英语人>词典>汉英 : 同时存在 的英文翻译,例句
同时存在 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
coexist  ·  contemporaneously  ·  simultaneously  ·  coexisting  ·  coexisted  ·  coexists  ·  coincidences

更多网络例句与同时存在相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Yet it does not appear to be true in all cases that correlatives come into existence simultaneously.


It was seen that strain 6055 generated three kinds of dextransucrases whose molecular weights were 151 kDa,142kDa and 117kDa,respectively.Among them,the former two ones were found both in supematants and cell wall,while the later was only found in the fermentation liquor.Strain DM 1-2 synthesized two kinds of dextransucrases,and their molecular weights were 183kDa and 142kDa,respectively.The former existed both in cell wall and out of cell,but the later only was located on cell surface.Strain PC 13 produced three kinds of dextransucrases,and their molecular weights were 148kDa, 138kDa and 115kDa,respectively.The former two ones were ectoenzyme while the later was linked to cell.Resembled to strain 6055,strain L4 produced two types of dextransucrases coexisting in supernatants and cell wall with molecular weights of 145 kDa and 136kDa,respectively,but the dextransucrase of 115kDa was only found in free-cells supernatants.

结果显示,菌株6055可产生分子量分别为151kDa、142kDa和117kDa的三种葡聚糖蔗糖酶,其中前两者同时存在于上清液中和细胞表面,而后者只存在于上清液当中;菌株DM1-2可以产生两种葡聚糖蔗糖酶,分子量分别为183kDa和142kDa,前者同时存在于上清液中和细胞表面,而后者仅能存在于细胞表面;菌株PC13可以产生分子量分别为148 kDa、138 kDa和115kDa的三种葡聚糖蔗糖酶,前两者属于胞外酶,而后者与细胞相连;与菌株6055相似,菌株L4可以产生两种同时存在于上清液和细胞表面的葡聚糖蔗糖酶,分子量分别为145 kDa和136kDa,而分子量为115kDa的葡聚糖蔗糖酶只存在于上清液中。

Using two trigger sections produces a NAND gate, the output of which depends on the presence or absence of two input proteins.


Beauty exists actually, without beauty, without aesthetics, beauty can be created by nature and people, beauty exists can be created; beauty is not randomly created, it is uncommon masterwork. Beauty of the mind is also the appearance of morality being magnificent. Beauty is superexcellent, the existence of beauty is exceeding over generality, meanwhile existential beauty is not the end of beauty, for beauty has limitless transcendence; beauty is orbicular without defect, weakness or deficit, its superexcellence and transcendence are integrated with satisfactory integrality; beauty increases color and joy into the world, there is nothing that is better than beauty and nothing that is more pure than beauty. Beauty is the corporate target, an unrational target. Beauty has absolute ideality.


In many cities, one city has multi-heat-system, so much as multi-heat sources with thermoelectricity combine.


A new initial solution of the two person cooperative game model is presented in the decentralized bilateral transaction with a centralized pool market.The new bargaining is educed and it demonstrates that the bargaining is interfered by the pool price and overbalance of benefit distribution is accepted by the two sides on this condition.


The paper consists of following contents:(1)starting with a historicalreview of the use-of-force,this paper reveals a paradoxical evolvementof the two trends in use-of-force,compares the absolutization andinfinity with controllability and finity of the use-of-force,and clarifiesnew characteristics of the use-of-force in post-Cold War era;(2)bysystematically analyzing the era background from the viewpoints ofeconomic globalization,political multipole,military high tech,national separatism and the hegemonism,the paper clarifies factorslimiting and stimulating the use-of-force;(3)by analyzing the lawbackground mainly from the viewpoint of international laws,the paperespecially centralizes the discussion on restrictions made by moderninternational laws on the use-of-force and their limits,dissects thechallenges brought up by the high tech war to international laws;(4)the use-of-force by UN and other regional international organization;(5)refuting the theory of"humanitarian intervention"advocated bythe USA and certain western countries,the paper expatiates the rightrelations between human rights and sovereignty,and demonstrates therightness of the sovereignties and UN;(6)the basic guidelines of theuse-of-force in the post-Cold War era.


ResultsAll 230 patients had an oropharynx obstruction, of them 120 had a retrolingual obstruction, 105 had a nasal obstruction and 53 had a nasal obstruction and retrolingual obstruction.

结果① 230例OSAHS患者均存在不同程度的腭咽平面阻塞,其中120例存在舌根平面的阻塞,105例存在各种鼻阻塞性疾病,53例同时存在舌根平面阻塞与鼻阻塞病变。

Age, percentage of time in nonrapid eye movement sleep 1 phase and apnea index were higher in the group with retrolingual obstruction but the percentage of time in the NREM stage sleep 2 phrase and the hypopnea index were lower in the group with retrolingual obstruction than in the nonretroligual obstruction group.

结果① 230例OSAHS患者均存在不同程度的腭咽平面阻塞,其中120例存在舌根平面的阻塞,105例存在各种鼻阻塞性疾病,53例同时存在舌根平面阻塞与鼻阻塞病变。

Leakage in the initial observation to determine the basis of the leakage site, and then manually set car observation, if the leakage were no significant changes in static and dynamic sealing ring problem; such as the disk when there are significant changes in leakage can be concluded that the dynamic , static friction ring problems; such as leakage of medium along the jet axis, w你好le moving most of Central ring problems, leakage to the surrounding medium or from the water spray cooling holes in the leakage, the seal ring for static failure.


更多网络解释与同时存在相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


coexist同时存在 | coexistence两立 | coexistenceborder双相分界线


第 一,对全球化的通俗想像里,通常把全球化视为迈向一体化,人及物自由流动的整合平台,莎辛首先质疑这种想像的地理特质,她指出,全球生产及贸易网络的确有 分散(dispersal)的趋势,但是,我们不能不注意,同时有集中(concentration)的趋势同时存在,


雌雄同体现象(hermaphroditism )是雌雄异体现象的反义词.即在一个动物体中雌.雄性状都明显的现象.雌雄同体有两种情况.一种是同时具备精巢和卵巢.另一种是具有两性腺体.通常仅指正常的现象而言.与间性和雌雄镶嵌现象等假雌雄同体现象是有区别的.在雌雄同体现象中.雄的机能或性状(雄性)和雌的机能或性状(雌性)如果同时存在.称


因此路德会说基督存在于饼和酒之中、之下(in, with and under),当我们领受饼和酒时,字面上(Literally)我们领受了基督的身体和血. 路德说这不是变质而是同时存在,因此神学家们就将路德这种圣餐观称为"同质"(consubstantiation).

Meanwhile, however:同时

These evil creatures preyed on all life, driving species after species to extinction.|这些邪恶的力量存在... | Meanwhile, however,|同时 | the second species evolved to fend off the Dark Ones,|但是却有一...


神经官能症(neurosis)是一组非精神类疾病的躯体功能性障碍. 其中临床中常见的神经衰弱、强迫症、焦虚症、恐怖症、躯体形式障碍等疾病均属于神经官能症范畴,患者多表现出精神和躯体症状同时存在,由于此类疾病同时存在躯体及精神上的症状,


根据Woods Hole海洋协会所出版>(Oceanus)杂志的报导,科学家在人类意想不到的艰困地区,发现许多微生物的存在. 这打破了人类自以为是的科学框架,了解到世界之大,无奇不有,宇宙中可能还有更多的生命与我们同时存在.

granulomatous inflammation:肉芽肿性炎

亦可合并存在.四,增生性炎 (一)一般性增生性炎:基本病理变化 增生:成纤维细胞,小血管,实质细胞 以单核淋巴细胞为主的慢性炎细胞浸润,组织坏死和组织修复同时存在 (二)肉芽肿性炎(granulomatous inflammation) :以肉芽肿形成为其特点,

Pauli exclusion principle:泡利不相容原理

不可能用电子制造出和激光完全一样的装置,因为泡利不相容原理(Pauli Exclusion Principle)决定了不可能同时存在相同状态的电子. 而对于其它的一些粒子,比如光子和引力子或是某些原子核,如果存在一种体系能发射这些粒子的话就有可能产生和激光器相同的激射器.


譬如,近年来人类学家发现,地球上至少曾经有三种人科(hominids)--从猿发展出来的生物--同时存在过. 以前大家认为这三种种属的存在是前后相续,但是现在我们知道,其中一种"后裔"曾经和他所谓的"祖先"活在同一时期. 祖系分出许多世系,