英语人>词典>汉英 : 商务行为 的英文翻译,例句
商务行为 的英文翻译、例句


commercial act
更多网络例句与商务行为相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It teaches topics such as accounting , finance , information systems , marketing , organizational behavior , public relations , strategy , human resource management , and quantitative methods .


This article introduces the development and the evolution of IT channel in our country, focusing on the IT channel pattern based on the electronic commerce. Analysis from transformation of value chain explains electronic commerce the fundamental reason which affects the IT channel. Various analyses which IT channel is affected by electronic commerce have been carried out. The relationship between the consumer network purchase behavior and the IT electronic channel has been explained, and necessity of the middle man electronic commercialized pattern had been discovered. Standing on the previous research, this article summarizes the tendency of IT channel development and predicts the future of orientation of IT channel so as to provide some principles for medium and small sized channel members. In the last part of the article, it visualizes the future new IT channel pattern from the angle of economics.


Any economic and commercial transaction between China and a foreign country may be viewed as cross—cultural activities in nature.


As the development of Internet and electronic business affairs, shopping psychology of the netizen and behavior means are occurrent change sadly.


They are: conceptual meaning (logical, cognitive, or denotative content), connotative meaning (what is communicated by virtue of what language refers to), social meaning (what is communicated of the social circumstances of language use), affective meaning (what is communicated of the feeling and attitudes of the speaker/writer), reflected meaning (what is communicated through association with another sense of the same expression), collocative meaning (what is communicated through association with words which tend to occur in the environment of another word), thematic meaning(what is communicated by the way in which the message is organized in terms of order and emphasis).


Business etiquette, can be defined as behavior norms that should be abided by business people in their activities.


However, in the development trend that e-commerce globalizes, the business reputation crisis of e-commerce is attacked quietly, false trade , imitate behavior , contract swindle , online auction bid up target , infringe consumer legitimate rights and interests various kinds of unlawful practices take place again and again, these phenomenon restrain from to a great extent e-commerce global fast, develop in a healthy way.


In this paper, we investigate the antecedents of internet customers' repurchasing intention and actual repurchasing behavior, on the basis of Planned Behavior Theory. An Internet customer loyalty model, integrating e-service quality, customer satisfaction, emotion relationship, and switching barriers, is established.


In recent years, the information-intensive and knowledge-intensive industry, E-Commerce, is getting more and more prosperous; this kind of industry own various, numerous but scatted electronic information resources, therefore, its employees' information use behavior are very worthwhile to study.


With regard to the application of law of torts in electronic commerce, the dissertation analyses separately lex loci delicti, lex fori, lex voluntatis, and law of the place of the most significant relationship. And considering that the overwhelming majority countries approve that the lex loci delicti applies to torts, the dissertation doesn't rule out the possibility that many countries apply lex loci delicti by means of expanding the explanation of lex loci delicti.


更多网络解释与商务行为相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Organizing Strategy and Behavior:组织战略与行为学

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supply chain:供给链

B2B电子商务模式 带来了企业价值链的变革 供给链(Supply Chain)由波特的价值链理论(Value Chain)发展而来. 波特指出,任何一个组织均可看作是由一系列相关的基本行为组成,这些行为对应于从供给商到消费者的物流、信息流和资金流的流动.

mySAP Marketplace:市场

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能使企业在短期内迅速扩展自己的市场份额,因为所有的商业行为,最终都要落实到对目标客户的选择和争夺上,而本系统正是以客户为中心、以商机为...天意阿里巴巴企业商务网V1.0 主要分类如下: 供求商机(trade leades) 产品展示(product) 企业名录(com



Pirated misconducts can not be effectively avoided:盗版行为无法有效的避免

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