英语人>词典>汉英 : 向后转 的英文翻译,例句
向后转 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

about face · about-face · right-about · volte-face · about-faced · about-faces · about-facing · right-about-face · about-turn · face about
更多网络例句与向后转相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Demilitarize:To eliminate the military character of.


When I saw a fellow student desperately trying to push her heels down at the expense of keeping her shoulders rotated back and her thighs pulled up, I sneered inwardly: Newbie!


According to the order of the drillmaster .


The young man about-faced according to the order of the drillmaster.


The first lieutenant faced his men about.


Well, Next, we will now begin the ceremony, the students stood at attention facing the flag station, the raising of the flag, the national anthem is played, with their eyes, the ceremony, singing the national anthem, to the rear in the Teacher's Day when the children were sent to the teachers the blessings.


Right here, loggerhead, turn around...


The naughtiness came when he went back online after being fixed.


We turn backward then rightward.


When I became aware of this right-about-turn, I was indignant and questioned searchingly the officers concerned .


更多网络解释与向后转相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

About face Forward----March:向后转----走

齐步----走:Quick----march! | 向后转----走:About face Forward----March! | 预备,跑:ready,go!

About turn! About face:向后转

向左转走!By the left flank, March! | 向后转:About turn! About face! | 向后转走!To the rear, March!

Once more. About face:再一遍 向后转

All right, let's go, come on, move it!|好了,我们走,快点,走了! | Once more. About face.|再一遍 向后转 | Forward march.|齐步走

face about:向后转

Extend! 散开! | Right extend! 向右散开! | Face about! 向后转!

face about:向后转,转过身来

He was facing away from me, so I couldn't see who he was. 他的脸正背着我,所以我看不清他是谁. | face about向后转,转过身来: | The troops were ordered to face about. 队伍接到命令向后转.


一个教学成果是由师生共同创造的,在准备上第一堂双语课前,教师与学生共同学习体育课常用的口令比如:稍息( At ease)、立正(Attention)、向右看齐(Eyes right)、向前看(Eyes front)、报数(Count off)、向左转(Turn left)、向右转(Turn right)、向后转(About face)、集合(Fall


bring sth.about 使发生 | about face 向后转;(态度,意见等)大转变 | How about...? 表示访问,...怎么样?


a viable proposal 一项可靠的建议 | about-face 向后转,(意见或态度等的)大转变 | access 市场准人

G Gastronomic Reversals:烹饪向后转

F Forehead Billboards拍卖额头 | G Gastronomic Reversals烹饪向后转 | Genetic Theory of Harry Potter哈利.波特的遗传学理论

About turn. Right turn. Left turn:向后转. 向右转. 向左转

21. Put out your left/right foot. 伸左脚/右脚. | 22. About turn. Right turn. Left turn. 向后转. 向右转. 向左转. | 23. Dress right. Dress left. 向右看齐. 向左看齐.