英语人>词典>汉英 : 向近侧 的英文翻译,例句
向近侧 的英文翻译、例句


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ABSTRACT:OBJECTIVETo study the correlation between anatomic structure of the inferior alveolar nerve canal and dental implantation by measuring mandible innervation esemplarsMETHODSThe intramandibular course of mandibular canal and its dimendion were measured in 15 mandibles with teeth; the relationship between blood vessel and nerve was observed in 5 fresh samples in which the artery was filled; and then the data were analyzed by statisticsRESULTSThe mandibular canal was close to the lingual side and the inferior margin of the mandible, the mandibular canal and the 10mm underside of mandible were parallel in the region of the first and the second molars, it runned outboard to genal aperture when it was hereabout genal aperture, and the blood vessel lay above nerve in the mandibular canalCONCLUSIONIn implant operation performed according to normal anatomy, injury to inferior alveolar nerve may be avoided.


ABSTRACT:OBJECTIVETo study the correlation between anatomic structure of the inferior alveolar nerve canal and dental implantation by measuring mandible innervation esemplarsMETHODS The intramandibular course of mandibular canal and its dimendion were measured in 15 mandibles with teeth; the relationship between blood vessel and nerve was observed in 5 fresh samples in which the artery was filled; and then the data were analyzed by statisticsRESULTSThe mandibular canal was close to the lingual side and the inferior margin of the mandible, the mandibular canal and the 10mm underside of mandible were parallel in the region of the first and the second molars, it runned outboard to genal aperture when it was hereabout genal aperture, and the blood vessel lay above nerve in the mandibular canalCONCLUSIONIn implant operation performed according to normal anatomy, injury to inferior alveolar nerve may be avoided.


It can be moved both posteriorly and medially to lengthen the side of the palate and to contact with the cleft margin of the non-operated side without tension.Obviously,there is no need to perform the same surgical maneuvers on the other side again.The cleft is then closed by layers.


After all of these six changes have been carried out on one side of the palate,the operated side becomes completely relaxed.It can be moved both posteriorly and medially to lengthen the side of the palate and to contact with the cleft margin of the non-operated side without tension.Obviously,there is no need to perform the same surgical maneuvers on the other side again.The cleft is then closed by layers.


Effects of Coriolis force were analyzed with the three dimensional simulations and the following conclusions were drawn: The tangential component of Coriolis force induces cross stream secondary flow in the form of two-cell pattern,while the radial component of Coriolis force decelerates and accelerates the cent...


Dissect the fascia from the dorsum down to the bursa oer the medial aspect of the metatarsal head. Then make a cured incision through the bursa and capsule of the joint Fig. 1-24,; begin the incision oer the dorsomedial aspect of the joint, continue it proximally dorsal to the metatarsal head and then plantarward and distalward around the joint, and end it distally on the medioplantar aspect of the metatarsophalangeal joint.


Results: After 6~7 months the dentures in crowded patients were arranged neatly, the upper first molars were moved 0.31mm mesially evenly, and the upper incisors were moved 0.20mm labially evenly.


Dissect the fascia from the dorsum down to the bursa over the medial aspect of the metatarsal head. Then make a curved incision through the bursa and capsule of the joint Fig. 1-24,; begin the incision over the dorsomedial aspect of the joint, continue it proximally dorsal to the metatarsal head and then plantarward and distalward around the joint, and end it distally on the medioplantar aspect of the metatarsophalangeal joint.


The initial point of collateral ligament was drilled two holes, 2 to 3 mm in distance, and crossed by steel wire. Then the superficial flexor tendon of finger was crossed under the steel wire and sutured to the terminal point of superficial flexor tendon of finger by 5/0 to 7/0 nontraumatic suture thread to maintain suitable tension, and sutured to collateral ligament by 8/0 nontraumatic suture thread.

用细克氏针在侧副韧带起点处向健侧钻两个相距2~3 mm骨孔穿过钢丝,切开屈肌腱鞘,从指浅屈肌腱一侧近端切取所需长度肌腱束,此肌腱束穿过钢丝孔,保持肌腱束的合适张力,用5/0~7/0无创线缝合于浅腱止点,应用8/0针线将肌腱束缝合于韧带上。

Then the superficial flexor tendon of finger was crossed under the steel wire and sutured to the terminal point of superficial flexor tendon of finger by 5/0 to 7/0 nontraumatic suture thread to maintain suitable tension, and sutured to collateral ligament by 8/0 nontraumatic suture thread.

用细克氏针在侧副韧带起点处向健侧钻两个相距2~3 mm骨孔穿过钢丝,切开屈肌腱鞘,从指浅屈肌腱一侧近端切取所需长度肌腱束,此肌腱束穿过钢丝孔,保持肌腱束的合适张力,用5/0~7/0无创线缝合于浅腱止点,应用8/0针线将肌腱束缝合于韧带上。

更多网络解释与向近侧相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


阴离子包括甲酸盐(formate)和草酸盐(oxalate). 进入细胞内的Cl-则通过K+-Cl-同向转运和Cl-离子通道跨越基侧膜出细胞进入毛细血管. 由于近端小管前半段对水的大量吸收,致使近端小管后半段小管液的高Cl-浓度,这样就提供了驱动力,

Ossa metacarpi:掌骨

(2)掌骨(ossa metacarpi)共5块,由外侧向内侧,依次为第1-5掌骨. 其近侧端称底,接腕骨;远侧端呈球状的小头,接指骨. (3)指骨(ossa digitorum manus)共 14块,除拇指为两节外,其余各指均为三节. 分别称第1节指骨、第2节指骨和第3节指骨.


\\"维生素原\\",\\"provitamin\\" | \\"向近端,向近侧\\",\\"proximad\\" | \\"近侧迂曲小管\\",\\"proximal convoluted tubule\\"

nail fold:甲襞

是甲的生长区.甲母质细胞分裂增生,不断向指(趾)的运端移动,角化后构成甲体的细胞.甲体两侧和近侧的皮肤为甲襞(nail fold).甲襞与甲体之间的沟为甲沟(nail groove).甲对指(趾)末节起保护作用.甲床真皮中有丰富的感觉神经末梢,