英语人>词典>汉英 : 名字部分 的英文翻译,例句
名字部分 的英文翻译、例句


name part
更多网络例句与名字部分相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The name of the report,"Report on the Programming Language Haskell, A Non-strict, Purely Functional Language," was inspired in part by the "Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme," which in turn was modelled after the "Report on the Algorithmic Language Algol."


Michael Bushnell, the main developer of the kernel, preferred the name HURD, and redefined Alix to refer to a certain part of the kernel--the part that would trap system calls and handle them by sending messages to HURD servers.

Michael Bushnell,核心的主要开发者,首选名字HURD,并重定义Alix来指核心中的某些部分--捕获系统调用并以发送消息给HURD处理器来处理它们的部分。

Grand Central Station 'a very large railway station in the USA, situated on East 42nd Street in New York' and an appellative (meaning 'a noisy place'). Symbolical meanings of urbonyms are particularly interesting in a comparative perspective, since such names tend to be part of the collective memory of language users belonging to a given community.


On the whole, however, the departmental names are probably less frequently used in everyday speech than the provincial names dating from before the French Revolu-tion (Orleanais, Bretagne, Touraine, etc.) or than the noms de pays (Beauce, Woevre, Argonne, etc.) The provincial and regional names, though officially ob-solete and without governmental recognition, are living territorial designations of the different parts of France; and, despite more than 130 years of organization by departements, the latter are still generally regarded as artificial, To change our comparison from ecology to paleography, we might liken the territorial nomencla-ture of France to a palimpsest, in which the older names stand out distinctly beneath the superimposed layers of later administrative nomenclatures.


The name Hollywood, for some synonymous with glamor, is for others synonymous with selling out.


The provincial and regional names, though officially ob-solete and without governmental recognition, are living territorial designations of the different parts of France; and, despite more than 130 years of organization by departements, the latter are still generally regarded as artificial, To change our comparison from ecology to paleography, we might liken the territorial nomencla-ture of France to a palimpsest, in which the older names stand out distinctly beneath the superimposed layers of later administrative nomenclatures.


They eventually discover a partial name, which coincidently also matches Teddy's name.


The first part of this thesis introduces the theophoric names and their functions, explains the importance of theophoric names in daily life and after life of ancient Egyptian, and reveals the relationship between the gods and the humanity, besides the religious concept embodied by this type of names.


The electoral roll was conceded to be flawed, with some of the country's 176m voters missing from the list, and some duplicate names. Millions were disfranchised in parliamentary elections in April.


The scope of a name is the part of the program within which the name can be used.


更多网络解释与名字部分相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


"拼写方式不同,"哈利一本正经地回答,"附子(monkshood)和牛扁(wolfsbane)都是同一种植物乌头(Aconite). 由于地缘差异、历代积累、药材的采摘时间和用药部分不同等许许多多的原因,一种药往往有许多不同来源的名字,就像--"哈利忽然微笑起来,


这时,法国葡萄酒法规的一个重要概念诞生了--产地(appellation) 的名字属于整个社区的生产商. 1927年7月的法规第一次规定了酿造方式是一个产区信誉的一个部分,虽然这需要法官对产区和酿造方式进行判断. 这一次,

baby blue:淡蓝

目前的宠物是两条拳师狗,名字分别是Buckley和Brennan 最自豪自己身体的那部分:手 最讨厌自己那部分:头发,因为太卷了 最想改变自己的...:耐心,拖拉 最害怕的动物:蜘蛛,鲨鱼,蛇, 最喜欢的节日:圣诞节 最喜欢的颜色:淡蓝(Baby Blue) 最喜爱的食物:意

carbon paper:复写纸

CC(CarbonCopy)查属打字机时代产物,放两张纸入打字机,中间夹上复写纸(Carbon Paper),便可一次打出完全相同的正、副文稿. 域名,电邮地址"@"之后的部分,用一个人们能看懂易记的名字,透过全球DNS(Domain NameSystem)搜寻器,

O Fortuna:噢 命运女神

国际部分有一条新闻好像是为了纪念布兰之歌被发现200周年,德国要重新上演这部音乐长诗,报道中有音乐的旋律. 于是我终于知道了它的名字和来历......其实我听到的那部分是>(Carmina Burana)的开场大合唱>(O Fortuna).

reference initials:拟稿人和打印员的名字缩写

签名 the signature | 拟稿人和打印员的名字缩写 reference initials | 附加部分 附件 enclosure


该字体家族沿用设计师 Frutiger使用的"号"(number)系统来区别不同的字重和变体,而不是分别起不同名字. 尽管如此,现在Univers家族字体名字由号码和字母后缀两部分组成. Frutiger在保持统一风格的基础上制作了大量不同的宽度、不同字重的字体,


以及邮政编码(zip code)邮编 城市(city) 州(state)英文名字分两部分,名(first name)和姓(last name),顺序和我们中国人的习惯相反,名在前,姓在后,如jim green,jim是名,green是姓男孩名字 (MALE) 女孩名字 (FEMALE)邮编 城市(city) 州(state)男孩名字 (MAL


最有趣味的是,这些文件在档案上的分类,并没有列在"隆美尔"的项下,而是用"埃尔文"(Erwin)的名字,另外开了一个新的户头. "埃尔文"是我父亲的"教名",这些信件上的签字都是用的这个名字. 有些信件还是遗失掉了,是在盟军侵入欧陆时所写的那部分.

name part:名字部分

name parameter 名字参数 | name part 名字部分 | name plate 名 (号 )牌,铭牌