英语人>词典>汉英 : 后代 的英文翻译,例句
后代 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
afterworld  ·  descendant  ·  offspring  ·  descendence  ·  descendants  ·  daughters  ·  offsprings  ·  proles

off-spring · progeniture succeeding era · later periods
更多网络例句与后代相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If sharks in the wild are reproducing asexually, their young will be genetically weaker than those produced sexually.


The result indicated, the CIMMYT forage characteristics of the overgrowth, strong tillerity and high yield could inherit to the offspring ,and the inherit ability was higher. It was obviously difference of seedling, plant, and its grow habit, flower apparatus and seed between CIMMYT forage and common maize. The hybrid offspring of CIMMYT forage and common maize keep the strong trait of growing and development, but the flower and seed character were look like common maize. The backcross offspring were not different to common maize besides with some tillers, distinct multi-ear and atavism.


The study suggest:(1) The observation of satellites in root tip and multiplex PCR makers could accurately identify the homozygous and the heterozygosis of 1BL/1RS translocation.(2) Through the restoring degree we could confirm the success of the transfer. The combination of the restoring degree and the agronomy property could increase the efficiency of practical application.(3) This study proposed the transformation from the physiological male sterile to the genetic male sterile, and then establish a method of utilize the strong superiority crosses.


It is thought that if human and chimp ancestors initially became separate species and then started to interbreed, then the hybrid males produced tended to be infertile. No one knows exactly why males are more affected than females, just that they are in groups ranging from mammals to insects.


In attempting to construct such machines we should not be irreverently usurping His power of creating souls, any more than we are in the procreation of children: rather we are, in either case, instruments of His will providing mansions for the souls that He creates.


And it also showed that the inheritance of the growth-rate and pathogenicity to cotton seedlings of XC-6 could not be inherited steadily in zoospore progenies and oospore progeny, but the colony morphology and homothallic character of XC-6 could inherited steadily in both asexual and sexual progenies, which suggested that the inheritance and variation of the above characters might be related to long-selfing and hybridization in species.


And it also showed that the inheritance of the growth-rate and pathogenicity to cotton seedlings of XC-6 could not be inherited steadily in zoospore progenies and oospore progeny, but the colonyKey words: Phytophthora boehmeriae, Biological character, Inheritance


The nitrate non-utilizing mutantas an another added genetic marker was used to select the out-crossed perithecium from self-crossed perithecia. Seven crosses were tested in all, including cross between S×S, MR ×S, MR×MR,HR ×S, as well as HR ×MR. The results showed that no recombinant phenotype was found among all progeny of seven crosses. Progeny segregation of crosses between the parents with different sensitive levels (i.e. MR×S, HR×S,HR×MR) clearly fit a 1:1 ratio of two parental phenotypes, and no segregation was found in the crosses of S×S and MR × MR.


In this paper, male sterile line of alfalfa was used to be improved with crossing, because the seed production of crossing is low. The affecting factors of seed production of male sterile line of alfalfa and its crossing progenies that are crossed with male sterile lines of alfalfa and good alfalfa that male is fertile were analyzed. The characteristics of female reproductive organs of male sterile line and its crossing progenies are analyzed in cell morphology. The genetic difference of male sterile line and its crossing progenies are analyzed in enzyme protein. The results showed: 1、Rate of podding of nature crossing and fecundity of artificial crossing of the male sterile plant BC1-2 that is the crossing progency of male sterile line of alfalfa and Medicago varia Martin.cv.'Caoyuan No.1'is higher than male sterile lines. Rate of podding of nature crossing and fecundity of artificial crossing of the male sterile plants BC1-19、BC1-21、BC1-22、BC1-23 that are the crossing progencies of male sterile line of alfalfa and Medicago sativa L.cv.

针对苜蓿雄性不育系杂交制种产量低的问题,采用杂交法对苜蓿雄性不育系进行改良,以原苜蓿雄性不育系为轮回亲本与雄性可育优良苜蓿品种杂交,分析苜蓿雄性不育系及其杂交后代种子产量的影响因素,从细胞形态学方面观察和分析杂交后代及原不育系在雌性生殖器官上的变异特点,从酶蛋白水平对杂交后代及原不育系的遗传差异进行分析,初步研究结果如下: 1、苜蓿雄性不育系与草原一号苜蓿的杂交后代不育株BC1-2,以及苜蓿雄性不育系与X′(苜蓿雄性不育系与新疆大叶苜蓿的杂种F1代)的杂交后代不育株BC1-19、BC1-21、BC1-22、BC1-23的天然杂交结荚率和人工杂交制种的结荚率和百粒重均高于原苜蓿雄性不育系。

Sorghum genome DNA had been transfered into rice variety via pollen tube pathway. In this paper, the molecular verification was performed by SSR technique. The result shown seventeen of sixty pairs of primers can reveal polymorphisms among donor, receptor and their stable offspring. Same bandings were amplified between donor and some offspring.


更多网络解释与后代相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


afterword | 编后记 | afterworld | 阴间,阴世,后代,后世 | afteryears | 以后的岁月,晚年

descent, offspring:后代,后辈

extraction 家世 | descent, offspring 后代,后辈 | descendants 后代,晚辈

descent, offspring:后代,子弟

extraction 家世 | descent, offspring 后代,子弟 | descendants 后代,晚辈

descent, offspring:后代,后辈AXP中国学习动力网

extraction 家世AXP中国学习动力网 | descent, offspring 后代,后辈AXP中国学习动力网 | descendants 后代,晚辈AXP中国学习动力网

filial regression:杂交后代退行,子代退行

filial generation 子代,杂交后代 | filial regression 杂交后代退行,子代退行 | filicanline 有丝状茎的

progeny virus:后代病毒

progeny testing station 后代测定站 | progeny virus 后代病毒 | progeria in adult 成人性早老症

progeny testing:后代测验

progeny test 后代测验 | progeny testing 后代测验 | progesterone 黄体激素

We may have to repopulate the Earth:搞不好我们还得负责繁衍人类后代

You don't know how long we'll be in here.|谁晓得会在这里待多久 | We may have to repopulate the Earth.|搞不好我们还得负责繁衍人类后代 | And condoms are the way to do that?|戴保险套还想繁衍后代?


parentNode:返回当前节点的父节点. | parsed:若当前节点和其后代节点均被解析,则返回True. | text:返回当前节点及其后代节点的所有文字内容.

self-pollinated progeny:自花传粉后代,自交传粉后代

self-pollinated plant ==> 自花传粉植物,自花授粉植物 | self-pollinated progeny ==> 自花传粉后代,自交传粉后代 | self-pollination ==> 自花传粉,自花授粉,自花受粉