英语人>词典>汉英 : 哈拉帕 的英文翻译,例句
哈拉帕 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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At the same time, increasing quantities of stone and other raw materials were being transported to Harappa, probably by oxcarts and flat-bottomed river boats.


Harappan engineers followed the decimal division of measurement for all practical purposes, including the measurement of mass as revealed by their hexahedron weights.


Born in Jalapa, Veracruz in 1962, Orozco integrates elements of nature and everyday materials, creating phenomenal works of art over the past decade.


The ruling classes of the Harappa culture (c. 2500-1700 BC), or the Indus civilization, may have spoken a Dravidian language, but as long as their script remains undeciphered this cannot be proved.


Another name for this civilization is the Harappan Civilization, named after the first excavated city of Harappa.


As seen in Harappa, Mohenjo-daro, and the recently discovered Rakhigarhi, this urban plan included the world's first urban sanitation systems.


The pastoral villages that spread out east of Elam through Iran and Baluchistan prepared the way for the cities that were to develop around the Indus River, particularly at Harappa and Mohenjo-daro.


Increasing knowledge of the Ravi and Kot Diji Phase occupations at Harappa, and of contemporary settlements throughout northwestern South Asia, permits glimpses of later Indus Civilization.


India - The Indus Valley civilization grows up along the banks of the Indus River in what is now Pakistan. The two most important sites uncovered so far by archeologists are Harappa and Mohenjo-Dara; both cities show considerable development including multi-level houses and city-wide plumbing.


Among the settlements were the major urban centers of Harappa and Mohenjo-daro, as well as Lothal, Dholavira, Ganweriwala, Kalibanga, and Rakhigarhi.


更多网络解释与哈拉帕相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Hakeem Olajuwon:四十二、哈基姆.奥拉朱旺

三十七、兰尼.威尔肯斯(Lenny Wilkens) 千胜教头三十八、埃文.约翰逊(Earvin Johnson) 神奇的魔术师四十、罗伯特.帕里什(Robert Parish) 球员典范四十一、 帕特里克.尤因(Patrick Ewing) 大猩猩尤因四十二、哈基姆.奥拉朱旺(Hakeem Olajuwon) 梦幻中锋四十三、

ASPELUND, Harald:哈拉尔德.阿斯佩隆德

Decade of Education for Sustainable Development;教育促进可持续发展十年;; | ASPELUND, Harald;哈拉尔德.阿斯佩隆德;; | SEN, Nirupam;尼鲁帕姆.森;;

THAPA, Hira Bahadur:希拉.巴哈杜尔.塔帕

THAPA, Gopal BAHADUR;戈帕尔.巴哈杜尔.塔帕;; | THAPA, Hira Bahadur;希拉.巴哈杜尔.塔帕;; | THAPA, Krishananarayansing;克里沙纳纳拉延辛.塔帕;;

Indus Script:古印度河文字

格罗佩斯贝卡努斯 - Goropius Becanus | 古印度河文字 - Indus Script | 哈拉帕 - Harappan

Anurakto me bhava:阿奴哈克抖(二合) 美 帕瓦

[6]苏博适酉(二合) 美 帕瓦 Supo?yo me bhava | [7]阿奴哈克抖(二合) 美 帕瓦 Anurakto me bhava | [8]萨和瓦(二合)西梯 美 颇拉(二合)耶支茶(二合) Sarva siddhi me prayaccha


Harappa 哈拉帕 | Harmal 哈马尔 | Hars n 哈尔辛

pamna hazara:帕姆纳哈泽拉细布

Pamkon 五二四混剂 | pamna hazara 帕姆纳哈泽拉细布 | Pampa wool 潘帕有光长羊毛


印度河文明兴起于西元前 2500年,发迹于现在为巴基斯坦领土的 哈拉帕(Harappa) 和 摩亨佐达罗 (Mohenjo-Daro) 的印度河流域,又称为「哈拉帕文化」,为世界四大古文明之一.

Harappa:哈拉帕 试听

02.Tikal蒂卡尔 试听 | 03.Harappa哈拉帕 试听 | 04.Ulaid 试听


现在人们发现,印度河流域文明有两个主要城市:北部的哈拉帕(Harappa)和南部的摩亨佐-达罗(Mohenjo Daro). 城市的清洁和卫生的标准也很高. 很多房子有私人浴室,污水通过管道流入城市下面的主排水渠. 人们也使用公共水井和澡堂.