英语人>词典>汉英 : 哄骗的 的英文翻译,例句
哄骗的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与哄骗的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

She beguile d me into lending her most of my savings.


It was never, however, the Buddhist way to proselytise-in the sense of forcing ideas and beliefs upon an unwilling audience, much less to exert pressure of any kind, or any knid of flattery, deceit or cajolery, to win adherence to one's own point of view.


It was never, however, the Buddhist way to proselytise-in the sense of forcing ideas and beliefs upon an unwilling audience, much less to exert pressure of any kind, or any knid of flattery, deceit or cajolery, to win adherence to one's own point of view. Buddhist missionaries have never competed for converts in the marketplace.


If she wants to, she will, and she doesn't need coaxing.


Not a lot of coaxing with rewards is necessary and neither is a lot of force.


It hurt her and was awkward for me, too much fumbling, coaxing.


The following day, hu Han breathes out to sleep when the student also is attending class, teach gentleman sees bate, take a ferule to knock the student wake, blame him to ought not to sleep when attend class, the student explains:"I also am to see Zhou Gong."


It's trivially easy to spoof the From address in an email.


There was indignation in his hoarse bass voice but also a wheedling note. and Scarlett teasingly clicked her tongue against her teeth as she reached out to pull his cravat into place.


There was indignation in his hoarse bass voice but also a wheedling note .


更多网络解释与哄骗的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cajole - persuade by flattery or deceit:以甜言蜜语哄骗, 勾引

297) cadence - rhythm (声音的)抑扬顿挫, 节奏, 韵律, 调子 | 298) cajole - persuade by flattery or deceit 以甜言蜜语哄骗, 勾引 | 299) callous - insensitive; immature 无情的, 冷淡的, 硬结的, 起老茧的

chicanery:哄骗 欺骗

endemic 地方性的 某地特有的 地方病' | chicanery 哄骗 欺骗 | political and judical system 政治和司法系统


值此关键时刻,中美召开第二轮战略与经济对话,可谓恰逢其时. 美联社的报道说,美国国务卿希拉里(希拉莉)力图哄骗(coax)中国承担更积极的作用约束朝鲜,阻止它向韩国发动进攻.


coaxing metal strength | 金属强度的人为上升 | coaxing | 哄骗(的) | coaxingly | 以巧言诱哄, 以甜言哄骗

coaxing metal strength:金属强度的人为上升

coaxialprobe | 同轴(电缆)探针, 同轴探头 | coaxing metal strength | 金属强度的人为上升 | coaxing | 哄骗(的)

cozen verb:欺骗,哄骗

coy adjective. 腼腆的,忸怩的 | cozen verb. 欺骗,哄骗 | crab noun. 蟹,螃蟹;抱怨,发脾气


Freeloading利用别人的慷慨而占便宜的 | Finagle欺骗,哄骗,使用欺骗诡计手段 | Flurry阵风,小学,小雨,使恐慌,激动,慌张

Finger grips:指套 铰剪的環套

Finger dry 手梳法 哄骗指頭划過頭髮來將頭髮搞乾的要领 | Finger grips 指套 铰剪的環套 | Finger round cut 指圓剪 哄骗手指头彎曲將頭髮整型

That new job title is just a way of deluding her into thinking she's been promoted:那个新的职位头衔只是骗她相信自己已被提升的一种手段而已

6. delude 欺骗,哄骗 | That new job title is just a way of deluding her into thinking she's been promoted. 那个新的职位头衔只是骗她相信自己已被提升的一种手段而已. | 7. dupe 欺骗,哄骗


hoofer 步行者,跳舞女郎,舞蹈演员 | spoofer 哄骗者,幽默讽刺诗文的作者 | roofer 盖屋顶的人,修屋顶的人