英语人>词典>汉英 : 后脑 的英文翻译,例句
后脑 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
afterbrain  ·  epencephalon  ·  hindbrain  ·  metencephalon  ·  rhombencephalon  ·  epencephal  ·  tritocerebrum  ·  metencephala  ·  deutocebrum  ·  deuterencephalon  ·  metencephal  ·  metacerebrum

labrofrontal lobe · hind-brain · oesophageal lobe
更多网络例句与后脑相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The results showed that the activation ability value of the elite fencing athletes brain ability of infor oration processing was much higher than that of the normal people, which meant the brain could deal with more information and have more methods of information processing. The superior unilateral brain regions of information processing were the left forebrain and right epencephalon, which were the best match of both- side brain. Female athlete moods were more stable than the male athlete;besides, they were more active, having more powerful logic memory, and more rational thoughts. Among the parameter of FFQG, marginal modulus reflected the consumption of information processing which was related with the fencing athlete athletic for m. T his, the low er the modulus w as, the better w as the athletic for m. T he fencing athlete with good marginal modulus was 6z.4%.w ith the nor oral being 3 }.6%.which indicated that the efficiency of Chinese fencing athlete brain ability of information processing was rather high.


The anterior part of the embryonic hindbrain, which gives rise to the ''.


The anterior part of the embryonic hindbrain,which gives rise to the cerebellum and pons.


Remarkable signals of Foxpl were detected in many domains of the developing central nervous system, especially in mid-hind brain boundary,hindbrain,and spinal cord.


The neural stem cells can be isolated from human embryonic cerebral tissue . The ratio of cell clone formation from smaller gestational age is higher than that from elder gestational age .The differentiation of neural stem cells from hindbrain is easier than that from forebrain.


IL-1βmRNA expression in the developmental brain in Wistar rat: IL-1β mRNA in hippocampus, cerebral cortex and subcortex was detected by postnatal day 1 and gradually increased with development, reached a peak at postnatal day 21, and then gradually decreased to lower level at adult; In P77PMC rat, IL-1β mRNA expression was similar to Wistar rat before postnatal day 14, then gradually increased and surpassed Wistar rat at postnatal day 28, reached a peak in adult.


ObjectiveNon-heparinized autohemic arterial blood of the rat was injected into its caudate nucleus to establish a model of intracerebral hemorrhage. The changes of edema in various regions of the brain were measured at different time after hemorrhage. Meanwhile, the effects of erythrocytes and thrombin on the formation of cerebral edema after cerebral hemorrhage were studied to explore the pathophysiological mechanism of cerebral edema and the roles of erythrocytes and thrombin in this process.

目的 利用自体未肝素化新鲜血回注法建立大鼠尾状核出血模型,观察脑出血后不同时间不同部位脑组织水分含量的变化,并分别研究红细胞、凝血酶对脑出血后脑水肿形成的影响,揭示脑出血后脑水肿形成的病理生理机制,并阐明红细胞、凝血酶在脑出血后脑水肿形成中的作用,从而为临床脑出血病人病情评估及治疗提供理论依据。

Water content and AQP4 of cephalophyma periphery 3h ICH group rats show no visible change, those of 6h ICH group rats and 24h ICH group rats change remarkably, those of 72h ICH group rats showes most significant different.


Which indicated AQP4 participate brain edematization after ICH. Compared focal mild hypothermia group rats with normothermia group rats, the former's water content and AQP4 of cephalophyma periphery visibly decrease. Which indicates focal mild hypothermia therapy can relieve encephaledema after ICH.


This evidence suggests that, myf5 is involved in axial and non-axial mesoderm interaction during gastrulation. The disrupted hindbrain segmentation affects the fgf3 signaling, thus causing the CNC to undergo apoptosis.


更多网络解释与后脑相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

postinfectious encephalomyelitis:感染后脑脊髓炎

positive sharp wave:正尖波 | postinfectious encephalomyelitis:感染后脑脊髓炎 | postvaccinal encephalomyelitis:疫苗接种后脑脊髓炎

postvaccinal encephalomyelitis:疫苗接种后脑脊髓炎

postinfectious encephalomyelitis:感染后脑脊髓炎 | postvaccinal encephalomyelitis:疫苗接种后脑脊髓炎 | primary lateral sclerosis:原发性侧索硬化

postaccinal encephalomyelitis:疫苗接种后脑脊髓炎

postinfectious encephalomyelitis:感染后脑脊髓炎 | postaccinal encephalomyelitis:疫苗接种后脑脊髓炎 | primary lateral sclerosis:原发性侧索硬化


epencephalic 后脑的 | epencephalon 后脑 | ependyma 室管膜

occipital bone:后脑骨 后脑点的位置

Obtuse angle 钝角 颈部的后面大于九十度小于一百八十度 | Occipital bone 后脑后脑点的位置 | Off base 斜梳法 引发除了九十度外的任何角度


神经管的前体最初膨胀成三个主要腔体,即前脑(prosencephalon)、中脑(mesencephalon)和后脑(rhombencephalon). 而后,前脑和后脑各自再次分化成两部分,这样就形成了我们通常所见的标准的脑的五部分(图14-1,14-2):目前,已知有若干NGF的亚型和类NGF因子,


epeirogeny 造陆作用 | epencephalic 后脑的 | epencephalon 后脑


notencephalicmonster 后脑突出畸胎 | notencephalus 后脑突出畸胎 | notenotice 票据到期通知书


后椎体 postcentrum | 后脑的 postcerebral | 后脑腺 postcerebral gland

tritocerebrum:后脑, 后脑节

Citrus [植]柑桔属 | tritocerebrum 后脑, 后脑节 | confirmative question 证实疑问句