英语人>词典>汉英 : 后继者 的英文翻译,例句
后继者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
inheritor  ·  sequela  ·  inheritors

更多网络例句与后继者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But his successors, less clear-sighted, have used the classical theory in discussions concerning the causes of wealth.


For that and for much else I would like to be his continuator.


Eventually, however, the anti-Keynesian counterrevolution went far beyond Friedman's position, which came to seem relatively moderate compared with what his successors were saying.


If an application of number theory were to be found then certainly no one would try to dethrone the queen of mathematics because of that.


This Agreement shall be binding upon and for the benefit of the undersigned parties, their successors and assigns, provided that Confidential Information may not be assigned without the prior written consent of the Discloser.

混杂。 在机要信息不可以被分配没有Discloser的预先的同意书条件下,这个协议束缚在和为签名于末尾的党,他们的后继者的目的并且分配。

Miscellaneous. This Agreement shall be binding upon and for the benefit of the undersigned parties, their successors and assigns, provided that Confidential Information may not be assigned without the prior written consent of the Discloser.

混杂。 在机要信息不可以被分配没有Discloser的预先的同意书条件下,这个协议束缚在和为签名于末尾的党,他们的后继者的目的并且分配。

And I continue to find it fascinating how film noir, a genre born in the 1940s, has such a hammerlock on the future (look at "Dark City" again). I suspect film noir is so fruitful and suggestive that if you bring it on board, half your set and costume decisions have been made for you, and you know what your tone will be.


Thucydides' approach to history differs from that of his great predecessor, Herodotus.


HSBC's success is encouraging, but it also drains capacity for imitators. Since the start of


To reflect that each one who enters imagines himself to be the first to enter whereas he is always the last term of a preceding series even if the first term of a succeeding one, each imagining himself to be first, last, only and alone whereas he is neither first nor last nor only nor alone in a series originating in and repeated to infinity.


更多网络解释与后继者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


上升器(Ascender)原是德国陆军山岳师团用以攀登岩壁和冰壁的工具,名鸠玛尔(JUMAR),故又称"鸠玛尔式上升器". 只需一人首先登上岩壁,后继者即可用之向上攀登. 第二次世界大战后,随高山登山运动水平的不...


其他尚有一种被称为"公牛"(Bull),原种不详的大型鸽. 迪鲁多勒努(Dirudolennu)是安特卫普的尤连派后继者之一,因为尤连所引进的鸽种飞出了好成绩,所以便于1875年购入许多尤连所引进的鸽子品种.


epigone 后继者,模仿者 | bygone 过去的,昔日的 | hone 细磨刀石,v. 磨刀

Byzantine Empire:拜占廷帝国

拜占廷帝国(Byzantine Empire)罗马帝国的后继者东罗马帝国的别称. 公元330年罗马皇帝君士坦丁一世在古希腊移民城市拜占廷旧址定都,并改名为君士坦丁堡. 395年,罗马帝国分裂为东西两部分. 东罗马帝国建都君士坦丁堡,因此又称拜占廷帝国.


tragedienne 悲剧女演员 | epigone 后继者,模仿者 | bygone 过去的,昔日的


income 收入 | incomer 后继者 | incoming 新来的


268. ingrate: 忘恩负义的人. | 269. inheritor: 继承人,后继者. | 270. insider: 局内人,圈内人.


sequaciousslavish 盲从的 | sequela 后继者 | sequela 后遗症


sequel /续局/ | sequela /后继者/后遗症/ | sequenator /顺序分析仪/

the inheritors of Beethoven, Schubert, Goethe:像是贝多芬 舒伯特和歌德的后继者

This is a list of the greatest names in German cultural life|名单上的人在德国... | the inheritors of Beethoven, Schubert, Goethe.|像是贝多芬 舒伯特和歌德的后继者 | Yes, but what is it?|我晓得 可这张单子...