英语人>词典>汉英 : 呕心沥血 的英文翻译,例句
呕心沥血 的英文翻译、例句


make painstaking efforts · shed one's heart blood
更多网络例句与呕心沥血相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He attends educational job to come to died due to illness 2000 from 1969, be like a day three years, cautious and conscientious, exert one's utmost effort, dedicate oneself lifetime energy altruisticly to educational enterprise of people.


Millions of Chinese have worked for years to this end.


Teachers like groundnut, as the students themselves deeply installed in the heart, devoted to students all the heart out of the most beautiful gift - the knowledge to give to every student.


Porcelains are hard to be created but easy to be crisp. It's a kind of heart out and arduous job to repair the broken porcelaneous bowl, though we are magic.


The modern Press is at infinite pains to spread free judgment and its latest results to the reading public.


Mr Bogdanor, an Oxford don and long a toiler in the constitutional vineyard, is a man with a mission.


So why was general secretary Sepp Blatter sidling around the corridors of the congress of African football in Tunis in January 1994, under the unsmiling portraits of President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, whispering in delegates' ears that the old man had had a fine run, done a marvellous job for the game but now, at 78 for goodness sake, surely it was time to go?


It derives from the highest creative effort of all one's forces.


A group of pragmatists are reorienting Iranian politics as the revolution fades into history.


For his caustic piece on Boys' Weeklies he evidently immersed himself in mountains of the things.


更多网络解释与呕心沥血相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

be caught in a dilemma / be unable to dismount from the tiger one is riding:骑虎难下

呕心沥血 woke one's heart out / shed one's heart's blood | 欺世盗名 win popularity by dishonest means | 骑虎难下 be caught in a dilemma / be unable to dismount from the tiger one is riding

Boogie Nights:不受束缚夜

他的代表作其实是另外一部1997年拍摄的>(Boogie Nights). 那年他27岁,方才在影戏圈立足. 安德森用本身全数的才调,以非常呕心沥血般的工作立场拍摄了这部关于性欲情绪影戏业的故事片,实现了本身少年时代的胡想.

which another man has painfully and clumsily:就因为这样的行为

whenever we tear at the fabric of our lives|一个人呕心沥血 为他和他的家人编制的美国梦 | which another man has painfully and clumsily|就因为这样的行为 | woven for himself and his children,|而彻底破灭了

spare no efforts:呕心沥血

源远流长 have a long history | 呕心沥血 spare no efforts | 画龙点睛 bring out the crucial point

spare no pains:呕心沥血

弄巧成拙 too smart by half / go for wool and come home shorn | 呕心沥血 spare no pains | 偶像 idol