英语人>词典>汉英 : 后庭 的英文翻译,例句
后庭 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与后庭相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If you are the first time to use your backyard, that it will give you the new ambit.


He threatened to install something in Ken's bazoo.


It helps not to be doubled up with hysterical laughter when you have a length of hosing inserted into your backside.


I still remember how I toddled in front of an aged man's cane chair, reciting the verse "the sing girls, with no regrets for the perishing country, gaily echoed across Changjiang 'A Song of Courtyard Flowers". Having lived through the dynasty Qing, he shed tears at my innocence.


Insert to the backyard, in the SM game it is used to prevent the liquid from refluence after clyster .


Have you imaged the difference between the pubes and the backyard?


Made from a genuine cast of my ver own pussy and ass, and crafted in the life-like Futurotic plus? material, you're gonna ride me like a road hog.


After the Court of temptation After the temptation of using special tribunal of the oil was hip to do with the loca ...


Are the reception hall, conference room, house vestibule, the latter court, Chudo, luxurious clubhouses for the public and four reception venue of choice for the material; are hotels, restaurants, hotels, restaurants, waiter, gym, dance halls, karaoke, banquet-ting, etc. places of luxury and the best allocation of embellishment; also are Taoist, Buddhist statues and other religious sites, landscape modeling the latest highlights.


Are the reception hall, conference room, house vestibule, the latter court, Chudo, luxurious clubhouses for the public and four reception venue of choice for the material; are hotels, restaurants, hotels, restaurants, waiter, gym, dance halls, karaoke, banquet-ting, etc.


更多网络解释与后庭相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

back yard, rear yard:后庭

2.0343 前庭front yard, forecourt | 2.0344 后庭back yard, rear yard | 2.0345 中庭patio


场所/位置/处所 location | 后院/后庭/住宅的场院/后花园/庭后花园 backyard | 嵌入 inset

front yard, forecourt:前庭

2.0342 庭院花园courtyard garden | 2.0343 前庭front yard, forecourt | 2.0344 后庭back yard, rear yard

vestibular habituation:前庭习服

(二)习服现象 前庭习服(vestibular habituation)指前庭系统由于受到一系列相同的刺激所表现为反应性逐渐降低或衰减的现象. 前庭习服产生后可存在数周至数月,如以后继续刺激则可使之延续很久. 前庭习服产生的具体部位和机制尚不清楚,

neurotomy of vestibular nerve:前庭神经切断术

neurotomy of posterior roots of spinal cord 脊髓后神经根切断术 | neurotomy of vestibular nerve 前庭神经切断术 | neuroton 愈创木酚甘油醚

tail bay wall:船闸后庭墙

tail bay 尾水池,端跨 | tail bay wall 船闸后庭墙 | tail beam 端梁


1.前庭(vestibule) 位于耳蜗和半规管之间,略呈椭圆形,约6mm×5mm×3mm大小,容纳椭圆囊及球囊(图2). 2.骨半规管(semicircular canals) 位于前庭的后上方,每侧有3个半规管,各为3个约成2/3环形的骨管,互成直角;

vaginal vestibule:阴道前庭

(五)阴道前庭(vaginal vestibule)为两侧小阴唇之间的菱形区. 其前为阴蒂,后为阴唇系1:前庭球(vesibular bulb) 又称球海绵体,位于前庭两侧,由具有勃起性的静脉丛构成. 其前部与阴蒂相接,后部与前庭大腺相邻,表面被球海绵体肌覆盖.

vestibulospinal tract:前庭脊髓束

上述通路发出侧支以及一些直接起源于运动皮层的纤维,经脑干核团多次换元后形成顶盖脊髓束(tectospinal tract)、网状脊髓束(reticulospinal tract)和前庭脊髓束(vestibulospinal tract),终止于脊髓,功能与皮层脊髓前束相似.

干后庭花iller 自动消色器:DSC Digital Studio Control

DSB Digital Satellite Broadcasting 数字卫星广播 | DSC Digital Studio Control干后庭花iller 自动消色器 | ACP Additive Colour Process 加色法