英语人>词典>汉英 : 吸毒 的英文翻译,例句
吸毒 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
dope  ·  drug  ·  freakout  ·  dopes  ·  drugged  ·  drugging  ·  drugs

take drugs · hit the pipe · drug taking · freak-out
更多网络例句与吸毒相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Our province is seriously affected by drugs, one of the provinces, registered 40,000 drug addicts, the province reported a total of AIDS due to intravenous drug users infected with HIV continued to increase in the proportion of methadone maintenance treatment alternative to reduce the drug addicts syringe sharing the risk of the spread of AIDS, drug users has also reduced the number of drug use and drug-seeking triggered by a variety of criminal activities.


The article 353rd first section second section as well as article 354th of Chinese new penal code fascicle 1997 emendation fascicule, stipulate separately that crime of taking drugs by Tempting, inciting, cheating the others; crime of taking drugs by forcing the others as well as tolerating other people to take drugs, these three accusation are all around the implement which revolving other people in the objective aspect to take drugs or be injected narcotics. The author calls it crime of taking drugs in this paper for the three kinds crime of luring other people to take drugs or the drug-injection for others.


Age of first drug taking: men and women who first took drug mainly at the age from 21 to 25 years old, while women took drug earlier than men did, which ranges from 15 to 25 years old; Academic background: 86.3 percent of respondents receive education below primary and middle school; Marriage: the unmarried take 48.6 percent and the divorced, 12.0 percent; Profession: the inoccupation, such as housewives, are the majority of drug addicts with 53.0 percent; Total rate of relapse: the rate of relapse within 6 months after detoxification climbs to 67.9 percent.


Topics萧淑慎constant gastrorrhagia hospitalized because of suspected drug-related, yesterday when she accepted a telephone interview, saying the patients were discharged home, admitted last Wednesday admitted to hospital due to stomach bleeding, until yesterday morning and discharged gastrorrhagia linked to re-addiction, she said:" Frankly speaking, I have to time to the Shihlin District Prosecutor's Office urine, how can re-addiction, until this afternoon to urine."


Objective To survey the infectious status and relevant risk behavior characteristics of HIV positives Methods Sero epidemiological survey was carried out in 986 drug users by means of questionnaire survey Results Three drug users were found to be infected with HIV with a positive rate of 0 3% Most of the drug users were young or in their prime of life, jobless or received little education The drug used was heroin and 63 3% was used through injection, 53 98% of them shared needles and syring...

目的 了解戒毒者的HIV感染情况以及艾滋病相关危险行为特征。方法采用血清学检测和问卷方法,对 986名戒毒者进行调查。结果检出HIV感染者 3例,阳性率为 0 3 0 %;以男性青壮年为主,无业者居多,文化程度低;海洛因为主要吸食毒品,静脉吸毒率为 63 69%,其中 5 3 98%的人有过共用注射器行为;性乱在男性与女性吸毒者中同样存在;有 81 0 7%在婚外或婚前性行为时从未使用过安全套。结论在吸毒人群中,特别是静脉吸毒人群中开展有效的健康教育和干预活动势在必行

The results were statistically analyzed. Results Drug There 48.59% of the drug useres were the inhabitants in Zhejiang Province and 51.41% were those from outside of this province. Hot users veinous users occupied 71.46% and 26.27% mainly using heroin. 23.66% of the drug users through injection shared syringes. The rate of condomn use of 49 commercial sex each time was 4.08%. The rate of HIV infection was 0.85% and the infection rate of injecting was 3.23%, The infection rate of syphilis was 0.85%. It was estimated that there were 10000-15000 drug users in TaiZhou.

结果 吸毒人员构成,本省占48.59%,外省占51.41%;以烫吸为主,发生率为71.46%,注射吸毒发生率为26.27%,毒品以海洛因为主;93名注射者中,23.66%的人共用注射器吸毒,其中,男16名,女6名,共用注射吸毒率分别为24.62%、21.43%,男女注射吸毒差别无统计学意义;354名吸毒者中,49名发生商业性服务,发生率13.84%,每次使用安全套者为(2名)比率4.08%;吸毒人员 HIV感染率0.85%,其中注射吸毒感染率3.23%;梅毒感染率0.85%。

Results drug there 48.59% of the drug useres were the inhabitants in zhejiang province and 51.41% were those from outside of this province. hot users veinous users occupied 71.46% and 26.27% mainly using heroin. 23.66% of the drug users through injection shared syringes. the rate of condomn use of 49 commercial sex each time was 4.08%. the rate of hiv infection was 0.85% and the infection rate of injecting was 3.23%, the infection rate of syphilis was 0.85%. it was estimated that there were 10000-15000 drug users in taizhou.

结果 吸毒人员构成,本省占48.59%,外省占51.41%;以烫吸为主,发生率为71.46%,注射吸毒发生率为26.27%,毒品以海洛因为主;93名注射者中,23.66%的人共用注射器吸毒,其中,男16名,女6名,共用注射吸毒率分别为24.62%、21.43%,男女注射吸毒差别无统计学意义;354名吸毒者中,49名发生商业性服务,发生率13.84%,每次使用安全套者为(2名)比率4.08%;吸毒人员 hiv感染率0.85%,其中注射吸毒感染率3.23%;梅毒感染率0.85%。

The epidemiological survey of AIDS,HBV,HCV and syphilis infection in drug abusers of Yueyang cityWang Huahong,Wu Riming,Zhang DaqianYueyang Center for Disease Prevention and Control,Hu'nan414000. Objective To investigate the infection rate of AIDS、HBV、HCV and syphilis among drug abusers of Yueyang City,provide scientific basis for prevention and control policy.

目的 通过调查岳阳市吸毒人群中艾滋病、丙型肝炎、乙型肝炎、梅毒等几传染病的感染率,了解几种传染病的感染状况及其影响因素,吸毒人群中这几种疾病的综合防治提供依据方法对岳阳市强制戒毒所吸毒人员进行问卷调查,并采血检测Anti-HIV、Anti-HCV、HBsAg和梅毒血清学试验。

Everyone hope to find some useful ways to help those drug-addicted people. Each of us should fight against the drugs, and protect youth to create our harmonious society.


Everyone hopetofind some useful ways to help those drug-addicted people. Eachofus should fight against the drugs, and protect youth to createourharmonious society.


更多网络解释与吸毒相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

acid trip:吸毒引起的幻觉经历

吸毒上瘾的人/dope fiend | 吸毒引起的幻觉经历/acid trip | 吸墨/accept ink

drug addict:吸毒成瘾者

drugtreatment药物治疗 | drug-addict吸毒成瘾者 | drug-dog嗅毒犬

drug addict:有吸毒癮者

Drug 葯;毒品 | Drug addict 有吸毒癮者 | Drug addiction 吸毒

drug addicted:吸毒成瘾的

driving licence驾照 | drug addicted吸毒成瘾的 | eager for|渴望

Anti-Drug Campaign:反吸毒运动

anti-corruption laws 防止贿 条 | Anti-drug Campaign 反吸毒运动 | anti-dumping duties 反倾销税

be addicted to:沉溺于;使吸毒成瘾

be acquainted with 开始认识;开始了解 | be addicted to 沉溺于;使吸毒成瘾 | be adequate for 适合

be addicted to drugs:沉溺于吸毒

30.精神满足的重要性the importance of spiritual fulfillment | 31.沉溺于吸毒 be addicted to drugs | 32.解决社会难题solve difficult social problems

dope fiend:吸毒上瘾的人

吸尘布/tack rag | 吸毒上瘾的人/dope fiend | 吸毒引起的幻觉经历/acid trip

druggy:吸毒的; 吸毒引起的 (形)

druggist 药商, 药剂师, 药材商 (名) | druggy 吸毒的; 吸毒引起的 (形) | drugmaker 制药者 (名)

drug addicts:吸毒上瘾者

drug addiction 吸毒上瘾 | drug addicts 吸毒上瘾者 | make contribution to 为......做出贡献