英语人>词典>汉英 : 向上弹 的英文翻译,例句
向上弹 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
upspring  ·  upsprang  ·  upspringing  ·  upsprings  ·  upsprung

更多网络例句与向上弹相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It basically operates the main point as follows: The left hand holds the ticket, the palm is downward, the thumb is pinned in the middle of the left end of the front of the bank note, the forefinger and middle finger are on the back of the bank note, pinch the bank note together with thumb; Left hand the third finger naturally curly, pinch, get up bank note little finger stretch to bank note front push down bank note below the Left deviation; The middle finger of left hand is exerted oneself slightly, the bank note of tight card together with the third finger, little finger; The left hand forefinger is stretched, the thumb is moved upwards, pin the side of the bank note, keep the bank note into the tile shape; Left hand wipe from tabletop bank note, bank note turn, thumb strength wiped from tabletop to borrow prop up bank note covering of a fan and oblique to oneself of WeiKai Cheng; Three fingers of right hand dip in water, rotate and move the lower right corner of the bank note downwards sharp with the thumb, the forefinger cooperates with the thumb to rotate and move on the back of the bank note; Play in one's arms, count while ordering with right hand the third finger bank note got up to rotate; Pay attention to the posture at the some paper money, the health is straight and upright, the eyes It must keep eyeball and bank note from,put dual tactics elbow at tabletop.


This paper presents the general methods and process of panel die design in PRO/E environment. The design can be top- down and bottomup. The emphasis is on the design and analysis of die surfaces under the PRO/DIEFACE including extensions, extension ratio, spring back ,etc.


On the basis of interior ballistics of gun and relating to the properties of theprojection structure of the pilotchair,the interior ballistic model of the twostem projec-tion structure is investigated in this paper.


To use isostasy theory, this paper analyzes the causes of the great earthquakes. The loading amount of the Tibetan Plateau is reduced by glacial ablation, the springback of the top of the upper crust is caused. The isostasy is broken and the great earthquake is induced.


The classic Eastern forehand groundstroke gets most of its power from linear motion -- from the legs, body, and arm moving forward and upward.


The puzzle is more difficult than it initially looks--quick reflexes are needed in order to glide from one snatch point to the next, as even a second's hesitation will steepen the angle of Nero's approach to the next point and send him crashing into the ceiling spikes.


Tilt your cannon turret up or down and fire shells at people, tanks and ...


Specific massage means is: Double buccal, gyroidal by massage outside introversion; The skin between eyebrow, by fall to be played up batch; Area of nose lip channel, light graze is wiped; Frontal ministry chuck is attacked, by wipe to both sides close lightly in the forehead; Canthus arc is brushed; Eye week circle is kneaded; Buccal week circle is kneaded; Mandible skin appropriate is played batch; Finally, peck kowtow and flap double buccal ministry.


Blond children scoot around on bicycles, elderly German couples take their evening constitutionals along the waterfront and teenagers who look surprisingly like California surfer dudes guide tourists through an utterly un-African extreme sports scene: sand boarding, sand sledding, sand skiing and sand sailing — none of which includes a dune lift, so all of which demand repeated uphill slogs through the sand and the inhalation of lungfuls of Namibian dust.


更多网络解释与向上弹相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Infinite Ammo:无限弹药

Unlimited Clip不用装弹除了火箭筒#9 | Infinite Ammo无限弹药#11 | Heaven Bound被杀死的尸体会向上漂#12

Infinite Ammo:无限装备

Unlimited Clip不用装弹除了火箭筒#9 | Infinite Ammo无限装备#11 | Heaven Bound被杀死的尸体会向上漂#12

Infinite Ammo:无穷弹药

Unlimited Clip不用装弹除了火箭筒#9 | Infinite Ammo无穷弹药#11 | Heaven Bound被杀作古的尸身会向上漂#12


如果键盘上有 CD/DVD "弹出"(Eject)键,请按下它. "弹出"键通常位于音量旋钮旁,标记为一个向上的三角形下面画有一条线. 注意 : 该产品中有易受静电(ESD)损坏的部件. 为了降低 ESD 损坏的可能性,工作时请在无地毯的地板上、使用防静电工作表面(如导电泡沫垫),

Hoffmann sign:霍夫曼征

1 .霍夫曼征(Hoffmann sign)医师左手持病人腕关节上方,右手以中指及示指夹持病人中指,稍向上提,使腕部处于轻度过伸位,然后以拇指迅速弹刮患者中指指甲,由于中指深屈肌受到牵引而引起拇指及其余三指的轻微掌屈反应,称为Hoffmann 征阳性.


反向运动与其相反,通过变换子对象逐级向上影响父对象的运动. IK动画的一个最大的优点就是可以定义关节点的工作状态. 在3DSMAX中有两种关节:转动(Rotation)和滑动(Sliding). IK弹出菜单由如下4个子菜单组成:


upside-down 颠倒的 | upsides 对等 | upspring 向上弹


upsides 对等 | upspring 向上弹 | upstage 自负的


upspring 向上弹 | upstage 自负的 | upstair 楼上的