英语人>词典>汉英 : 同地位 的英文翻译,例句
同地位 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与同地位相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This paper deals with this problem in terms of syntag- matic and paradigmatic relations of words to be used, co-occurence and se- lectional restrictions of words or phrases in a disconrse, association and collocation of synonymous and antonymous structures, and finally, associa- tion and collocation centering on the prominence of a given theme.


John's father threatened to disinherit him if he married beneath himself.


It was to remind Peter of the terrible self-confidence in which he had said:"Though I should die with Thee, I will not deny Thee"; of the need of quiet, deep heart-searching ere he could be sure that his love was real and true; of the need of deep penitence in the consciousness of how little he could trust himself; and then of love being the one thing needful for the full restoration to his place in the heart of Jesus, the first and highest condition for feeding His sheep and caring for His lambs.


A Latin term (meaning "forgotten name") applied after 1 January 2000 to a name, unused since 1899, which as a result of an action taken under Article 23.9.2 does not take precedence over a younger synonym or homonym in prevailing usage; the younger name which takes precedence over the nomen oblitum may be called a nomen protectum.


According to the literature review, the measurement of self-conscious used the theory of "Looking-glass Self" by Cooley. Besides, children tend to care about peer operation. The researcher used the way of social mutual reactions, and he used sociometry to evaluate students' sociometric status, especially those students who are popular and those who are easily rejected. The purpose is to let the samples to notice their behaviors in class and in the long run, to reflect the real inside as what a mirror can do.


At each level along the way they give rise to causes which are clear and pure and undefiled.


This article"saim is to analyze the problem of the rising statue ofConfucianism from theWest-I-Ian Dynasty,the change of the statutes ofthe period,the change of theexecutor,new judicial principles mad their interactions of relations.Thenexplaininghowthe statutes systemofQin-Hm"s andthe Confmianisnbandedtogether along with the establishment of the imperium of the Confucianism .sincethe West-Han Dynasty.


But the peasant household market is small and weak, the majority growers are at the non-organization condition, the potential inter-bank issue and acceptance of drafts are thin, the bargaining position is low, The fruit farmer does not have the strength to contend with the external forces, in addition the individual organization defects, making scattered farmers and social market's contradictions become more and more prominent, farmers are difficult in increasing their incomes, unable to protect their own legitimate rights and interests.


The similarity between 71.8% of 41 detected sequences and published clone sequences were less than 97%, which represented a new community and 15.3% of the clone sequences which identitied with GenBank clone sequences were under 85%, which may represent some new families or suborders.


In Ugaritic texts, Yam's special enemy Hadad is also known as the "king of heaven" and the "first born son" of El, whom ancient Greeks identified with their god Kronos, just as Baal was identified with Zeus, Yam with Poseidon and Mot with Hades.


更多网络解释与同地位相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


compatriot /同国人/同国的/同胞的/ | compeer /地位相等的人/同辈/伙伴/ | compellation /称呼他人姓名/姓名/

compeer:地位相等的人或物, 同辈, 伙伴

compatriot | 同国人, 同胞 | compeer | 地位相等的人或物, 同辈, 伙伴 | compel attention | 不容人不注意, 使非注意不可

singular homology class:奇异(下)同调类, 连续(下)同调类

singular class 奇异类 | singular homology class 奇异(下)同调类, 连续(下)同调类 | site class 地位级


分类地位: 同翅目(Homoptera)粉蚧科(Pseudococcidae)2、在疫区或疫情发生区可采用腊蚧轮枝菌(Verticillium lecanii)进行林间喷雾、或引进原产地的天敌如寄生蜂等进行防治.


4.在 Brubaker的观点中,在法国及德国,独立国家地位(nationhood)和公民权发展这两个概念间有什么关系?10.我们该如何构思公民权与国家认同间的关系?公民权要求一个同质(homogenous)的国家吗?


peer-group 同侪团体 | peerage 贵族地位 | peercompeer 同辈


peer-group /同侪团体/ | peerage /贵族/贵族阶级/贵族地位/ | peeress /贵族夫人/有爵位的妇女/


在英语中,词义之间的关系多种多样,其中有四种关系占主导地位:同义关系(synonymy)、反义关系(antonymy)、下义关系(hyponymy)和分类关系(taxonomy). 以同义关系为例,英语中的同义词非常丰富,这使得英语的表达更加精确,


coequalcoordinative 同等的 | coequality 同地位 | coequalizer 余等化射


coequal /同等的/同权的/同等/同权/ | coequality /同等/同权/同地位/ | coequalizer /余等化射/