英语人>词典>汉英 : 味觉减退 的英文翻译,例句
味觉减退 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与味觉减退相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Among the more commonly identified impairments and malfunctions of taste are ageusia ,(or ageustia from geustos, Greek for "tasting"), the absence of taste; hypogeusia , dulled or diminished taste; hypergeusia , increased sensitivity to taste; and phantogeusia, the perception of specific tastes—sweet, sour, salty, metallic, or otherwise unpleasant tastes—without the presence of any oral stimulus.

包括在这些更普遍确定的味觉损伤和障碍中的有:味觉丧失(or ageustia from geustos, Greek for "tasting"),味觉缺失,味觉减退,味觉迟钝或降低,过敏,味觉感受的增加,还有幻味觉,不存在任何的口头刺激下产生细节味觉的感知—甜,酸,咸,金属味或其他的讨厌的味道。

Old age: A diminished sense of taste and smell, loneliness, physical and mental handicaps, immobility, and chronic illness can militate against adequate dietary intake in the elderly.

老年人 味觉和嗅觉减退、孤独、身体与精神障碍、不活动以及慢性疾病都会影响上老年人摄入足够的食物。

Among the more commonly identified impairments and malfunctions of taste are ageusia ,(or ageustia from geustos, Greek for "tasting"), the absence of taste; hypogeusia , dulled or diminished taste; hypergeusia , increased sensitivity to taste; and phantogeusia, the perception of specific tastes—sweet, sour, salty, metallic, or otherwise unpleasant tastes—without the presence of any oral stimulus.

包括在这些更普遍确定的味觉损伤和障碍中的有:味觉丧失(or ageustia from geustos, Greek for &tasting&),味觉缺失,味觉减退,味觉迟钝或降低,过敏,味觉感受的增加,还有幻味觉,不存在任何的口头刺激下产生细节味觉的感知—甜,酸,咸,金属味或其他的讨厌的味道。

Postoperative follow-up of 12 months, 38 patients were cured, 8 cases improved, no cases recurrenced.1 case with Numbness of tongue and hypogeusia.


更多网络解释与味觉减退相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

hypoglossal ansa:舌下神经袢

hypogeusia 味觉减退 | hypoglossal ansa 舌下神经袢 | hypoglossal trigone 舌下三角

Idiopathic hypogeusia:自发性味觉减退

Ibotenic acid 鹅膏鼙氨酸 | Idiopathic hypogeusia 自发性味觉减退 | Illicium anisatum L. 山大茴,毒茴香,假茴香,次大料


hemigeusia 半侧味觉缺失 | hemihypalgesia 偏身痛觉减退 | hemihyperesthesia 偏身感觉过敏

Hypochondriacal psychosis:疑病性精神病

疑病症 Hypochondria ; Hypochondriasis | 疑病性精神病 Hypochondriacal psychosis | 味觉减退,味觉过弱 Hypogeusia

hypogastric plexus:腹下丛

hypoesthesia 感觉迟钝 | hypogastric plexus 腹下丛 | hypogeusia 味觉减退

hypogenous cotyledon:地下子叶

hypogenitalism 生殖腺发育不全 | hypogenous cotyledon 地下子叶 | hypogeusesthesia 味觉减退


其部分原因由于嗅觉降低(嗅觉减退)、感到食物有正常时所无的不舒服气味(嗅觉障碍)、味觉减退(hypogeusia)和味觉障碍(dysgeusia). 味觉减退通常反映于患者述说其对香烟丧失了口味. 腹部的9个区域均需要小心地触诊以求发现腹内肿块.


hypogeusesthesia 味觉减退 | hypogeusia 味觉障碍 | hypoglossalnerve 舌下神经


疑病性精神病 Hypochondriacal psychosis | 味觉减退,味觉过弱 Hypogeusia | 运动减退,动作减退 Hypokinesia


味觉减退,味觉过弱 Hypogeusia | 运动减退,动作减退 Hypokinesia | 记忆减退 Hypomnesia ; Hypmnesis ; Failure of memory