英语人>词典>汉英 : 唆使 的英文翻译,例句
唆使 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
abetment  ·  goad  ·  seduce  ·  suborn  ·  seducing  ·  sool  ·  goaded  ·  goading  ·  goads  ·  seduced  ·  seduces  ·  suborned  ·  suborns

更多网络例句与唆使相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

However because of the changeable policies of British authority and abetment from U .


However,because of the changeable policies of British authority and abetment from U. K to Tibet,this plan was aborted.


Since the beginning of this year, with plot and abetment of Li Hongzhi and the overseas Falun Gong headquarters, the underground Falun Gong organization in China secretly contact each other, purchase, equip and disseminate large quantity of "timely broadcasting systems", illegally propagate cult throughout China, undermine social order and endanger the stable and united political circumstances.


The document here brought in as evidence refers to the synod of the following year which was indeed summoned at the instigation of the pope and the Synod of Aquileia, but was not an Ecumenical synod.


And to the Bonapartism of the First and particularly of the Second French Empire , which played off the proletariat against the bourgeoisie and the bourgeoisie against the proletariat.


OREITHYIA was the mountain Nymph wife of Boreas, the north wind, who dwelt with her husband in a cave on Mount Haimos in Thrake.


All the gods in Olympus were in a fury, but they could not reach you to set you free; when I caught any one of them I gripped him and hurled him from the heavenly threshold till he came fainting down to earth; yet even this did not relieve my mind from the incessant anxiety which I felt about noble Hercules whom you and Boreas had spitefully conveyed beyond the seas to Cos, after suborning the tempests; but I rescued him, and notwithstanding all his mighty labours I brought him back again to Argos.

倘若 让我逮住一个,我就会紧捏住他,把他甩出门槛,摔倒在大地上,气息奄奄。然而,即便这样,也难去我心头不可消止的愁愤,为了神一样的赫拉克勒斯。你,怀着险恶的用心,依借北风的助衬,唆使风暴,把他推过荒瘠的大海,冲操到人丁兴旺的科斯。然而,我把他从那里救出,带回到马草丰肥的阿耳戈斯,其时,他已历经磨难。

In that he was goaded on by some of his cabinet colleagues.


Their excessive desire may incite them to commit illegal acts such as burglary mugging or theft.


I will not ask you what devilish impulse moved you incite our Claude to do this awful deed.


更多网络解释与唆使相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


abduct 诱拐;绑架;劫持 | abet 教唆;唆使;煽动 | abide by 遵守;信守;承受

Abet incite:唆使

Abesse (注:二大陆法)不出庭 | Abet incite 唆使 | Abetted offense 被教唆的犯罪


aberrationless 无畸变的;无象差的;正常的 | abetment 怂恿;唆使;助长 | abeyance 暂搁;暂时无效;中止


abetment /煽动/帮助/唆使/ | abett /唆使/鼓动/怂恿/ | abetter /唆使者/煽动者/帮助者/

suborn perjury:唆使提供伪证 唆使提供伪证

subject to prosecution 可被公诉 可被公诉 | suborn perjury 唆使提供伪证 唆使提供伪证 | submit evidence 提出证据 提出证据


suborner 唆使者,唆使发假誓者 | suborn 唆使,贿赂,使发假誓(或作假证等) | to flex muscle 显示力量


snare 圈套'落人圈套 | subornation 唆使,贿赂,使发假誓(或作假证等) | suborner 唆使者,唆使发假誓者

subornation of perjury:唆使(他人)发假誓;唆使(他人)作伪证

subordinate courts 初级法院 | subornation of perjury 唆使(他人)发假誓;唆使(他人)作伪证 | subpoena 传票

subornation of perjury:唆使他人作伪证

suborn 唆使 | subornation of perjury 唆使他人作伪证 | suborner 唆使


subornation 唆使,贿赂,使发假誓(或作假证等) | suborner 唆使者,唆使发假誓者 | suborn 唆使,贿赂,使发假誓(或作假证等)