英语人>词典>汉英 : 品性 的英文翻译,例句
品性 的英文翻译、例句


moral character
更多网络例句与品性相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"Having deliberately artificial, vulgar, banal, or affectedly humorous qualities or style."


Having deliberately artificial, vulgar, banal, or affectedly humorous qualities or style


May we learn from our God this spirit of selflessness, this spirit of agape love.


Even so, this activity should be tempered with wisdom—not that wisdom which requireth one to be silent and forgetful of such an obligation, but rather that which requireth one to display divine tolerance, love, kindness, patience, a goodly character, and holy deeds.


Then their manners and morals can be gradually formed from within and without.


Thus, patients who are intolerant of penicillin may also be intolerant of cephalosporins, and further, cephalosporins may induce anaphylaxis in patients with a history of penicillin anaphylaxis.


In my opinion,honesty should be respected as a moral character by chinese.


The chief cause of the action lay outside the person's character--in this case, in the character of the hypnotist


Do you attribute this singular renewal to the existence of a something better in you than has been yet discovered in your unconverted neighbour?


Order of market economy ; ethicized moral ; coordinating quality ; progressive and innovative quality ; efficiency


更多网络解释与品性相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Decalcomania (decals) and stickers, promotional:印花纸(贴花纸)和粘纸,促销礼品性的

4948050 Advertising tapes, plastic 广告条,塑料... | 4948051 Decalcomania (decals) and stickers, promotional 印花纸(贴花纸)和粘纸,促销礼品性的 | 4948052 Promotional articles, personalised 促销礼品,个性化...

depraved and puffed up:品性沦丧,趾高气扬

the highest and justest ridicule无与伦比且是理所当然的荒唐可笑 | depraved and puffed up品性沦丧,趾高气扬 | eat amply开怀大嚼

character diagnosis:品格诊断;品性诊断

品格评比|character rating | 品格诊断;品性诊断|character diagnosis | 建教制度{就学与工作时间可轮替之制度}|alternating plan; alternating system

character diagnosis:(一)品格诊断;(二)品性诊断

"品格培养","Character building;Formation of character" | "(一)品格诊断;(二)品性诊断","Character diagnosis" | "品格教育","Character education"

Keyrings, key fobs/tags, money clips, badges and medals, promotional:钥匙扣、钱夹、徽章和纪念章,促销礼品性的

4948032 Tool kits, promotional 工具箱,... | 4948033 Keyrings, key fobs/tags, money clips, badges and medals, promotional 钥匙扣、钱夹、徽章和纪念章,促销礼品性的 | 4948034 Cuff links, promotional 衬衫袖的...


Brook,布鲁克英国,傍溪而居之人. | mille卡米拉拉丁,好品性的高贵女子. | de,坎蒂丝拉丁,热情,坦诚,纯洁的.


semi-baroque 半异形的 | semicommercial 半产品性的,试销的 | semiconducting diamond 半导电钻石

Awnings, promotional:遮阳篷,促销礼品性的

4948038 Kites, promotional 风筝,促销礼品性的 | 4948039 Awnings, promotional 遮阳篷,促销礼品性的 | 4948040 Fans, hand, promotional 扇子,手持的,促销礼品性


Br,布鲁克英国,傍溪而居之人. | Caille卡米拉拉丁,好品性的高贵女子. | Candane,坎蒂丝拉丁,热情,坦诚,纯洁的.

Q quality factor:品性因數,Q值,頻帶寬度

POSITVE positive 陽極 | Q quality factor 品性因數,Q值,頻帶寬度 | QD quadrant 象限