英语人>词典>汉英 : 呈褐色的 的英文翻译,例句
呈褐色的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
brownish  ·  browny

更多网络例句与呈褐色的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Brownish eagle of Africa and parts of Asia.


Fresh songrong, shape if umbrella shape, bright, the pileus assumes brown, the mushroom stem is a white, the fungus meat white and tender plump, the quality of material is close, has the rich special fragrance.


Elliptical in shape and strewn with a brown floating seaweed of the genus Sargassum,


Elliptical in shape and strewn with a brown float ing seaweed of the genus Sargassum,


The growth inhibiting rate of T24 cell lines were detected by MTT methods, apoptosis of cells were detected by flow cytometry, the mechanism of apoptosis was analyzed by detecting the protein expression of Bcl-2, Bax, Caspase-9, Caspase-3 and cytoplastic protein Cytochrome C. 4 We injected live T24 cells into the subcutaneous space of nude mice and successfully built up the animal model of bladder carcinoma. The effect of CS-PAA-EPI polymer magnetic microspheres targeting chemotherapy was investigated by HE staining, TUNEL ,tumor weight and volume inhibition rate. Results: 1 TEM revealed that the CS-PAA polymer magnetic microspheres were regular spherical shape,the average diameter was 80nm in dry condition. By controlling the pH value of the medium,polymers had positive or negative zeta potential. VSM showed the CS-PAA polymer magnetic microspheres had superparamagnetic. The diameter of CS-PAA-EPI polymer magnetic microspheres were 200nm in solution by DLS examining,the embedding ratio was 20%,the EPI loading rate was 15%, which was higer than reported in other articles. 2 Raw eye observation found that the rat"s bladder of treatment group was brown color,which meaned the aggregation of iron particles, compared with the control group, iron stain found iron particles were assembled in rat"s bladder of the treatment group, the amount of iron particles in liver and spleen were less obviously.


The spores are brown, monolete, and bean-shaped in the equatorial view and triangular in the polar view.


Jaundice, fatique, fever, vomiting, tea-coloured urine due to passage of bile pigment into plasma produced by infected liver cells.


Eye color should be brown in black and yellow Labradors, and brown or hazel in chocolates.


First firing of raw materials are usually basic glaze frit, in the process of production need to add metal oxides, metal ions is also a special color of the enamel glaze color, or as a gel, or suspension-like particles of the dispersion or absorption of light and color, for example, cobalt oxide blue or purple, blue green copper oxide, cobalt oxide copper oxide mixture is significant blue, red cuprous oxide, nickel oxide in the potassium content of the glaze was red, in the sodium yellow glaze of green, if used alone was brown iron oxide, cobalt oxide and manganese dioxide are combined black or dark brown.


Tall-growing pine of eastern North America; bark is brown with longitudinal fissures when mature; valued as a timber tree.


更多网络解释与呈褐色的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


coal) 经过成岩作用而没有或很少经过变质作用的煤其中含有腐植酸一般外呈褐色 1.20 烟煤(bituminous coal) 煤化程度高于褐煤而低于无烟煤的硬煤挥发分范围广结焦性相互差别大燃烧时冒烟 1.21 无烟煤(anthracite) 煤化程度较烟煤更

bituminous coal:烟煤

有未分解的植物残体醣类和腐植酸的由泥炭化作用形成的可燃物其质地疏松 外呈黄褐色或棕黑色 1.19 褐煤(brown coal) 经过成岩作用而没有或很少经过变质作用的煤其中含有腐植酸一般外呈褐色 1.20 烟煤(bituminous coal) 煤化程度高于褐煤


Browning 布朗宁手枪 | brownish 呈褐色的 | brownness 褐色


brownish 呈褐色的 | brownness 褐色 | brownout 警戒灯火管制


brownthecolor 棕色 | browny 呈褐色的 | browsability 随机索得率


花朵很小,花瓣密集,直立生长,肉穗(spadix)呈球状,"球状物"被一个罩子似的,紫红褐色的佛焰苞(spathe)围绕,就形成了"小讲坛". 夏末或初秋,植物长出鲜红色的浆果,呈簇状. 印第安芜箐这个名字来源于其可食用的球茎,或块茎,




极活跃,勇猛且嗜血,以幼禽和幼兽,尤其是小鼠、家鼠和其他害兽为食,大多数有赤褐色的毛皮,躯体下半部呈白色或黄色鼬科部分种类动物的通称 [weasel],躯体细瘦的各种鼬属(Mustela)是小型食肉动物,与水貂和鸡貂有亲缘关系,


鳞翅目(Lepidoptera)眼蝶科(Satyridae)一些特有种蝴蝶的统称. 夏季大量出现於美国和欧洲的草原上. 幼虫呈天鹅绒似的褐色或绿色,具小而分叉的尾状附器. 成蝶翅呈褐色,翅展56公分,有明显眼斑(环形斑纹). 翅上的假眼可能用以吓唬或迷惑捕食性鸟类.

threatened abortion:流产

1.先兆流产(threatened abortion) 是指妊娠物尚留官腔内,但出现流产的临床症状,常见于早期妊娠,阴道出血不多,呈鲜红色,若积于阴道较久,则:呈褐色,多表现为点滴状,叮持续数天或几周.