英语人>词典>汉英 : 呼之欲出 的英文翻译,例句
呼之欲出 的英文翻译、例句


seem ready to come out at one's call · almost certain · be vividly portrayed
更多网络例句与呼之欲出相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Lake Billy Chinook is known for its native Bull Trout population.


Here is a sensuous being,relaxed, innocent, chromatically glorious, and evocative.


However, Beaver Lake is known for containing a lot of great habitat for crappie in its 28,000+ acres.


By reviewing the two concepts and delict, the concept of legality on the basis of norm, the normativity, is vividly portrayed.


Either the Soviets sensed an imminent victory or they feared the approaching demoralization of their clients .


Beneath the image of fruitful Chinese art education lie series of problems that needsour concern.


With the development of the reform of the financial system in China,the bank deposit insurance system,which is regarded as one of the three essential factors (the other two are the prudent supervision of financial supervision administration and the final loaner function of Central Bank),is eagerly demanded to be set up in China.


This bad boy literally JUMPS off the shelf at you.


No matter where you live or what season it happens to be, striped bass fishing is almost guaranteed to be an interesting endeavor, as striper is one of the largest variations of bass – and is known for putting up a fierce fight against anglers.


Now, tantalising creation s like the HPX and LF-C offer a preview of what′s to come from Lexus.


更多网络解释与呼之欲出相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Mariah Carey:玛莉亚凯莉

网易娱乐2月11日报道 天后玛莉亚-凯莉(Mariah Carey)当地时间2月9日在多伦多举办演唱会. 她身穿金色低胸礼服丰胸呼之欲出,一边深情高歌一边尬秋千,带动全场高潮.

Christy Chung:钟丽缇

钟丽缇 (Christy Chung) 资料: 天生尤物钟丽缇,自出道以来都常以性感形象示人,亦在多出电影中作大胆演出. 做了妈妈后的钟丽缇以让人惊讶的速度完成了一个女人从含苞到怒放的过程,而一个成熟女人的身体在四方追逐的目光下呼之欲出,

George Clooney:导 演: 乔治.克鲁尼

主演兼导演乔治-克鲁尼(George Clooney)身穿西装帅气亮相. 女主演帕特里夏.克拉克森(Patricia Clarkson)身穿蓝色低胸裙装亮相,风情万种,十分飘逸. 名模Anouska De Giorgio身穿吊带印花雪纺长裙酥胸呼之欲出,妩媚迷人.



crepe de chine:双绉

"X"元素甚至在夹克衬里和丝网处理中的真丝双绉(crepe de chine)面料上若隐若现,呼之欲出. 色彩方面,鲜艳的靛蓝色和唇红色唤醒黑,灰,青铜,茄色,巧克力色和紫红色等沉实的深色调子.


"真不愧是南十字座(Crux)的最高奥义,"穆感慨道. 他刚刚躲避头一剑,待到对手第二剑呼之欲出已然收不住时,突然反方向瞬移半米,算准时机后直取敌肘部俗称麻筋的小海穴;只是他本人也付出了两根手指骨折的代价. "还好,


[on.cc专讯] 杨千嬅(Miriam)跟绯闻男友丁子高(Real)的地下情早已被外间认定,日前子高更暗示即将迎娶千嬅,而千嬅日日戴住「RM」订情颈链,就连日前为新歌>拍摄MV时亦舍不得除下,两人亲密关系呼之欲出,

once in a blue moon:出蓝月亮的时候(稀罕,少见)

on the tip of my tongue 话到舌尖,呼之欲出 | once in a blue moon 出蓝月亮的时候(稀罕,少见) | one foot in the grave 一脚已经入了坟(入土三尺)


上述三种机构化的势力以及呼之欲出的"房地产投资信托"(REIT)将会成为未来房地产市场的主角. 不过,急于进入的境外资金在豪赌人民币汇率的前提下不可否认地带有热钱的色彩. 另外,虽然中国房地产仍处于早期增长的特殊历史阶段,

be vividly portrayed:呼之欲出

13、consignment 委托, 寄销, 寄销品 consignment sale of books | 15、呼之欲出 be vividly portrayed | 16、瘦肉精 Brown Meat Essence