英语人>词典>汉英 : 吸引异性的 的英文翻译,例句
吸引异性的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与吸引异性的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

His idea is that the human brain is the anthropoid equivalent of the peacock's tail. In other words, it is an organ designed to attract the opposite sex.


Once hairlessness had evolved this way, it may have become subject to sexual selection—being a feature in one sex that appealed to another.


In the nearby loblolly is frog's paradise, they are singing to their heart's content.


Usually these consist of small things; ordinary in many ways, but possessing an odd quirkiness that pulls me to them.


Oddly enough, both will accept with tolerance, and sometimes even welcome, intrusions by innocent infants, unthreatening inferiors, and attractive members of the opposite sex.


Scientists found that dinosaurs had feathers—colorful feathers at that—and have begun speculating that they may have used those feathers to attract mates as well as to warn off predators.


Have you been known to dress provocatively to attract the attention of the opposite sex?


If you're looking for the man or woman of your dreams, unsuspecting pheromones in your body scent are most likely playing a large and very clever role in mate attraction.


Fireflies flash, moths spray pheromones, bees dance, fish emit electric pulses, lizards drop dewlaps, frogs croak, birds sing, bats chirp, lions roar, monkeys grunt, apes grimace, and humans speak.


After all, asexuals don't have to spend time and precious energy looking for mates and thinking up better witticisms than,"Come here often?"


更多网络解释与吸引异性的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

and adorable:另一半的哪个优点吸引你

45. 最喜欢异性的哪个部位:eyes, hands, hair, fingernail... | 46. 另一半的哪个优点吸引你:wealthy, personable, savvy, and adorable | 47. 如果有人误会你你会怎么做: talk to them first, is not work then ask ...

glance at sb:如果遇到一个你喜欢的男生或女生,也许就在大街上,你有什么反应

觉得自己可以吸引异性的最大优点是什么:have no idea | 如果遇到一个你喜欢的男生或女生,也许就在大街上,你有什么反应:glance at sb. | 爱情、友情、事业,哪个最重要:kinship

ionic bond:子键

离子键( ionic bond )是指通过异性电荷之间的吸引产生的化学结合作用,又称电价键. 当电离能小的金属原子和电子亲合能大的非金属原子接近时,前者将失去电子形成正离子,而后者则获得电子形成负离子,两者通过库仑作用相互吸引.


6月5日 万寿菊(Marigold) 花语:甜蜜爱情 花占卜:你对爱情充满憧憬,容易被异性的外表吸引,对于甜言蜜语更是无力招架,所以比较容易堕入情网. 但感情来得快也去得快,使你常常失恋,若想改变现状,就要收敛一下你的嫉妒心. 幸运花:向日葵,雏菊 花箴言:

wealthy, personable, savvy, and adorable:另一半的哪个优点吸引你

45. 最喜欢异性的哪个部位:eyes, hands, hair, fingernail... | 46. 另一半的哪个优点吸引你:wealthy, personable, savvy, and adorable | 47. 如果有人误会你你会怎么做: talk to them first, is not work then ask ...

dress to the teeth:当面, 公然

deck out in用...装扮起来 | dress to the teeth当面, 公然 | dressed to kill穿着极炫目的衣服吸引异性

Nasalis larvatus:长鼻猴

雄性长鼻猴(Nasalis larvatus)的独特鼻子有着双重作用. 吸引异性和作为共鸣腔来放大警告信号. 当雄长鼻猴悲伤时,他的鼻子充血并突出,发出更大更集中的叫声. 长鼻猴原产于波罗洲(Borneo). 美洲虎(Panthera onca)是在美洲发现的四种咆哮类大猫科类(老虎、狮子、猎豹和美洲虎)中的唯一一种.


腐肉诱集的甲虫主要为埋葬虫(Silphidae)、隐翅虫(Staphylinidae)、阎魔虫(Histeridae)以及一些金龟子(Scarobaeidae)等. 异性诱集有一些昆虫的雌性个体能释放一种性信息素,将距离很远的同种雄性个体吸引到身边进行交配.

come into fashion:流行起来, 开始风行

dressed to kill穿着极炫目的衣服吸引异性 | come into fashion流行起来, 开始风行 | birthday suit裸体(非正式用语)

Blue-Footed Booby:加拉帕戈斯群岛上的鲣鸟,蓝色的大脚决定了对异性的吸引程度

11 新西兰峡湾国家公园,霜覆盖了蕨类的蓝色叶子 Fro... | 12 加拉帕戈斯群岛上的鲣鸟,蓝色的大脚决定了对异性的吸引程度 Blue-Footed Booby | 13 尼泊尔喜马拉雅山一个小镇,蒙面的女性坐在蓝色的门阶上休息 Veiled Wo...