英语人>词典>汉英 : 商法 的英文翻译,例句
商法 的英文翻译、例句


commercial law · mercantile law · law merchant · commercial act
更多网络例句与商法相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The choice and the design of the company capital system should match the value guide and the standard adjudicate of the commercial law.


Bagley, Entrepreneur's Guide ."Leaving Your Employer." Chap. 2 pp.


Bagley, Entrepreneur's Guide ."Intellectual Property and Cyberlaw." Chap. 14 pp.


In the system of our present international law education, international commercial law is not independent.


The traditional commercial law is only the distinctive production under the feudal separation lasting for a long time in the Europe in the history, where the centralized countries lack of unity, and the political powers and rights distributed among other forces of King, feudatory and church. Its closure and particularity gradually disappeared after being brought into the national jurisprudence. But the scholar s vision had not yet been extended besides the civil law and commercial law, which is the historical origin and main cause of the afterwards problems of the civil and commercial unity and separation argument was difficult to draw a conclusion.


On the basis of the homogeneity of commercial law, this paper expatiates on the causes and the tendency of internationalization of commercial law, and draws a conclusion that, with increasingly globalization of the market economy, commercial law naturally posses the characteristic of convergence. Faced with this orientation, our legislation in commercial law is supposed to hold internationality in priority, and concurrently the reality of our preliminary market economic stage is considered.


The following issues such as the regulatory objects of commercial law, the definition of commercial conducts, the necessity of making commercial conducts and the scope and subject of commercial law desiderate reflection and probe.


The function of commercial law is to prescribe exceptional provisions sifter from civil law and to create new rules.and to protect rights and interests of merchant with regulation mechanism of profit.


This essay proceeds with the value of the Law, and then discussing the value system of the Commerce Law through the analysis of the affiliation between the inbeing and the value of the Commerce Law.


International trade is indissolubly connected with international commercial laws,while the latter are connected with the law systems of different countries and withthe international trade practice.


更多网络解释与商法相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Arkin Harry L:仲裁、商法、投资(美国)

Al-Oufi Saleh Abdullah 商法、普通法、海事法(沙特阿拉伯) | Arkin Harry L. 仲裁、商法、投资(美国) | Azzali Stefano 仲裁(意大利)

Barrington Louise:国际商法、建筑法、保险法(加拿大和英国)

Azzali Stefano 仲裁(意大利) | Barrington Louise 国际商法、建筑法、保险法(加拿大和英国) | Beaumont Ben 中国仲裁法(英国)

commercial law:商法

>(国际中文版)立足于英美社会,所以没有收入大陆法系民商法分立之"商法"(Commercial law)词条. >(法学卷)对此解释道:商法是指"传统上指与并列,并互为补充的部门法,即调整市场经济关系中商人、商业组织和商业活动的法律规范的总称.

International Commercial Law:国际商法

国际商法(International Commercial Law)是调整国际商事交易和商事组织各种关系的法律规范的总和. 在"国际商法"这一概念中,对于"国际"一词的确定标准不一,在各国内立法和有关国际立法中,有的以当事人的营业地或惯常住所地所在的不同国家为标准,

Commercial Law LLM:商法

Project Management MSc 项目管理 | Commercial Law LLM 商法 | International Commercial Law LLM 国际商法

Gurry Francis:知识产权法、商法(澳大利亚)

Glossner Ottoarndt 国际贸易、合同、公司、商法、仲裁(德国) | Gurry Francis 知识产权法、商法(澳大利亚) | Hanotia Bernard 仲裁、商法(比利时)

mercantile law:商法

比较而言,学者们对更现代的没有政府的法律之例证--商法(mercantile law)或商人法(the "Law Merchant")--只给予了相对较少的关注. 商法以这种或那种形式,持续运作了至少一千余年. 这些商人想拓展国际贸易,但高度地方化的法律制度阻挡了他们的道路.

Business Law:商法

所以商法(Business Law)是一个内涵不确定的术语. 一般情况下,它与商务法(Commercial Law)和商事法(Meroantile Law)同义. 美国商法是关于美国当代社会中商事活动主体(公司和其他形式的商事企业)的交易、运输、保险、票据与破产等法规的通用简称.

International Business Law:国际商法

国际商法(International Business Law)是调整国际商事关系的法律规范的总称. 由于国际商法调整的国际商事关系既包括国际商事交易关系,又包括国际商事组织关系,所以它通常又被认为是调整国际商事交易和国际商事组织的法律规范的总和. 国际商法作为一门法律学科,

International Business Law:国际商法(上)

国际商法 International Business Law | 国际商法(上) International Business Law Ⅰ | 国际商务(芬兰留学) International Business