英语人>词典>汉英 : 同性恋者 的英文翻译,例句
同性恋者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
gay  ·  queer  ·  queerer  ·  urning  ·  queered  ·  queering  ·  queers  ·  gays  ·  homophile  ·  homosexuals

third sex
更多网络例句与同性恋者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The eliminating of this contradiction, the acceptance and acknowledgement of the society are just the final soul destination of the homosexualists including Pai himself.


And don't call her a dyke. She's a lesbian. Okay?


But if you don't say you're gay, the following things will not lead to your removal: marching in a gay-rights parade in civilian clothes; hanging out in gay bars or with known homosexuals; being on homosexual mailing lists; and living with a person of the same sex who is the beneficiary of your life insurance policy.


In Brazil, whose government launched a campaign against homophobia in 2004, 2,509 gay men have been murdered over the past decade.

在巴西,虽然2004年巴西政府发起了一项反对仇视同性恋者的活动,但在过去的十年里共有2 509名男同性恋者被杀害。

Although some parts of town are pinker than others, Palm Springs contains no gay ghetto.


Dorner has, not surprisingly, attracted anger from homosexuals, who see his theory as equating homosexuality with disease, or as a 1930s-style sexual totalitarianism involving 'the endocrinological euthanasia of homosexuality'.


Dorner has, not surprisingly, attracted anger from homosexuals, who see his theory as equating homosexuality with disease, or as a 1930s-style sexual totalitarianism involving 'the endocrinological euthanasia of homosexuality'.


Vegetarians hide their pursuit of meat taste behind the non-meat-and-egg food; gays hide their desire of female beauty behind the feminized men; lesbians hide their fantasy of male strength behind the women who are like men.


1 As equal members of society, lesbians and gay men should be described in terms that do not trivialise or demean them, do not encourage discrimination or distorted images of their lives, do not sensationalise their activities, or imply illegality.

3.3.1 女同性恋者和男同性恋者与社会上其他成员一样享有平等,在描述这些人时,应该使用不轻视或贬低同性恋者的词汇;用语不应巩固歧视或强化被歪曲的同性恋者生活形象;不应刻意渲染同性恋者的活动,或者暗示其非法性。

There are many women around the world, homosexuals, a variety of reasons, women tend to start with homosexual love and then to the body like the heart, many lesbians and a lot of couples like the maintenance of relations between the sexes, I grew up learning life too much contact with girls in schools clearly against girls and boys early love Suozhi Therefore, many exchanges between the boys and girls did not dare, my favorite exchanges is also a girl, to sing from the look I started listening to Alec Su Alec Su, theatrical performances, a full love of 20 years, I am sure that Alec Su do not know, there were so many side at the end of study of his homosexuality in order to get rid of trouble, I have talked to a lot of male friends, a lot of people can not left me a deep impression, Alec Su has become a standard man image,I can only tell a female friend through the text this is indeed very effective,I am a woman walking in the street sometimes Miao Miao guy is good looking girls to see their dress,Although I never like to see, but do not imitate Princess Huan Zhu Zhao Wei and Ruby Lin, Zhou Li suggested a homosexual or lesbian woman can see more of Alec Su, more contact with the opposite sex, less contact with same-sex friend, who looked handsome gas Alec Su Tzu - noble worth a visit to see handsome men can make a woman rejuvenated to enhance self-admired ability to learn a man a woman can not only prevent gay men do not cry easily find more excellent quality of a woman does not exist, ZHOU proposed autism love a friend more to look at my stories could be less lonely, drink a cup of tea taste sweet unique love story, atmosphere, compensate for the reader's love vacant position.


更多网络解释与同性恋者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Gay Americans alike will be able|to proudly step out of the closet:美国的同性恋者将自豪地站出来

This President, if re-elected,|will implement the... | Gay Americans alike will be able|to proudly step out of the closet...|美国的同性恋者将自豪地站出来 | and on to the alter, to exchange the|sacred v...


berceuse 摇篮曲 | berdache 男同性恋者 | bere 大麦


berceuse | 摇篮曲, 催眠曲 | berdache | 北美印第安人男性的异装癖者或同性恋者 | bere | 大麦的一种


urger倡导者 | bugger同性恋者 | queer同性恋者

body decolonization:(身体的非殖民化,即[女人]同性恋者)

alternative dentation (另类齿机构,即假牙) | body decolonization (身体的非殖民化,即[女人]同性恋者) | cosmetically different (在美容方面不同的,即丑陋的)

He is such a flamer:他就是个说话着装很张扬的同性恋者

flamer 说话着装很张扬的同性恋者 | He is such a flamer! 他就是个说话着装很张扬的同性恋者. | got faced 羞愧

gayness:同性恋; 同性恋者 (名)

gay 欢迎的; 放荡的; 同性恋的 (形) | gayness 同性恋; 同性恋者 (名) | gaze 注视, 凝视 (动)


"同性恋者"(homosexual)这个词如今并不仅仅指一个人的性倾向. 这个词最早由英国维多利亚时期的科学家所使用. 他们认为同性之间的相互吸引和同性性行为是由心理异常或道德感缺失造成的. 男女同性恋者为了把自己区别于异类人群或有病的人,


这个俚语主要应用于恐惧同性恋的话语中,但在"男同性恋者"(gay或)"女同性恋者"(lesbian)这两个词出现之前,一些同性恋者就已经在使用这个词. 而在这两个词出现之后,他们仍然用酷儿来代替gay或者lesbian.


而04年以来,据伊拉克LGBT(女同性恋者(Lesbians)、男同性恋者(Gays)、双性恋者(Bisexuals)与跨性别者(Transgender)的一个集合用语)协会-一个总部在伦敦的人权组织-的主席Ali Hali所言,总共有680名同性恋者在伊拉克被杀,