英语人>词典>汉英 : 同温层 的英文翻译,例句
同温层 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

isothermal layer
更多网络例句与同温层相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Green represents areas where Cassini is able to see down to the surface.


The main chemicals that are depleting stratospheric ozone are chlorofluorocarbons, which are used in refrigerators, aerosols and as cleaners in many industries and halons, which are used in fire extinguishers.


Chlorofluorocarbons and hydrochloroflorocarbons are oxidated in the stratosphere and troposphere respectively.


The tree called Hyperion stands at 378.1 feet, eight feet taller than the previous record holder, another coast redwood dubbed Stratosphere Giant in a state park about 90 miles south.


Whereas on Corot 1b, metal oxides appear to absorb heat high in the stratosphere

而在Corot 1b上,金属氧化物好象吸收掉了高空同温层的热量

With Stratoscope II, the overall height from the telescope to the top of the launch balloon is 666


"With Stratoscope II, the overall height from the telescope to the top of the launch balloon is 666 feet, the balloon s together weigh over two tons, and another two tons of ballast are carried for later release if height has be maintained during the night."


"With Stratoscope II, the overall height from the telescope to the top of the launch balloon is 666 feet, the balloons together weigh over two tons, and another two tons of ballast are carried for later release if height has be maintained during the night."


Newest arrival of shipment legal copy Hong Kong NewRay brand alloy vehicle mold: B-29"the stratosphere" time the bomber aircraft US World War II\'S classical bomber aircraft model, Boeing the B-29 superfortress is in the entire World War II the most outstanding large bomber, created many bomber aircrafts: The bomb-carrying capacity 9 ton, the range 6,,000 kilometers, can at the myriameter high-altitude cruise, the extremely fast 600 kilometers/hours. The B-29 development was to at that time the aviation science and technology great challenge, it was the first frame completely depends upon the remote control self-protection weapon and the application central fire control system and the crew compartment production configuration bomber aircraft. B-29 is specially uses in World War II to cope with Japanese the weapon, completed the United States Army navigation air force "to let the flames of war well burnt in the enemy territory" the strategic air bombing intention, has destroyed Japan\'s war foundation, has accelerated the Pacific War conclusion.

最新到货的正版香港NewRay品牌合金车模: B-29"同温层"轰炸机美国二战时的经典轰炸机模型,波音 B-29 超级空中堡垒是整个二战中最杰出的重型轰炸机,创下了多个轰炸机之最:载弹量 9 吨、航程 6,000 公里,能在万米高空巡航,极速 600 公里/小时。B-29 的研制是对当时航空科技的重大挑战,它是首架全部依靠遥控自卫系统并应用中央火控系统和全增压乘员舱的生产型轰炸机。B-29 在二战中是专门用于对付日本的战机,很好地完成了美国陆军航空军"让战火在敌国的领土上燃烧"的战略轰炸意图,摧毁了日本的战争基础,加速了太平洋战争的结束。

Injection of solar particles must still be investigated.


更多网络解释与同温层相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


stratography 目层分离法 | stratoscope 同温层观察镜 | stratosphere 同温层,平流层


这是位于美国赌城拉斯维加斯,名为同温层(Stratosphere)的高塔饭店顶端的游乐场. 根据网站上的资料,塔的高度为1149英尺,换算为公尺约为350;饭店介绍这个游乐场是建筑在100层楼的高度. 但话说回来,被机器手臂甩来甩去、游走在350公尺的高楼边缘甚至以接近直角的角度,


stratoscope 同温层观察镜 | stratosphere 同温层,平流层 | stratospheric aerosol 同温层浮悬体


stratosphere 同温层 | stratospheric 同温层的 | stratovision 同温层电视广播

stratospheric:同温层的, 平流层的 (形)

stratosphere 同温层, 最高阶段, 最上层 (名) | stratospheric 同温层的, 平流层的 (形) | stratum 层; 组织层; 地层; 社会阶层 (名)

stratospheric winds:同温层风

steep-walled adj. 峭壁的 | stratospheric winds 同温层风 | stratovolcanoes n. 层云火山


strato- 层 | stratochamber 同温层研究室 | stratocruiser 同温层飞机


stratopause 同温层上限 | stratoplane 同温层飞机 | stratosphere 同温层


stratospheric 同温层的 | stratovision 同温层电视广播 | stratum 地层


straton 层子 | stratopause 同温层上限 | stratoplane 同温层飞机