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向下转的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The implements vertical multilayer light interconnecting with short span, solves upward or decurrent perpendicular catenation of optical path, makes integrated structure.


His mind does not go downward to the objects of the world.


In blastula embryos and 50% epiboly embryos, the zygotic pou2 transcript is also distributed in every blastomere cell. At the stage of 90% epiboly, expression of pou2 converges to the dorsal midline of embryos and locates in two waves of lateral neural plate and two transverse stripes in the brain region. In embryos at 100% epiboly, pou2 transcript is restricted in the neural plate and areas of presumptive midbrain amid himdbrain. From somite stage, gibel carp pou2 can not be detected any more, which is consistent with the RT-PCR result.


With the patient prone and the elbow flexed 90 degrees over a support and the forearm dependent, begin a curved skin incision over the center of the posterior surface of the arm at the proximal limit of the triceps tendon, extend it distally to the posterior aspect of the lateral epicondyle, and then farther distally and medially to the posterior border of the ulna, 4 cm distal to the tip of the olecranon Fig.


S Broad asphalt along the main road, followed by the array of more than 30 of its significant interest in large, medium and small Recreation: If the crazy "roller coaster" in the air on the track and came to a series of somersaults, and let you experience a soul-stirring centrifugal, rapid rotation of panic, can be done to stimulate;"fast scooters" in the track km On the fast, as Shirupozhu dive 30 meters high slope, Huer mad to Jixuan, feelings like Cloud Nine fall, as if riding a bull at running back; in particular, the addition of new large-scale projects,"Challenger Tour" Mars will give you the speed of excitement around the world,"wind speed," you over 10 meters in height, during which around and up and down several times before and after the turnover, there is a non-feet under the ultimate experience weightlessness; and the "monster House "is another boost fan, pitch dark, cold wind gusts, desperate calls and setting of zombie ghosts and volatile side of the creeps you scared, scared; 50 meters out to the" Ferris wheel "to let you enjoy the" List Small hills,"the sense of endless;" Liu Yong Jin,"When you enjoy the" drift "Huiguoshenlai no sense, as water spilled from the mountain 10 meters high fly drift down the moment, the heart Has been hanging in the air to the; also hit eyeful of Venus "bumper car"; as the mischievous people Shuaixiang half-empty,"Spider-Star,""rotating aircraft" and "forest mouse car," and so on, you will be able to bring a Although the stimulus was accompanied by tears, but more interest is the doubling of the situation, a test of your willpower.


Methods The 201 cases in 1979~1996 were retrospectively summarized. The clinical features including chief complaints, sex distribution, age at first visit, laterality, type of presentation, ocular deviation in the primary position, refractive errors, amblyopia, globe retraction, change of the palpebral fissure, upshoot and downshoot in adduction, binocular single vision, and its associated ocular and non-ocular anomalies were analyzed.


This article studied differences in postpartum fatigue and birth outcomes between women who pushed immediately and those who delayed pushing during the second stage of labor. Data were collected from primiparous women in their 38th to 42nd gestational week who did not receive epidural analgesia during labor and were free of complications during pregnancy. Using a quasi-experimental design, 72 participants selected by convenient sampling were assigned based on individual participant's preference to either an experimental or control group. For the experimental group, pushing was delayed until the point after full cervical dilation at which the mother felt a strong physical pushing reflex, the fetal head had both descended to at least the +1 level in the pelvis and turned to the occiput anterior position, and uterine contractions were at least 30 mmHg. For the control group, the physician instructed mothers to begin pushing after full cervical dilation at the point when the fetal head was in the occiput anterior position and uterine contractions were at least 30 mmHg.


One Player Hit: space Left:arrow left Right:arrow right Jump: hold and release arrow up for more height Splits:arrow down Play vollyball,!


When the protruding part of the cam switch over, the role of force in the spring, the plunger downward movement, the upper plunger space have a vacuum, when the plunger on the end to put the plunger into the After the open hole, filled with oil in the upper body inside pump diesel pump oil through hole into the room, plunger movement to the next stop point, the end into the oil.


A calculated model for predicting wing download of the tiltrotor in hover and forward flight was given according to the aerodynamic interaction effect of the rotor downwash flow on the wing.


更多网络解释与向下转的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


Declinognathus 转颚牙形石属 | declinometer 磁偏仪 | declivitous 向下倾斜的

version number:版本号

向右转,穿过几扇门之后,沿着狭窄通道前进,然后向左转来到一个满是士兵的房间,我杀死所有敌人之后,进入房间另一侧的通道,沿着通道来到下一个区域. 每个ubuntu的版本都包含一个版本号(version number)和一个代码名(code name).



apotracheal parenchyma:离管的薄壁组织

apotome 腹板前部(缨尾目铗尾科) | apotracheal parenchyma 离管的薄壁组织 | apotropous ovule (向)下转胚珠(指倒生及弯生胚珠)


apotropous ovule | 下转胚珠 | apotropous | 向下转的 | apotype | 次模

apotropous ovule:下转胚珠

apotrophic | 极度生长的 | apotropous ovule | 下转胚珠 | apotropous | 向下转的

apotropous ovule:(向)下转胚珠(指倒生及弯生胚珠)

apotracheal parenchyma 离管的薄壁组织 | apotropous ovule (向)下转胚珠(指倒生及弯生胚珠) | aquatic ecosystem 水生生态系统


apotropous | 向下转的 | apotype | 次模 | apotypic | 非典型的 有变形的

infraorbital canal:眶下管

侧线几平直,沿体侧中部向后延伸,约至尾鳍下叶前方的1/3处急转下弯至尾端;头部眶上管(supraorbital canal),前方微弯,至眼前上方则几近平直而延伸至吻端;眶下管(infraorbital canal)呈波状,向前延伸至吻前方与眶上管相接,

reascend re:再 再上升,再升高

ascent ascend转成的名称 上升,升高登高 | reascend re再 再上升,再升高 | descend de下,向下,scend爬 下降,传下,遗传