英语人>词典>汉英 : 向后台 的英文翻译,例句
向后台 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与向后台相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In windowed mode, the best that can be done is a blit from the back buffer directly to the primary surface.


Jaycee sang a song at the backstage created extempore to express the blessings of Mother's Day to his mother. He said:"Tomorrow is Mother's Day. I wish mother a happy day."


Brown's counterpart, Capt. Di, commander of the unit, rushes away in background with his radioman.


The motor is competent for long low-speed or stopping up and the clutch has fine characteristic of control with torque. Sensors as forward access obtain signal, an industrial computer with abundant hardware resource as background utilize set-in boards based on PCI bus and serial modules to fulfill data transmission and instruction communication.


Membership-sales enable members to enjoy exclusive discounts and gifts by bonus points. Besides, we can summarize and analysize the sales information by database so that we could better recommend our customers those products which meet their personal consumption habits and preference. So the members enjoy our caring and circumspective services.


Leon and his dancers left the stage by the left hand side stairs and Leon waved to his fans. But since this is not the exit so Leon detoured to the other side for the exit.


Tide TS8650 is the day shuttle is the most crucial equipment in TS20000P group system, of responsible network discharge be received and backstage server transmit.

梗概: 浪潮TS8650是天梭TS20000P集群系统中最关键的设备,负责网络流量的接入并向后台服务器转发。

However, Jennings -- the point guard who skipped college to spend a year playing in Europe -- came out from behind the stage, wearing the Milwaukee cap, to greet Stern and wave to the fans after the 14th pick was announced.


Jaycee sang a song at the backstage created extempore to express the blessings of Mother's Day to his mother. He said:"Tomorrow is Mother's Day. I wish mother a happy day."


更多网络解释与向后台相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Backstage:在后台, 向后台

window curtain 窗帘 | backstage 在后台, 向后台 | counting room 帐房, 会计室

BIC BackplaneInterconnectBus:底板互连总线

BP BackgroundProcessing 后台处理 | BIC BackplaneInterconnectBus 底板互连总线 | BTT BackpropagationThroughTime 定时后向传播

counting room:帐房, 会计室

backstage 在后台, 向后台 | counting room 帐房, 会计室 | Gwent 格温特郡[英国威尔士郡名]

Front Office:前台

近年来ERP软件包的内涵在不断扩大,其趋势是从后台(back office)的财务、制造等应用向两个方向拓展:前台(front office)应用,如客户关系管理(CRM)和推销队伍管理等;决策层(board room)应用,像Oracle商业智能模块(BI)等,它们直接为企业CEO服务.


为什么使用框架的网页无法被正确索引? 在此,我们将向大家解释为何使用框架的网页无法被使用网路蜘蛛(spiders)或网路爬虫(crawlers)的主要搜索引擎(如Google)正确索引的主要原因. 在一个框架网页的后台代码中,

window curtain:窗帘

check screw 压紧[止动, 定位]螺钉 | window curtain 窗帘 | backstage 在后台, 向后台