英语人>词典>汉英 : 名声坏 的英文翻译,例句
名声坏 的英文翻译、例句


be badly reported of
更多网络例句与名声坏相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I'm to be punished for publishing his bad reput ation to the public of the republic.


Bearskin, however, had to promise not to let himself be seen, lest the inn should get a bad name.


It would be greatly for the public behoof, if we women, being of mature age and church-members in good repute, should have the handling of such malefactresses as this Hester Prynne.


It would be greatly for the public behoof, if we women, being of mature age church-members in good repute, should have the handling of such malefactresses as this Hester Prynne.

要是我们 sSBbWw 这些上了一把年纪、名声又好的教会会友,能够 SSBBww 处置海丝特。白兰那种坏女人,倒是给大伙办了件好事。

Since the Seventies (1970s) a dwelling place for artists and writers who settled there because living was cheap, the village had long enjoyed a dubious reputation for Bohemianism and eccentricity (unique, strange, being different).


He's from Charleston. He has the most terrible reputation.


Your actions will bring discredit to your name; because of the scandal the school has fallen into disrepute .


He is arrested for drunkenness and the resultant publicity ruined his career.


He was arrested for drunkenness and the resultant publicity ruined his career.


He is arrest for drunkenness and the resultant publicity ruined his career.


更多网络解释与名声坏相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a black eye:丢脸、坏名声,它还象征沮丧、愤怒, 如

(2)black sheep败家子, | (3)a black eye丢脸、坏名声,它还象征沮丧、愤怒, 如 | (1)black dog沮 丧情绪,


disrepair 失修 | disreputable 声名狼藉的 | disrepute 坏名声


disreputable 声名狼藉的 | disrepute 坏名声 | disrespect 失礼


devour 狼吞虎咽地吃;挥霍 | disrepute 坏名声,声名狼籍 | dot 点缀


因此他几乎不需要因为自己在有关"探险家"(Explorer)汽车的争议事件中扮演主角而带来的抛头露面的机会,更不用说由此而来的坏名声了. 尽管如此,53岁的纳赛尔还是处在了舞台中央,他在国会作证,设法召回了650万个轮胎,


发作性睡病 Narcoleptic | 工资的奴隶 Slave To The Wage | 坏名声 Black-Eyed

Slave To The Wage:工资的奴隶

发作性睡病 Narcoleptic | 工资的奴隶 Slave To The Wage | 坏名声 Black-Eyed

One scabbed sheep infects the whole flock:一只病羊害及全群

Give a dog a bad name and hang him.名声坏了翻身难 | One scabbed sheep infects the whole flock. 一只病羊害及全群 | It is a small flock that has not a black sheep.害群之马处处有

be ill off:贫困, 不幸

be ill disposed towards | 对有恶感 | be ill off | 贫困, 不幸 | be ill repute | 有坏名声

Verizon backed out disgracing my name Verizon:的退出坏了我的名声

Why doesn't anybody wanna take blame 为什么人们都喜欢推卸责任? | Verizon backed out disgracing my name Verizon的退出坏了我的名声 | I'm just a singer trying to entertain 我只是一个想娱乐大家的歌手