英语人>词典>汉英 : 味觉过敏 的英文翻译,例句
味觉过敏 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
hypergeusia  ·  hypergeusesthesia

gustatory hyperesthesia
更多网络例句与味觉过敏相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Among the more commonly identified impairments and malfunctions of taste are ageusia ,(or ageustia from geustos, Greek for "tasting"), the absence of taste; hypogeusia , dulled or diminished taste; hypergeusia , increased sensitivity to taste; and phantogeusia, the perception of specific tastes—sweet, sour, salty, metallic, or otherwise unpleasant tastes—without the presence of any oral stimulus.

包括在这些更普遍确定的味觉损伤和障碍中的有:味觉丧失(or ageustia from geustos, Greek for "tasting"),味觉缺失,味觉减退,味觉迟钝或降低,过敏,味觉感受的增加,还有幻味觉,不存在任何的口头刺激下产生细节味觉的感知—甜,酸,咸,金属味或其他的讨厌的味道。

Among the more commonly identified impairments and malfunctions of taste are ageusia ,(or ageustia from geustos, Greek for "tasting"), the absence of taste; hypogeusia , dulled or diminished taste; hypergeusia , increased sensitivity to taste; and phantogeusia, the perception of specific tastes—sweet, sour, salty, metallic, or otherwise unpleasant tastes—without the presence of any oral stimulus.

包括在这些更普遍确定的味觉损伤和障碍中的有:味觉丧失(or ageustia from geustos, Greek for &tasting&),味觉缺失,味觉减退,味觉迟钝或降低,过敏,味觉感受的增加,还有幻味觉,不存在任何的口头刺激下产生细节味觉的感知—甜,酸,咸,金属味或其他的讨厌的味道。

更多网络解释与味觉过敏相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

gustatory sensation:味觉

嗅觉过敏 hyperosmia | 味觉 gustatory sensation | 气味 flavour


hypergamous 同层结亲 | hypergamy 同层结亲 | hypergeusesthesia 味觉过敏

hypergeometry:超几何学 多维几何学

hypergeometricwaitingtimedistribution超几何等待时间分布 | hypergeometry超几何学 多维几何学 | hypergeusesthesia味觉过敏


hemigeusia 半侧味觉缺失 | hemihypalgesia 偏身痛觉减退 | hemihyperesthesia 偏身感觉过敏

hypergeometric:超比 超几何

hypergenesis /表生蚀变/ | hypergeometric /超比/超几何/ | hypergeusia /味觉过敏/


hypergenitalism 生殖脾育过度 | hypergeusia 味觉过敏 | hyperglobulinemia 血球蛋白过多


hypergeusesthesia 味觉过敏 | hypergeusia 味觉亢进 | hypergia 变应性减弱


"性感过敏","Hyperesthesia sexualis; Sexual over-excitation" | "味觉增强,味觉过敏","Hypergeusia" | "快感增盛,高兴","Hyperhedonia"


"味觉增强,味觉过敏","Hypergeusia" | "快感增盛,高兴","Hyperhedonia" | "睡眠过多,多眠","Hyperhypnosis"