英语人>词典>汉英 : 吸收壁 的英文翻译,例句
吸收壁 的英文翻译、例句


absorbing barrier
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Here we show that VacA permeabilizes the apical membrane of gastric parietal cells and induces hypochlorhydria.The functional consequences of VacA infection on parietal cell physiology were studied using freshly isolated rabbit gastric glands and cultured parietal cells.Secretory activity of parietal cells was judged by aminopyrine uptake assay and confocal microscopic examination.


Compared with the general single-tube model, this paper takes the horizontal bundle absorber as the research object, analyses the principal of dual-solution two-phase flow heat and mass transfer in absorber, introduces the wetting ratio to describe the incomplete wetting performance and view it as the changeable parameter to explain it's influence to total performance of absorber and cooling capability of evaporator.

与以往广泛采用的单管模型相比,本文采用了实际中应用较多的水平管束式吸收器作为研究的对象,对吸收器内二元溶液两相流动传热传质机理做了深入细致的分析,引入了润湿率 WR 这一参数来衡量实际运行中出现的管壁的不完全润湿特性,并将其作为可变参数分析它对吸收器总体性能以及蒸发器制冷能力的影响。

The differentiation states of costae indicates the ways they absorb and transport water, and their ability adapting to the dry conditions, which was elucidated by the following examples: Brachythecium plumosum, because of its thin cell-walls in the costae and the absence of hydrome, assistant and steroid cells, can absorb water and nutrition under shady and moist conditions; Plagiomnium rostratum, though often grows in shady and wet condition, has hydrome and steroid cells, a feature similar to those of xeric mosses, which endows it to grow in the conditions with periodical drought stress during its life cycle; Hygrohypnum luridum is characterized by its slender leaves with only one layer of cells, the thin cell-walls, the absence of filaments on the leaf surface, and the fewer layer cells in the costae, the absence of hydrome and steroid cells. These features make it adaptable to aquatic environments. For Pogonatum inflexum and Atrichum undulatum, their ventral surfaces covered with lamella, while for Racomitrium japonicum, Thuidium cymbifolium, Macromitrium ferriei, Diphyscium fulvifolium, Barbula unguiculata and Ceratodon purpureus, their leaves are strongly mammillose or papillos. Such appendiculate structures made them adaptable to thy conditions.

例如,荫湿生环境下的羽枝青藓Brachythecium plumosum,其中肋细胞胞壁较薄,无导水主细胞和副细胞的分化,也没有厚壁细胞分化,能够在阴湿环境下吸收水分和养分;钝叶匍灯藓Plagiomnium rostratum具有与旱生藓类植物相似的中肋结构,叶片较厚,中肋具导水主细胞,中肋背面具厚壁细胞,这些特点使该种藓类植物能够分布于间隙性干旱胁迫的环境中;水灰藓Hygrohypnum luridum叶片纤细柔弱,仅1层细胞,细胞胞壁薄,叶表无附属结构,中肋细胞层数少,无导水主细胞分化,也没有厚壁细胞,这些特点使得水灰藓'能够生长在水生环境中;东亚小金发藓Pogonatum inflerum和波叶仙鹤藓Atrichum undulatum的叶腹面覆盖着栉片,东亚砂藓Racomitrium japonicum、大羽藓Thuidium cymbifolium、福氏蓑藓Macromitrium ferriei、东亚短颈藓Diphyscium fuhifolium、扭口藓Barbula unguiculata和角齿藓Ceratodon purpureus的叶片表面有乳头状突起或疣状物,这些附属结构使它们能够适应于旱生的环境中。

In our study, the approach of the chorioretinal venous anatomosis in the model eyes with branch retinal vein occlusion, are induced by different surgical anastomosis procedures, in order to invest the effectiveness and safety and make a pilot clinic treatment exploration.

对照组:用眼内电凝方法建立兔眼的视网膜分枝静脉阻塞模型:单纯穿刺吻合组:在建模完成后,用200针直接穿刺切开距阻塞点以远2/3一IPD的淤滞状态静脉管壁和其下方的视网膜和Bruch's膜;吻合联合不吸收材料植入组:在同Ta组选定的吻合部位,用MVR刀切开视网膜和Bruch's膜和静脉管壁,在视网膜切口植入一小段7一0 prolene不吸收缝线。

UltrastructureAfter the formation of resting cyst in Urostyla grandis, the cyst wall is composed of three layers named from outside to inside: ectocyst, endocyst, and granular layer. Ciliary shaft and microtubule are absorbed by cortex , except for part of the kinetosome.


Vehicle headlamp provided with a metal halide lamp comprising a discharge vessel surrounded with clearance by an outer envelope and having a ceramic wall which encloses a discharge space containing xenon and an ionizable filling, wherein in said discharge space two electrodes are arranged whose tips have a mutual interspacing EA so as to define a discharge path between them, wherein the discharge vessel has an internal diameter Di at least over the distance EA, and wherein Di is smaller than or equal to 2 mm and the relation EA/Di is smaller than 6, with the special feature that said vehicle headlamp has not more than one band-shaped light-absorbing coating laterally of the discharge path.


The former formed a kind of KR cyst, while the later formed a kind of NKR cyst. All the kinetosomes, ciliary shafts and microtubules were resorbed in the former, meanwhile, the cell lost most water and cell volume decreased distinctly. In the later, only part of kinetosomes and part of microtubules were resorbed. Cell lost water slightly and volume decreased slightly.


Cracked Lingzhi Spores Powder, the exine of spore had broken, after taken; it can be absorbed directly and has well effect.


Water inside vacuum heat- collection tubes; since the hot medium inside vacuum tubes floats up and cold one goes down due to respective specific gravity, hot and cold mediums convections up and down to cause the heat conduction, furthermore transfer the heat to the related working medium in the heat tubes, the working medium sorbs the potential heat and becomes steam to rise up to the condensing section from the tube heat evaporating section; it emits the heat in condensing section to change again into liquid working medium; it flows back to evaporating section under the gravity action, the emitted heat is transferred into the water inside water tank or tube group by means of the heat-conduction through heat tubes condensing section; it makes the cold water in water tank into hot water in the repeated way.


Ordinary no destruction , the ossicular chain can be erosions and destruction , but more slight and no transitional .the major CT findings in simple chronic middle ear on 2 patients were soft tissue in middle ear cavity ,and 1 patient findings hydropneumo, the bone of tympanic cavity cirrhosis ,no destruction .


更多网络解释与吸收壁相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

absorbing barrier:吸收壁

会发生的充分条件 Karatzas Lehoczky Sethi Shreve 1986 正式讨论了该问题消费的非负约束可以使用库恩-塔克(Kuhn- Tucker)方法来解决至于财富的非负约束可以使得零财富为一吸收壁(absorbing barrier) 使得如果 W(t) = 0 则对于任何τ∈[t,

noise absorption factor:噪声吸收系数

noise abatement wall 减声壁 | noise absorption factor 噪声吸收系数 | noise attenuation 减声

carbolic acid:石炭酸

石炭酸(carbolic acid)又名苯酚,为一种原浆毒,能使细菌细胞的原生质蛋白发生凝固或变性而杀菌. 石炭酸对组织的穿透性强,对皮肤与黏膜具有腐蚀性,易从皮肤黏膜及创面吸收,我们采用05%石炭酸涂霰粒肿囊腔内,达到破坏囊壁的目的,

dietary fiber:纤维

膳食纖維(Dietary Fiber)是存在於植物細胞壁及細胞內,不能被人體消化酵素所分解的物質. 它的成份也是碳水化合物. 然而由於鍵結的方式不一樣,因此人體不能消化吸收,產生熱量. 而草食性動物,就具有分解食物纖維的酵素,能將纖維消化吸收,


瘤胃中的气体,约1/4通过瘤胃壁吸收入血后经肺排出;一部分为瘤胃微生物所利用;一小部分随饲料残渣经胃肠道排出;但大部分是靠嗳气(eructation)排出. 反刍是指反刍动物将没有充分咀嚼而咽入瘤胃内的饲料经浸泡软化和一定时间的发酵后,


有些可生成異型細胞(Heterocyst)或厚壁孢子(Akinete),其為一種內生孢子,可儲藏養分或由此萌芽產生新個體. 異型細胞具有固氮機制,可吸收空氣中游離氮轉化為有機物,增加土壤肥力. 異型細胞的數量、位置常是藍藻分類的重要特徵.


当有大量纤维蛋白渗出时,心外膜表面的纤维素因心脏的不停搏动而成绒毛状,称为绒毛心(corvillosum). 恢复期,浆液逐渐被吸收,纤维素亦大部被溶解吸收,少部分发生机化,致使心包的脏、壁两层发生部分粘连,极少数病例可完全愈着,

dentigerous cyst:含牙囊肿

含牙囊肿(dentigerous cyst)又称滤泡囊肿,是指囊壁包含一个未萌牙的牙冠并附着于该牙的牙颈部的囊肿. 多发生于10~39岁男性患者,下颌第三磨牙区最常见. 囊肿生长缓慢,早期无自觉症状. 较大时可引起颌骨膨隆或面部不对称、牙移位及邻近牙的根吸收;


由于细支管管壁薄,炎症容易扩展累及周围的肺间质和肺泡,形成细支气管周围炎(peribronchiolitis). 如病变并不广泛,且其损伤程度不重,炎症消退后,渗出物被吸收或咳出而愈复. 少数患者可因管壁的瘢痕修复,管腔内渗出物发生机化,使细支气管阻塞,

