we often went out together to the beer garden after training," the former Bayern great remarked."


If you want to relax for a while, a beer garden along the Rhine River is the perfect place for you.


The other reason was that Li Peng gave me free food and drinks at the beer garden out in front. I had become


She had no great fancy for starving, and she whimpered pitifully when the pretty pint bottles of champagne, with Cliquot's and Moet's brands upon their corks, were exchanged for sixpenny ale, procured by a slipshod attendant from the nearest beershop.


It was a sort of hostelry of those times; a kind of public-house.


The keys to this fast, simple dish, inspired by a classic crab-stuffed tomato at yves camdeborde's paris brasserie, le comptoir du relais, are flavorful ripe tomatoes, fresh herbs, and excellent crabmeat.


And for single malts, Er for Bourbon, Cheers for live Xinjiang music, a diverse crowd, and the "you never know what will happen" vibe, the Capital Club bar for the view, Cafe Europa and the two Palette Vinos for interesting wine selections, The Side Saddle for tasty post-drinking burritos, Chocolate for people watching, Centro for business networking, Purple Haze for reasonably cheap draft in reasonably nice surroundings with friends, La Baie des Anges when I feel like getting in a taxi and going somewhere, and… well, I am sure I am forgetting some places, but memory fails with age.

我不记得是否有对这些类别的主题,但我也喜欢绊倒的啤酒店的选择,一仓和单一麦芽,呃波旁,新疆乾杯现场音乐,不同的人群,和&你永远知道会发生什麼&盛传的京城俱乐部酒吧的观点,木卫二和咖啡厅的两个面板比诺斯有趣的葡萄酒的选择,侧鞍的美味后饮用卷饼,巧克力的人看,中心的商业网络,紫雾为合理低价草案的合理环境优美,在与朋友的 La Baie的天使湾时,我觉得像是在一辆的士去的地方,和。。。

Paul : And one Beer Store mug souvenir.

保罗: 还要一个啤酒店纪念马克杯。

The public houseas we know it today, is really an invention of the 18th century. Before then, there were alehouses that sold beer brewed on the premises often by women, known as alewives or brewsters.


Perhaps you'd love to open a little coffee shop or brasserie in your neighbourhood or maybe you've had brainwave for a neat little product that just might change the world.


更多网络解释与啤酒店相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


alegar /麦牙醋/啤酒醋/ | alehouse /啤酒店/酒馆/ | alemannic /一种德国方言/


alevin 初孵鱼苗 | alewife 啤酒店女主人 | alewife 温类

beer garden:露天花园啤酒店

酒店里能听到些噪音,但之前我们向酒店要求--我们的房间不要面朝露天花园啤酒店(beer garden),所以我们的房间里嘈杂声不是很大. 我们逛了酒店附近的那块区域,以及豪斯顿广场(Hoxton Square)等等. 时尚区并不是人人都喜欢的,

beer garden:露天啤酒店

beer belly大肚子 | beer garden露天啤酒店 | beer money小费


beer-money酒钱 | beerhouse啤酒店 | beerpull唧筒把手

Beer Hall Putsch:啤酒店暴动

Battles of el-Alemein 阿拉曼战役 | Beer Hall Putsch 啤酒店暴动 | Berlin crises 柏林危机

rathskeller:地下室啤酒店, 地下室餐厅 (名)

rater 定价人 (名) | rathskeller 地下室啤酒店, 地下室餐厅 (名) | ratification 批准; 承认 (名)



brasserie:啤酒店 (名)

brass plate 黄铜名牌 | brasserie 啤酒店 (名) | brassie 高尔夫二号球杆 (名)

brasserie n.f:啤酒厂,啤酒店

brasser v.t. 酿造,搅拌 | brasserie n.f. 啤酒厂,啤酒店 | brave adj. 勇敢的,正直的