英语人>词典>汉英 : 呈现在眼前 的英文翻译,例句
呈现在眼前 的英文翻译、例句


meet the eye
更多网络例句与呈现在眼前相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But in the middle of the room, there was a splendid model covered with glass cover.


Every summer, plenty of slender squash and tender cucumbers hung from the green vines; we never needed to go to the vegetable market. All you had to do was to pick a cucumber here, grab an eggplant there, chop them up, toss them on the fire, and an aromatic "DaRu Needle" would be ready in no time, sure to make your mouth water.


It passed under the Howrah Bridge and came within sight of the Botanical Garden.


She tries to express herself although she can't express well. In this work, as the picture shows, Video 1 projected on the wall is about the woman who is narrate herself voicelessly, while her words of her narrative were disappear in Video 3, a image of a write cup.


Now, with a rush of old memories, how clearly it stood up before him, in the darkness!


But there's both less and more here than meets the eye.


I glimpsed, between the hills, sea and white surf curling on golden sand; vultures and buzzards floated overhead.


And when the evening mist clothes the riverside with poetry, as with a veil, and the poor buildings lose themselves in the dim sky, and the tall chimneys become campanili, and the warehouses are palaces in the night, and the whole city hangs in the heavens, and fairy-land is before us——then the wayfarer hastens home; the working man and the cultured one, the wise man and the one of pleasure, cease to understand, as they have ceased to see, and Nature, who, for once, has sung in tune, sings her exquisite song to the artist alone, her son and her master——her son in that he loves her, her master in that he knows her.


I closed my eyes again and saw the house where I had once foolishly loved rise up before me, resurrecting itself by degrees, the forsythias first.


How ardent I seized it, with hands that were glowing, And quick to the white-pebbled bottom it fell; Then soon, with the emblem of truth overflowing, And dripping with coolness, it rose from the well: The old oaken bucket, the iron-bound bucket, The moss-covered bucket arose from the well.


更多网络解释与呈现在眼前相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

but what he saw made him start the cringing stutter:然而呈现在他眼前的一切令他瞠目结舌

and he felt strong standing along with his new brothers 在... | but what he saw made him start the cringing stutter 然而呈现在他眼前的一切令他瞠目结舌 | cuz he was starring into the eyes of his own moth...

in one's view:依照个人的见解

have views upon (眼睛)盯牢 | in one's view 依照个人的见解 | in view 呈现在眼前; 在考虑中; 目的在于; 盼望中


菲奥里纳展开了两亿美元全球品牌塑造运动,并以新企业图案将惠普新面貌呈现在人们眼前. 惠普新商标以斜体字缩写HP为主,不把Hewlett-Packard全名拼出,以表现其快捷和活力. 下方打上"创造"(invent)字样,强调惠普60年来科技发明与创新的传统.


从三藩巿到梅林有许多巴士来往,也可以从渔人码头乘轮渡抵达索萨利托 (Sausalito)、拉克斯珀 (Larkspur) 和蒂布龙 (Tiburon) 任何一个港口. 拉帕 (Napa) 和索罗玛 (Sonoma) 在三藩巿以北,距三藩巿60至90分钟车程. 以上两处地点呈现在游客眼前的,

depth perception:深度知觉

生活周遭景物将以丰富的色彩与无限深度(infinite depth)在眼前呈现:"这会非常令人印象深刻;你平常看的是什么?是一成不变的老婆、小孩、你的房子、早餐,以及上班途中的交通、办公桌......这些日常琐事对深度知觉(depth perception)是一种可悲的浪费. "


虚拟现实的三项指标:实时性(realtime)、沉浸性(immersion)和交互性(interactivity). 所谓实时性是指虚拟现实系统能按用户当前的视点位置和视线方向,实时地改变呈现在用户眼前的虚拟环境画面,并在用户耳边和手上实时产生符合当前情景的听视和触觉/力觉响应.





Human Trafficking:人口贩卖

这是美国电影<<人口贩卖>>(Human Trafficking)预告片中的第一句话. 简短而残酷. 就像当一个不为人知的世界被赤裸地呈现在众人眼前的时候,那种令人毛骨悚然的清晰与真实. 两条新闻引起了笔者的关注:其一、瑞典智库--斯德哥尔摩国际和平研究所(SIPRI)日前发布2009年年鉴,

