英语人>词典>汉英 : 名妓 的英文翻译,例句
名妓 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
hetaera  ·  hetaira  ·  lorette

更多网络例句与名妓相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

An ancient Greek courtesan or concubine, especially one of a special class of cultivated female companions.


The latter work is of particular importance, since one of its main characters, the courtesan Madhavi, is a highly accomplished dancer.


News of their death, when they die young, reaches all their lovers at the same instant, for in Paris the lovers of any celebrated courtesan see each other every day.


It was in three aspects that elegant ethereal temperaments and the images of famous prostitutes in the late Ming dynasty manifest: artistic beauty in attire style, concinnity in dwelling environment, and the ethereality in behavior manner.


Farm by farm, field by field, she ate up the man's patrimony very prettily and quite inattentively, just as she would have eaten a box of sweet-meats flung into her lap between mealtimes.


One is that I eat too much chocolate, and the other is that I overindulge when fabric shopping.


It has brooded filth and crime. However, at the same time, it has produced prostitutes with super beauty and artistic abilities in the contrary of those who play in royal court and the bandwagon, has been the elites diffusing the special culture canorously.


He would equal Munophis of Elephanta if he could but get me an Indian dancing -girl, and Thygelion of Chaeronea if he could bring me a Greek courtesan


Do you know some famous prostitutes in ancient China?


Therefore, the reason why Yoshino and Li Xiang Jun were praised by the men of culture was nothing else but the fact that they were famous courtesans and that they possessed both the "benevolence" and the "chivalry" which were the dream and ideal of the literati.


更多网络解释与名妓相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


(本报讯)柬埔寨(Cambodian)警方逮捕了一名澳洲男子,据悉,这名男子多年来一直在该国嫖童妓. 这名男子将于周六下午于当地的法庭聆讯. 52岁的迈克尔约翰莱恩斯(MichaelJohnLines)于周五被柬埔寨警方逮捕. 当地警方称,


"茶花女"(Camille)中,她是法国名妓玛格丽特戈蒂埃,为爱奉献,用生命镌刻在阿尔芒和世人心中;"安娜卡列宁娜"(Anna Karenina)中,她为爱舍弃一切、失去一切,用车轮结束了自己悲惨的一生;"野兰花"(Wild Orchids)中,爪哇王子为她倾倒;


heroino 海洛因 heroin | hetayro 名妓 courtesan | heti 加热 to heat


这些人每个月的报酬总计236盾(guilder). 右图:德意志雇佣兵携妻子和孩子上战场非常普遍,这大大增加了部队中的非战斗人员和混乱局面. 由专门人员管理这种"军妓"(核查的时候如此上报)很有必要. 这些协管员(Rumormeister)如其名"争吵的克星",


catamaran 好争吵的女人 | Honduran 洪都拉斯人 | courtesan 名妓,情妇


检方监听塔兰提尼的电话后,发现他付钱聘请伴游女郎到贝鲁斯柯尼位於罗马(Rome)与 萨丁尼亚(Sardinia)的住宅过夜,使贝鲁斯柯尼可能因嫖妓遭到起诉. 其中一名女子黛德拉(Patrizia d'Addara)向畅销的「米兰晚邮报」(Corriere della Sera)表示,

Tom Sawyer:汤姆历险记

1973年,朱迪-福斯特出演了迪斯尼电影>(Tom Sawyer),在里面扮演一个好斗的小女孩,而只是三年后,她就在电影>(Texi Driver)中扮演一名多嘴的雏妓.

Wild Orchids:(野兰花)

"茶花女"(Camille)中,她是法国名妓玛格丽特戈蒂埃,为爱奉献,用生命镌刻在阿尔芒和世人心中;"安娜卡列宁娜"(Anna Karenina)中,她为爱舍弃一切、失去一切,用车轮结束了自己悲惨的一生;"野兰花"(Wild Orchids)中,爪哇王子为她倾倒;

Tom Sawyer:汤姆历险记

1973年,朱迪-福斯特出演了迪斯尼电影<<汤姆历险记>>(Tom Sawyer),在里面扮演一个好斗的小女孩,而只是三年后,她就在电影<<计程车司机>>(Texi Driver)中扮演一名多嘴的雏妓.