英语人>词典>汉英 : 含意 的英文翻译,例句
含意 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
implicate  ·  implication  ·  meaning  ·  undernote  ·  implicated  ·  implicates  ·  implicating  ·  overtones

更多网络例句与含意相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Symbols tend to appear in clusters and to depend on one another for their accretion of meaning and value.


That view is seeping into the body politic of America, with, I think, potentially seismic implications.


I am a clinician and I am concerned more about the benefit implication about the pathophysiological changes than passing pathophysiological defect we can bring benefit to the long term glycemic control.


Just then the meaning of what had been said burst upon him.


Carson was well aware of the implication of her book.


LORD GORING: No, Lady Chiltern, I am not a Pessimist. Indeed I am not sure that I quite know what Pessimism really means.


They send the gift of the friends and relatives in the New Year's Day, liking the gift mostly up sweep the chimney sketch of the worker and small fatty pig, certainly sweep the chimney is in addition to old symbol, fat of small fatty pig, be liked by people, contain the idea to also like.


We assert that quantity demanded can only decrease when price increases because (1) this assertion can bring us refutable implications and (2) the refutable implications coming from it are repeatedly confirmed by facts.


Chapter 2 sketchily introduces the theories of implicature, focusing on the neo-Gricean theory.


Chapter I mainly studies Grices Conversational Implicature Theory: the author analyzes the concept, categories and pragmatic inference of conversational implicatureChapter II mainly argues the importance and significance of context in pragmatic inference of conversational implicature in verbal communication, and categorizes contextual factors into four macroscopic levels (logical, psychological, cultural and situational).


更多网络解释与含意相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


behabitives表态类以言行事(3.2.1) | calculability(含意的)可推导性(4.4.2) | calendric time units历法时间单位(6.1.3)


connotative 内涵的 | connotative 有含意的 | connubial 夫妇的


connotation /含蓄/内涵/ | connotative /有含意的/内涵的/ | connote /暗示/含意/内涵/


connect 连接 | connote 含意,暗示 | conquer 征服,克服

conversational implicature:会话含意

格莱斯把这种在言语交际过程中推导得到的隐含意义称为"会话含意"(conversational implicature)(何自然,1997:49). 格莱斯在提到合作原则及其四条准则的相关表述时全部使用了祈使句,所以有人认为这些准则是规范性的,

conversational implicature:會話含意義;會話含義;言外之意;談話含蘊

conversational code-switching 會話語碼轉換 | conversational implicature 會話含意義;會話含義;言外之意;談話含蘊 | conversational maxim 合話守則;談話信條


decoding解码(2.1.1) | defeasibility(含意的)可废除性(6.2.5) | deictic center指示中心(6.1.1)

implication n.1:含意,暗示,暗指 2.卷入,牵连

implicate vt.1.表明(或意指)...是起因 2.卷入,牵连 3.可能的影响(作用或结果) | implication n.1.含意,暗示,暗指 2.卷入,牵连 | implicit a.1.不言明的,含蓄的 2.(in)内含的,固有的3.无疑问的,无保留的

implication n.1:含意,暗示;2.牵连,涉及卷入

gravity n. 1.严肃,认真;2.严重性;3.重力,地球引力 | implication n. 1.含意,暗示;2.牵连,涉及卷入 | launch vt. 1.发射,投射;2.使(船)下水;3.发动,发起(运动等)

imply, implication:蕴涵/涵蕴/引发/含意/隐含

implicit 隐晦不明/内含/非明文 | imply, implication 蕴涵/涵蕴/引发/含意/隐含 | improbable 不概然