英语人>词典>汉英 : 吸引范围 的英文翻译,例句
吸引范围 的英文翻译、例句


domain of attraction
更多网络例句与吸引范围相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The fluence and frequency of laser was controlled precisely, which could melt and destroy the adiposis tissue without damage to the adjacent tissues. The histological study of treated adiposis tissues, post-operative reaction and clinical results were observed and studied. Results Local adipose tissues were melted and liquefied effectively by the laser. Compact fibrous tissues of cellulite were broken by the laser into loosen structure. The bleeding was lower than traditional method due to the coagulation of capillary vessels. The advantages of laser lipolysis included less edema, petechia and complications, which produced a rapid recovery and satisfactory results.


The visible grid will be drawn to fill the area defined by the new board outline.


Historically, Waterfall Gully was first explored by European settlers in the early to mid- 1800's, and quickly became a popular location for tourists and picnickers. The government chose to retain control over portions of Waterfall Gully until 1884, when they agreed to place the land under the auspices of the City of Burnside. 28 years later the government took back the management of the southern part of Waterfall Gully, designating it as South Australia's first National Pleasure Resort.


It modified some terms of the initial formula, which made the snake model not only precisely extract the edge of the protruding object in images but also approach to the concave part of the edge. It introduced exterior sanction energy, which could adaptively change its value to enlarge suction, so that control points could quickly constringe to the real contour without relying on the initial contour. Combined with pattern matching, this new method could increase the precision of transferring the result of edge extraction from one slice to another.


The author gives two methods to specify the scale interval by using fitting of three—broken—line as well as statistical hypothesis testing based on the estimate of the derivative of the double logarithmic curve.


Therefore has carried on the next experiment: For the proof slip of paper dry scope migration is but because of receives the earth's attraction the influence to concentrate toward the slip of paper lower part, we have carried on the next experiment, we cut the slip of paper the long strip, then changes the level laying aside, because whether there is can't such slip of paper both sides underneath the space cause the hydro energy downward to concentrate create the experimental result the difference, after the experiment discovered, after has removed this difference, the slip of paper both sides dry need the time is nearly same, but according to above experiment, we arrived following conclusion, the slip of paper dry scope is downward moved from on downward migration because of the slip of paper in moisture content by the attraction attraction, causes under the slip of paperAbove the hydraulic modulus also must be many, above the natural slip of paper falls very quickly on the few water on the evaporation, but under many moisture content need more time can evaporate, causes the slip of paper dry scope most above downward to increase slowly from the slip of paper.

急!!!物理翻译中翻英请帮帮忙於是进行了下一个实验:为了证明纸片〈paper sheet〉乾燥范围的移动〈boundary of drying〉是因为受到地心引力的影响而往纸片下部集中,我们又进行了下一个实验,我们把纸片剪成长条状,然后改为水平放置,这样纸片两端就不会因下方有无空间使水能往下集中而造成实验结果的差异,实验后发现,去除了这个差异后,纸片两端乾燥所需的时间几乎相同,根据以上的实验,我们的到了以下的结论,纸片乾燥范围从上往下移动是因为纸片中的水分被引力吸引而往下移动,使得纸片下面的水比上面还要多,自然纸片上面就少量的水很快就蒸发掉,而下面较多的水分需要更多的时间才能蒸发完,使得纸片乾燥的范围从纸片最上面慢慢往下增加。

Secondly, the model of the passengers forecast were studied. The corridor analytic method was proposed in the metropolis rail transit passenger flow forecast application, The traffic district for passengers forecast was raised, which is centered on the hub, circled with the radius of attrahent scope .The forecast model applying toestimating the volume of collecting and dispersing passenger generation and transfer passenger distribution are raised, the example proved that the models are reliability and practicable.Thirdly, the plan theories of metropolitan rail transit were studied.


Taking MapInfo as the platform, using MapBasic progamming, we calculate and draw the attracting scop...


The sensitivity analysis results show that ticket price changes have a significant effect on flight load. Analysis of the influence of different flight departure time alteration on flight load may also serve as a reference for the flight departure time adjustment considerations of airlines. Furthermore, the estimation parameter value in passenger choice utility function for passengers to early arrival is less then to late arrivals. This shows that domestic flight passengers prefer the early arrival flight to late arrival flight under the same time difference between passenger desired departure time and flight departure time.


The purpose of duck decoys is to lure other animals into the range of the scope so that the hunter can shoot the ducks .


更多网络解释与吸引范围相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Agenda setting:议程设定

范围:议程设定(agenda setting)议程设定(agenda setting)一直以来是传播学、政治学者与政策学者所注目的研究重点之一,其中最值得探讨的古典问题就是:为什麼同样是公共议题,有些公共议题可以迅速吸引大众目光,引起社会民众的热烈讨论,

Alan Arkin:艾伦.阿金

他觉得这样一个故事势必可以吸引更大范围的观众群体,自然也能够捕捉到优秀的演员的注意力,而他在这个过程中,也最大限度地动用了很多自己的私人关系,加西亚说:"艾伦.阿金(Alan Arkin)以及艾米莉.莫迪默(Emily Mortimer)都是和我交情非常好的朋友,

attractive force:吸力

attraction 吸引 | attractive force 吸力 | audible frequency range 听频范围

attractive force:吸

183 attraction 吸引 | 184 attractive force 吸 | 185 audible frequency range 听频范围

Thorny Decoy:召唤一个诱饵将敌人吸引过去并远离自己

Endurance: 增加最大负重. | Thorny Decoy: 召唤一个诱饵将敌人吸引过去并远离自己. | Mend Wounds: 对自己和一定范围内的所有玩家进行治疗.每隔数秒获得一定恢复值.

domain of attraction:吸引范围

domain 定义域 | domain of attraction 吸引范围 | domain of convergence 收敛域


◎猩猩类(Gorilla) 可以学到 Thunderstomp,一种范围性的技能,会对周遭的怪物造成自然伤害并且吸引他们来打自已. ◎蝙蝠(Bat),猫头鹰(Owl),鸟类(Carrion Bird) 可以学到 Screech,一个快速的攻击,并且会降低所有在宠物攻击范围的目标攻击力.


其三,夸张(hyperbole),这是网站的设计者将上网的用户吸引到他们的网站的常见手法. "万维网"(WorldWideWeb,直译为"世界范围的网络")本身其实也包含了夸张,它充其量不过包含了世界范围的文化、社会等因素的一小部分罢了. 其四,

Mend Wounds:对自己和一定范围内的所有玩家进行治疗.每隔数秒获得一定恢复值

Thorny Decoy: 召唤一个诱饵将敌人吸引过去并远离自己... | Mend Wounds: 对自己和一定范围内的所有玩家进行治疗.每隔数秒获得一定恢复值. | Stone Storm: 以落石攻击数米外的敌人.被击中者还会对一定范围内造成碎裂伤...

you outflank them, get in there, get the bone marrow sample:你从侧翼包抄 进入目标范围 拿到骨髓样本

So come on. I'll draw the enemy fire,|快点吧 我负责吸引敌人火力 | you outflank them, get in there, get the bone marrow sample.|你从侧翼包抄 进入目标范围 拿到骨髓样本 | Can't.|不行