英语人>词典>汉英 : 启发式方法 的英文翻译,例句
启发式方法 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Cross Entropy method has recently been proposed as a heuristic method.It shows some simple performance in the process of solving combinatorial optimization problems.This paper makes full use of Cross Entropy method to obtain the best estimator for the max-cut problem which is a standard NP-hard problem in graph graphic theory.


For the above problem, two heuristic methods and a hybrid optimal algorithm that incorporates the branch and bound method with active schedule constru〓n algorithm are presented Computational results show the effectiveness of these methods.


The heuristic method emploies a genetic algorithm in reducing the redundant attributes of all attributes. Besides taking fitness function as its heuristic function for its selection operation, the genetic algorithm uses the attribute\'s information entropy to construct the heuristic function for its mutate operation, and in this way it markedly elevate the convergence speed of attribute reduction.


In conventional approaches to negotiation, game theoretic and heuristic based approaches have produced sophisticated systems and are highly suitable for a wide range of applications.


In this paper, all methods presented are heuristic.


In addition to traditional operations research,the modern heuristics have been attractive in fundamental research and real applications.


A surrogate subgradient with penalty function method is also used to solve unit commitment.


It absorbs the strong points of the heuristic method and dynamic programming method in solving such problems,and overcomes the tediousness of the above methods.


Embedding the gradient direction search and new kinds of evaluation functions into the Genetic Algorithm, a special hybrid Genetic Algorithm with mutation along the weighted gradient direction to solve non-linear programming problems is developed. Then in Chapt 4, a type of nonlinear programming problems with fuzzy objective and fuzzy resources constraints is discussed, in which the objective is ill-defined and the resources possess two different types of fuzzy resources, i. e., tolerance and imprecision. By way of description and formulation of fuzzy objective and fuzzy resources, the problem with fuzzy objective and two different types of fuzzy resources is modelled into a fuzzy nonlinear programming model FO/RNLP and interpreted as three equivalent alternative crisp model to reflect the variety of the environment and the subjective and preference of the decision maker .


Computational results prove that the local search methods can preferably improve the performance of particle swarm optimization, and hybrid particle swarm optimization based on the local search method outperforms GA and NEH heuristic method.


更多网络解释与启发式方法相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

case method:案例教学法

摘要:" 案例教学法"(Case method),又称"苏格拉底式教学法"(Socratic method)是英美法系国家如美国和加拿大等国法学院最主要的教学方法. 主要采用对话式、讨论式、启发式的教育方法,通过向学生提问,不断揭露对方回答问题中的矛盾,


2005年中小学教师奈米科学营活动宗旨以趣味生动的影音教学,配合现场实体展示与动手自己做(Do it yourself)的启发式实验,介绍奈米科学的基本原理,合成制备方法,分析鉴定技术2005年中小学教师奈米科学营由於碳奈米管的潜在应用,例如电子探针,

heuristic algorithm:启发式算法

(4) 启发式算法(HA) 启发式算法(Heuristic Algorithm)是一种求锝 UC 准最佳解的启发式反复法,它在决定 UC 时并不是一次性把所有的约束条件都考虑进去, 而是先根据某种方法 (如动态规划法) 形成一个不含约束条件的初始解, 然后从初始解出发,

heuristic algorithm:启发式演算法

在他的研究中指出,他利用启发式演算法(Heuristic Algorithm)找到了一组解,在5步内一定破解 Code Macker 所设的密码. 而他的方法平均需要猜测 4.478 次. 到了 1993 年时,Koyama and Lai 在下面这篇论文中,找到了平均次数最少的最佳解. > Koyama,

heuristic approach:启发式方法

Panteli Tritchew教授特别强调在系统开发过程中,启发式方法(heuristic approach)是一种极具创造力的解决问题的方法,如果能将发散式思维和集合式思维有机地结合在起来,将有助于更高效地找到最佳解决办法.




或许是从旧石器时代(Paleolithic)开始,我们的祖先就运用启发式(heuristics,也叫做拇指法则)的方法来应对突如其来的危机. 危机来势迅猛,就像一头长毛象气势汹汹地向你冲来,我们没有时间去通过仔细计算和分析来寻找应对策略.


第 2 行显示将采取什么动作来解决分配失败,堆的主块中有多少空闲空间,以及荒地(wilderness)中有多少可用空闲空间. 可能采取的 AF 动作是:reason=9 堆中有很多碎片. 这不同于 reason 2,因为它使用一个额外的启发式(heuristic)方法来判断是否应该执行压缩.


2,什么是问题解决中的算法式(algorithms)和启发式(heuristics)策略,请加以比较及分析. 3,什么是马赫带(mach band),如何解释. 4,用实验说明脑功能的一侧优势. 5,什么是"习惯化-去习惯化"研究方法?该方法对儿童心理发展的研究有何重要意义?