英语人>词典>汉英 : 君主主义 的英文翻译,例句
君主主义 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
monarchism  ·  royalism

更多网络例句与君主主义相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The whole of the monarchy is contained in the lounger; the whole of anarchy in the gamin.


But lately ambivalence is turning into out-and-out royalism.


Han Fei is against the moral political views. He considered that the purpose of politics was to strive for the mightiness of the nation, and to stick up for the power of the seignior.


In the 1919-1931 years of revolution and reform process, he integrated the national democratic movement of the practice and theory, the system completed the Orient "secular reform type" of nationalism - Kemalism.


It is useful here to return to the simplified notion of monarchical and aristocratic forces in Empire that we explained at the beginning because the question of regionalism turns on the question of the aristocracies.


China has a long and venerable tradition of indulging its rulers' artistic endeavours – from the sensitive emperor aesthetes of the Song dynasty to the artistic ambitions of Madame Chiang Kai-Shek, whose husband lost China to the Communists in 1949 but who was always able to find buyers for her watercolours.

中国长久以来就拥有容许其统治者进行艺术尝试的威严传统——从感情细腻的宋朝君主的唯美主义,到宋美龄(Madame Chiang Kai-Shek)的艺术抱负。宋美龄丈夫在1949年被共产党打败,逃离了中国大陆,但她总能找到买家购买她的水彩画。

Ungern was a devout monarchist, who intended to establish a "Central Mongolian Empire". His thinking was deeply influenced by Pan-Mongolism.


更多网络解释与君主主义相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Absolutism and royalism J. P. SOMMERVILLE:绝对主义与君主主义

12. Absolutism and royalism J. P. SOMMERVILLE; 绝对主义与君主主义 | 13. England: ancient constitution and common law; 英格兰:古... | 14. Leveller democracy and the puritan revolution DAVID WOOTTON; 平等...


authoritarianism权力主义,独裁主义 | autocrat独裁者,专制君主,独断独行的人 | bureaucratist官僚主义者

ice dagger:刀形冰锥

royalism 君主主义, 保皇主义, 忠君思想 | ice dagger 刀形冰锥 | active length 工作长度

battle effectiveness:战斗力

side coupling 侧面耦合 | battle effectiveness 战斗力 | royalism 君主主义, 保皇主义, 忠君思想


monarchical 国王的 | monarchism 君主主义 | monarchist 君主制主义者


但施米特并不认可19世纪以降渐成主流的以民主的正当性取代君主的正当性,在他看来,君主主义(royalism)的失败乃是因为1848年革命后便不再有国王存在了,故此惟有从霍布斯到柯特(Donoso Cortés)所发展出的解决方案才是重振正当性的正途,

royalism:君主主义, 保皇主义, 忠君思想

battle effectiveness 战斗力 | royalism 君主主义, 保皇主义, 忠君思想 | ice dagger 刀形冰锥


royal,王室的 | royalism,君主主义,保皇 | realm,王国,领土,也是来自于rect,但变形比较多

royalism:君主主义; 保皇, 忠君; 保皇主义 (名)

royal jelly 蜂王精; 昆虫的王浆 | royalism 君主主义; 保皇, 忠君; 保皇主义 (名) | royalist 保皇主义者, 保皇党人 (名)


Caesar /罗马的将军/政治家/历史家/ | Caesarism /君主政治/专制政治/帝政主义/ | Caesarist /帝政主义者/